L Daughters of imeriea, Paintsville Council5#72 (Continued)
V Q Normal Civic Activities; Maintains home for orphan children and provides for
y the aged and infirm. · · V
ji Defense lctivities; Engaged in Child Care, Collecting Books. Interested in
.:` "‘T""*' *"""iI""*""""" . ";"T'*;—·— . . .  
g Library Service, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking, Interviewing, Teaching
p; Classes in Mechanical Skills needed in Defense Industries. I
T Local Publications: None.
V · 3
Q. Society, Daughters of imcrican Revolution), c/o Miss Nay itafferd, Paints-
,f ville. Founded 1925._Regent, Mrs. Herbert Wheeler, Stafford Street, Paints-
· ville. Telephone 545. Secretary, Kiss Kay Stafford. Terms expire hay, 1945.
‘ Lemborsrip: 24. Open to female lineal descendents of those who assisted the
’ American cause in the Qmerican Revolution.
. Cmemittoes: Qmericanization, Mrs. J. G. Henman; National Defense through
I Patriotic Education, Kay Stafford; Approved Schools, hrs. Harry LaViers;
Ellis Island, Hrs. G. H. Rico; Correct Use of Flag, Stella itkinson; Motion
·· _ Picture, hrs. Z. Wells, all of Paintsville. o
Purposca To perpetuate the memory of the soldiers of the Revo1utienary‘War’
I, and tc foster patriotic citizenship.
f Lormal Civic Activities: Sponsoring contogts for better citizenship in pub-
or lie szhonls, locating graves of Revolutionary soldiers and marking same.
· ;· Defense Qctivities; Engaged in Entertainment, Recreation, Library Service,
 ·· *•·*-*···—·:·"**"· --— . " :ii-— . . . · ·
Sy ·; Collecting Books, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking, Research nssistanee.
Q Interested in Hospital and Clinical nssistance, Sewing and Preparation of “
ii" ` "*""*""?'_' . . . . . » . _ . _ ,-.,\
j Surgical Dressings, Red Cross nssistance, First nid, Preparation and Scrv=
jj ing of Fned, Child Caro.
2 Local Publications; Year Book. · ·
éf FREE QLD nCCEPTED LLSOES, P;IHTSVILLE LODGE $581 (Gr nd-Lodge ef Kentucky,
‘* { F. &. 4. M.), e/e Elmer Lyon, Kasonic Building, P intsville. Founded l85b.‘
, yi Lister, Ray Spears, Paintsville. Secretary, Elmer Lyon. Telephones 29 and
Q. 275-TL Terms expire 1943. ` { ,
V ;? [ombership; 197. Qualifications, white male adults, goyd citizenship and·
, subgoet to the approval of the members.
C©mmittoos; gdvissry, Guy J, Bond, G. F. Pneston, D. H. Dorten, J. U. Turner,
E all oi Paintsville. , .
Purpose: Fraternal and charitable. ° _
`;*·——- · .