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The Kentucky Kernel



t the Port Office t
under the Act of March I, ISIS.







Boerd of Commfrce
Ntlonl Collcre Prrw AMOcletlon
Kentucky Intrrcollemt frrm Auocletlon
PubA member of the Major Colleee
lication., represented by A. J. Norrli Hill
Co., 155 E. 42nd St.. New York City: 5
E. Wsrker Drive. Chlcsso; Call Building,
San Pranclnco: 41 Weitwood Blvd., Lot
Anirlra; 1004 Second At., Brattle.

Office Houra: Newa, Telephone Unlr.
p m.
Builneaa. Telea.m. to
phone Univ. 74, ( a m. to 4 p.m. Sat
uroay afternoon. Sunday and after hours,
coll 2724 or 7542.

Osonot M. SrtKCta
Roaa J. Cnrrn.rrr
Dvi H. Sums .


M. Moons



Managing Editor
Newt Editor
Business Manager

It might be well for the greekettes
to remember when they gathered
yearly to hurl charges at each other over "dirty rushing" that it Is
largely a petty matter to everyone
but themselves. If they cannot get
together and form a sensible and
mature system, soon or late someone will have to do it for them.
The rushing season which ended
for sororities Saturday seems to
have been the most disagreeable
one yet to be experienced. In all
likelihood, intimations which wen-cas- t
by the various lodges, have not
yet been ironed out. Now is the
time for them to see to it that a
season such as the past one doe
not happen again.
While the rushing hangover persists, the lady greeks should use 11
as a timely alibi to change or at
least, enhance the present system.
That the events which were a part
of that system cannot continue year
after year to the best interest of
those sororities is a fact which
seemingly is before everyone but the
women concerned.





gave all the
The past week-en- d
men an opportunity to inspect the
booty that the sororities car
ried off after a two week crusade
of convincing freshwomen that the

way to make your life beautiful was
to Join Sue Durnit Sue. The plundering patrols of Greeks and Independents who trudged up and down
the streets Friday night and Sun
day afternoon showed clearly that
you boys are not totally engaged in
getting an education.
The sorority house on these occasions was a specimen of happy
disorder. Packs of men wandered
in and endured a gauntlet of smiles
and greetings from the sorority's
choice captives. There was dance
music and giggles and people who
a minute ago were utter strangers,
like a college boy and the dictionary, but now are gayly swapping
All the girl barns had a profitable
rush season. The actives, with that
"look what I've got" expression on
their faces, tugged little willing
frosh around and displayed them to
troops of eager fellows only too
glad to dance and be nice.
The Trldelts lassoed thirty-fopledges and looking at their tyros,
you no longer wondered why the
boys were standing in the street
outside the house. Inside was a
capacity crowd. This condition will
probably prevail all year. On the
courting menu the Tridelts offer
such tasty dishes as Susan Anderson, Ruth Stewart, Nell Pennington, Frances Flowers (beauty queen
at a Virginia school last year), Lillian Rhea (daughter of Governor
Chandler's opponent in the last
gubernatorial primary), Ann Pence,
Vi Crutcher, Sara Biggs, and Chicago's Mary Scott. The tornado of
pulchritude there delta hard blow
to a man's comfort and peace of

Every year sororities on the
pus come to blows with each other
and with their governing bodies
over violations of existing rusning
rules. Every year at least one lodge
is accused of using "dirty rushing"
tactics, and every year nothing has
been done about it other than the
application of a superficial reprimand or two.
The campus is getting bored with
the hulabaloo caused each September by the various "sisters" in the
hurling of accusations, grievances,
and outspoken denunciations
each other.
A more painful and complicated
rushing system than that used by
the sororities could hardly be devised. It begins with the opening of
the Bemester and ends two weeks
later, paralelling the most difficult
period of the freshman's entire col
lege life.
Why sororities cling to this sys
tem year after year when it has
become an accepted fact that it is
The Kappa castle was bulging
worthless, is not known, but if it with Phidelts and a thousand other
is not abolished or altered, the guys all kappatalizing on the music
Attracting most
ladies' lodges are in danger of fac and the maids.
of the attention were Mary Elizaing serious repercussions which may beth Howk,
Ruth Peak, Blond
affect their very existence on the Knockout Leigh Brown, Jean
(gloat, Kappas, gloat), Elizacampus.
beth Zimmer Bee Ficklin, and Eliza
The rushing system used by fraternities is much more sensible and Brent. the Alphagam wigwam
sane. Pledging is done on the third froshettes were definitely on exhiday after actual class room work bition. They were strung out in a
has begun. In that way the hazard line and handed out some good
of school work interference is avoid- ones. Roberta Payne, the petite
Invasion from Michigan, stood in
ed, as is the gruelling grind of soc the middle of
a masculine huddle
ials, teas, luncheons, and all that all afternoon. Other
they imply. The average freshman Violst Aswerus, Jean Barker, Marwoman is hardly a mature creature, tha Mitchell, Sue Taylor, Sara Wileither physically or mentally, and it son, Mary Helen Barrett, Eloise
Westendorf, and Frances Stllmar.
is quite possible that a long time
Chi Omega put on no show Sun
might elapse before she is able to day afternoon. However, there will
plant both feet on the solid earth be a doubleheader next week. The
after two weeks of the hectic rush Chios are cocky about Martha Kel-lewho can expect an active year,
ing she Is forced to endure.
and that
from Chicago,
For a number of reasons we do Dorothy Young. They also have two
acts there, the Hoyles from
not advocate the adoption of de sister
ferred rushing for this campus Tennessee and Sunny Day's' two
either for fraternities or sororities allies.
The Kaydees caught twenty-thre- e
Speaking from the standpoint of
plebes and the ones whom
the fraternities, the present system the boys bubbled about most were
is adequate, efficient, and practi- Dolores Collins, jimmy Sanders,
Billy Vance, Jean Ann Overstreet,
cally painless.
Sara Randoll, Carol Keaton, and
As much cannot be said for the Louise Watts. A bulletin to all you
sorority plan. And yet, in the face court
Kaydee adherents
of all this, the number of men who says that these frosh are available.
get there early.
Join the wrong house seem to be as And
I could not get all the names of
low, if not lower, than the number
the new sylphs but you'll find them
of women.
on the society page.


Norris Jolly who at the) time
of Man in
wa.s the pcrsonlfacatlon
Love. The following season brought
a rookie Sigma Chi named Jim
Stevenson and Miss Betty wore his
pin for a few semesters. Now Kentucky's Glenn Cunningham, 8AE
Dave Rofran, has placed his symbol
Rogan's enof security on her.
durance may make this last.

Former devotees of Dot MeCam-ml- sh
are starting to spread In all
directions. Carl Vannoy has found
Marie Eba, a sophomore who seems
to have escaped the eyes of the
varchlng yeomen. Politician Reynolds Wat kins has positively given
up. He says he's gonna stay home
and grumble. When Walkins gives
up. the situation must be well out
Bufc Fred Brlngardner
of hand.
plans to hold out and pull a Custer's Last Stand. Trombone players arc tough competition.

The ATO's are sure to win the
Goof Trophy this year. With buffoons like Shaw and Buckley thev
can't miss. Their latest antic is
clinging to the ledse on VI
top porch and going through
an amateur's idea of Romeo and
Exhibit B show. John
in a presumptuous attitude leaving the Horn Tooters
cancan Saturday night and walking
over to a car In which are seated
Frances Sledd and an SAE pledge.
John poked his head into the car
and announced that Sledd would
not feel right unless he kissed her
good-nigShe evaded John but
he was in no trifling mood. He
meant business. He .ried again and
this time Muss Sledd's answer was
a well aimed right cross that landed right on Johnnie's Jaw. The
grace and power in Sledd's swing
suggested that Goldschmidlng's Jaw
is not the first Jaw to stop one of
her defensive tactics.

For twenty years Dr. Olanvllle
Terrell expounded his teachings on
this campus. Probably no man connected with the University had o
wide an influence on the thought
and character of students In the
days when this campus was devel
oping slowly but surely Into a dignified and cultural place of learn
He was affectionately
"Soc" by students and fellow teach
ers not only because he taught
philosophy, but because his was a
deeply philosophic nature. He had
a certain hardihood and individual
ity which drew students to him
and which helped to develop a personality not easily forgotten.

Alphagam Betty Price has added
another name to her roll of honor
containing the names of men who
have fallen in the fight for her
heart. Three years ago it was Phi-d-



eye-rins- es




KA Bob Sweeney and Chio Betty
Bewlay have been attached lovers
for over a year. But the Reager-le- ss
their happy home one night last
week when he relieved 8weeney o
his date. Bob was furious. Lets see
if brotherly love can settle this Intrigue. Incldently the KA Sweeney
has a namesake on this campus.
The namesake has not heard from
the one back home lately. The reason why the letterless Sweeney is
withom mail is because the KA has
been receiving inked devotion from
a girl he has heretolore been unconscious of.
Sigma Nu Boo Houlihan lost his
playmate this summer when Carolyn Johns Little Church Around
the Cornered herself to Ed Tiereny.
When Boo heard about this he
sunk into suffering, mumbling, "It's
tyranny." But now the
Irishman has found another
friend. She is Evelyn Spears, Tri-d- elt
pledge from Louisville. Providing you two can Jail Charlie
Maddox at a safe distance, you
might keep this affair from looking
like the Marx Brothers on the


Sentiment in the Tavern, where
are solved the problems of the universe. Willie Huston and Betty Lou
Holstein sweeping out of the Ta
vern past the debonair Goforth
who was standing around being
Jim beckoned to the
Ashland typhoon and she sprinted
back to him, like a college boy go
ing alter the comic strips on Sun
day morning. Betty looked vexed
and apologetic. Everything
straightened out, but during the
wrangle Jim looked like ;'Tommy
Tap he didn't give a rap! Later
they were supposed to have a late
date. Jim waited and waited but
they never made connections.
After one date with The Man
from Esquire, Ken Reynor. the girls
call his car "Rabbitt," 'cause it al
ways heads for the woods.

Raluh Reeves.

Commerce nro- duct, has climaxed a long friendship with Mildred Jones, blond
cheer from New Jersey, by convince
ing ner mat his black heart of RIs- ma Phi Epsllou looks best on her.
Anotner d nnlne that took dur
ing the week end was the .In
Craft and Judy McVea merge.
Showing that when Joe turns on,
things happen.

Last minute flash says that the
Benny Goodman of the Blue Grass,
Andy Anderson plans to give up
his swing band at the end of the
Joyland engagement
and go to
work in Cincinnati.
May I have the extreme pleasure
of announcing a blessed event at
the Jack Keyser's. Mrs. Keyser Is


Solicits the Favorable Consideration of
University of Kentucky
Fraternities and Sororities
For Their
And Other Social Functions During This Semester
Service Unexcelled

out over the air waves for ear 101
But there Is no doubt about it,
tj nifh to the Intersection of such lonliness, dlspslr, solitude, all are
and such streets
murder tremendous bin Sens for human beArriving at the ings to bear. It Is true that some
was being done.
scene within seconds amid screechthrive on solitude as evidenced by
ing biakes and siren accompaniand
the hermits. But man is primarily
ment the police found a woman gregarious in most of his ways. He
standing In the middle of the street must have companlrtishlp or he
screaming to the top of her lungs. does not enjoy himself. I worder
"What's the big Idea", they de- If he acquired that nature by a
natural process, a need for banding
"It was so quiet In the house, that
for mutual protection, way
to scream," she replied.
I Just had
One of the most disappointing and discouraging things that happens And she fcit better so did the ba".k in the stone age, or before that
to every boy and girl coming to school 'In the South from the North la to police.
find out that the Civil War (or the War Between the States, as we have
Is still being fought.
had to learn to call It),
It Is with a great display of relish on the part of the native that he
relates to your wondering ears that old, old story about how ancient he
was before 1 found out that dam' Yankee was two words. They never
get tired of telling it. I must have heard It from dozens of people. Only
the other day I overheard a beaming, leering frosh relating the trite tale
to a surprised and disturbed frosh from New York state.
Students In class after class
bring up the subject of the war. feeIs thftt the boy born south of
It pops up in Journalism classes. the ilne te not responsible for that
history, public speaking, psycholeither, nor Is the boy or girl anv
ogy, etc. It's an endless thing down more fortunate.
here. Not more than a wee c ago
There is one other thing that
John Hunt Morgan's name came up rankles the "Yankee." That Is to
She is simply stating the fact that the finest
here. Was he a greater leader of find that the person with whom
place to eat is Just off the campus at Lime and
men than Sherman? Yes I chorused Is engaged In argument over he
Euclid. Come In today and try our Famous
twenty-fiv- e
southern students. Who whole silly business was born the
Hamburgers and Grilled Sandwiches.
cares, wondered two northern stu
the South, but of northern pardents.
ents who Immigrated here.
of the Kernel,
A former editor
Despite It
the South Is
from the North, adopted the South The women all,are beautiful; great.
to his horses are
as his home. He returned
Free Delivery Service
Phone 9265
native city In the company of a ness about fast. There Is It grand
living here.
is delegitimate southerner. On enter void of
the rush and bustle of the
ing an elevator one day he boldly great eastern
Each day
announced that he could "whip any moves forward in Its own languid
dam' Yankee in the place." The way. Worried brows are fewer, tosouthern boy almost Jumped out of day Is more Important than tomorhis skin for fear or the consequen- row. But In some ways, such as
Nothing happened, for there above mentioned, yesterday Is even
wasn't a single occupant of the car more Important than today.
who knew, or much less, cared what
You are all a proud race of peohe was talking about.
ple. Proud of your heritage. Proud
of what your ancestors accomResidents of the North actually plished. I am reminded of a quobelieve that everyone In the U. 8. tation (and I don't know who said
At least they have it. even If it was Shakespeare).
Is a Yankee.
thought so since the World War. "People and their ancestors are
There Is not the slightest trace of like potatoes the best part of them
rancor, hatred. If they get right Is under ground."
down to studying the question they
up to nothing in
are sorry It ever happened, but particular, leaas
so let's drop the matter.
since it did they come to only one
logical conclusion it turned out
for the best. In order to stand of Have you ever felt the "burden
solitude"? Have you ever been
alone against the world we need a
United States and not the hodge- conscious of the clamor and din
connected with silence? There are
podge that Is Europe today.
Slavery was not the cause that few places where there is quiet
precipitated this country into a During the summer months an inturmoil, as everyone knows. Yet cessant buzzing of insects almost
today many southerners feel that prohibits one from realizing that it
It was. Still, I wonder how many is quiet. But take the dead of
winter, far from city rackets, with
forward thinking men In the South
a blanket of snow to cover and
today favor a return of slavery?
Really, it Is a terrible shock to deaden sounds. Out there, alone,
miles from anywhere, you will be
the northerner to come to Kentuc- conscious of silence.
It is oppressive.
ky and find that he Is slightly disliked for being from the North. He It hems you In, beats a tattoo on
feels that he had nothing to do with your brain, and can build itself up
it. His birth on the northern side to the point of making you hysterwas no fault ical which is often the cause of
of the Mason-Dixo- n
of his, and if he had to choose on people screaming to keep them301 W. MAIN
which side to be born he would very selves from going mad.
Not long ago a news dispatch
likely pick the North anyway. He
told of an urgent police call going
the former Lucy Ray, a Delta
star, and Jack is a barrister and a
well known Delta Chi. They were
married in September. 1935.
This constitutes may formal baptism as a scandal columnist.

This Campus
That LUorld



she saying?




Friday's Kernel


there is anything
to the rumor that twelve boys are
Do you suppose



acting as stool pigeons, spying on

student activity in the various



Big Chollic Maries and Mamie
Maddox began it again Sunday
night. During 1935 the
romance was tors in eccentricity and gastronomic punishment.


If your girl friend complained
about your coming on an afternoon
date late, because you have been
listening to the World Series, the
greatest annual event in the world,
Just righteously thrust at her this
aphorism, written by P. G.
"Woman's place is in the
home; man's place is in the ball

Truer words have




Phisig Ernest Cantley, known affectionately as "Dimples", is running a temperature, which when
diagnosed says the Dorothy Young
is the reason.



6, 1936




Tuesday, October


with Half & Half.
Iteach new heights of
Cool as a bill for last year's dues. Sweet as the proof
you don't owe a dime. Fragrant,
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including patent No. 1,770,920. Smells good.
Makes your pipe welcome anywhere. Tastes good.
Your password to pleasure!

Leon Belasco



head cheer leader . . . and
head of hit clatt, too, tor real
winging dance music. Coming to
the beautllul Pavilion Coptic
October Ith. Nightly thereafter
Seller make a dale NOW I
No cover charge, minimum check
II ($2 on Saturdoyt, holiday eves
and opening night.) Dancing
nlghlly and Saturday at luncheon
in the Restaurant
letter moke your reservations now.


Ntionl Hotl Mn9mnt Com
pny. Inc.. Rlh H.U, ffan.iiant.
BOO Rooms . . . minimum





bit of bits In the tebacca ar the TUcp Tin, which
tha tobacco. No
smaller and smaller at yau
b,tt in fin(ert at you roach for a load, ovon tho last ono.
Lrikl IVM, 1km Awhu Totw.ce Cm.










