In 1954 the University Board of Trustees created and filled
the position of Provost of the University. Upon the resignation
of Dean and Provost Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. , in 1957, 1 did not feel that
I had had adequate opportunity to study the organizational needs
of the University, and as a consequence. I did not recommend any
one to fill that vosition. The position was not abolished, and after
serious study, I am recommending today that the position be
filled--this time very much in keeping with the strict definition
of the term ftprovost"l as used in educational circles. I am recom-
mending that Dr. A. D. Albright, Executive Dean of Extended
Programs, also be named as Provost of the University, with duties
to be primarily in the major functions and programs of instruction
and research. The Provost? s office will have the responsibilities
of planning, coordination, and study of instructional programs, both
on-campus and off-campus. It is hoped that the Provost with the
assistance of the Deans of the various colleges can soon prepare
an inventory of instructional research presently being conducted in
the University. It is Proposed then that this group of persons charged
with the direct responsibility for the academic program of the insti-
tution can find increasingly effective means of coordinating the
instructional program of the University.

       As was pointed out in several sections of the self-study of
the University, systematic efforts to improve communication
processes are important in any large organization. However,
more than the usual effort must be made in universities because of
several circumstances which are inherent in these institutions, In
the first place, the interests of the several parts of the institution
are infinitely more specialized than those of most organizations in
modern society. Furthermore, they cover a wider range of subjects.
In this respect there is no comparison between most large industrial
corporations and a large university organization. Also, the essen-
tial but unusual individuality of thought and behavior of the academic
person presents specialized problems in communication. Similar
problems are often seen in hospitals, in laboratories, and in other
highly professionalized areas of both government and the corporation.
It is one of the tasks of administration in these large and complex
universities to find ways of improving methods of communication
in order to create a reasonably cohesive total institution.

       It is my belief that the refilling of the post of provost will
give more opportunities for cooperative planning for the instruction-
al program of the University and, therefore, improve communications
internally and perhaps externally as well.

       In naming a provost, we shall be able to shift certain respon-
sibilities and reporting offices to equalize to a greater degree the
administrative load of the University.  The academic deans will
report directly to the Provost in order that the coordination of efforts
and communication already referred to may be strengthened.  At
the same time, the president of the University will be enabled to
devote more time and effort to the long--rangL planning for the Uni-
versity and its various programs.