
               In recommending Dr. A. D. Albright for the position of
            Provost of the University, I do so with a great deal of confidence.
            Dean Albright is not only recognized in this institution for his
            exceptional ability as an educational planner and coordinator,
            but he has also been looked upon with great respect by a number
            of other institutions and organizations over the nation. A native
            of Tennessee, Dr. Albright received his educational training
            at DePauw University, Milligan College, the University of
            Tennessee, and New York University. His undergraduate program
            was done as a Rector and honor scholar, the Master of Science
            on a university fellowship, and the Doctor of Philosophy as a
            Rockefeller Foundation fellow. He has served on the faculties of
            George Peabody College for Teachers, the University of Tennessee,
            the University of Utah, Yale University, and Teachers College of
            Connecticut. Dr. Albright has served as consultant for the Fund
            for the Advancement of Education of the Ford Foundation, the
            Carnegie Foundation, and the Southern Regional Education Board.
            He was a director of the recent study of higher education for the
            state of Tennessee and has also served as a consultant in studies
            of education for the Governor' s Fact Finding Commission of Connecti-
            cut. Several publications bear his name either as an editor or au-
            thor and he has served on. an editorial advisory board for a national
            publishing organization.

               During his work as Executive Dean of Extended Programs for
           the University he has done a superior piece of work with the various
           college faculties which actually are responsible for instruction in
           the off-campus programs. It is with real pride that I recommend
           Dr. A. D. Albright to you to serve as Provost of the University and
           Executive Dean of Extended Programs. This appointment will be
           effective July 1, 1960.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in, and Dr. A. D. Albright was appointed Provost
of the University, effective July 1, 1960.

           N. Approval of Resolution Creating and Establishing a Consolidated
Educational Buildings Proje-cto the University of Kentucky.

           Attorney C. W. Grafton, Louisville, Ky. , was invited to appear before
the Board to explain "A Resolution creating and establishing a Consolidated Edu-
cational Buildings Project of the University of Kentucky; creating and establishing
an issue of Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky; providing for the issuance from time to
time of said bonds; providing for the payment of the principal of and interest on
said bonds and repealing all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with
this Resolution."

           The Resolution was examined and explained in detail and members of
the Board being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, was
approved in principle, and the document was authorized put into final form.

           0. Radio Arts Deprtment Changed to the Department of Radio, Tel.
envision and Filims.
           President Dickey submitted a request from the College of Arts and
Sciences that the Department of Radio Arts be changed to the Department of Radio,