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The University of Kentucky Sports Network is a broadcast division of "I      Jim Host & Associates, Inc.
Tudor Square, 120 Kentucky Avenue | 1 Lexington, Kentucky 40502  Telephone (606) 252-5696
Average representation Va hour audience listeners estimates for Kentucky and adjacent states. Source: ARB. Figures are estimates only and do not include saturation estimates for outlying states not adjacent to Kentucky.
AYear At The Top
Kentucky Wildcats 77'78
by John McGlll and Walt Johnson, photography by Watt Johnson
This book is not just about basketball nor just about Kentucky basketball. In 1 44 pages, including 45 color and 170 black and white photographs, you can follow the Kentucky Wildcats from the beginning of the 1977-78 season to the finals of the NCAA Basketball Championship in St. Louis. Many inside stories reveal the pressures associated with being the nation's #1 college team from the start of the season to the end. Only once in the weekly polls was Kentucky ranked below #1 and proved in March that they deserved this ranking by winning the National Championship. It was truly a great year for the players, coaches and fans. You can relive these exciting moments in "A Year at the Top." Also available, our new 33'/3 LP album, "Wildcat Basketball '77-'78". The highlights of the '77-78 basketball season are recalled with exciting play-by-play excerpts from Cawood Ledford's game broadcasts and comments by Coach Joe Hall.
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