e , ., _;*____ r___,__,__,,, _,_,__, 7 r_ __ __r__, _,i______,_,___(__  1
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English, Speech and Dramatic Arts Library Science T
  Qf la, h—English Composition I01a-d—Workshop for Beginning Librarians  
3a, b—Survey of English Literature 127b—Books and Related Materials for Children ’
a G—Essentia]s of Speech and Young People
Arts Qnd Sclences ¢30—Business English l29—Cataloging and Classification
35—Stagecraft 133—Reference and Bibliography
f`$8—Oral Interpretation 139—Library Practice
§gé—g£c Grammar of Structure and Usage 145—8rgariiz¥tionh of Library Materials
— aucer 186- isua eac ing
· 110a—Shakespeare: The Comedies 201a-d—Pr0blems in Library Science
A"“°""Y °"d Pl‘Y"°l°9Y rggir-éxrnarigan Lngranrra aagr 1830 (2.§g—'é`he ca11ega1rrnr1)lUnivarsity Library
. _ - . a- omparative iterature .. — overnment u ications
§_g}g:]_.;::;;yy ‘%£;;?:f3,g;nd Physmlugi l37—rS]r;1r%o Production in School and Com- 254—Seminar
%gg—Archgecture of Ehe Human Skeleton 1461 Djscissiou
-1 ' ` ‘ ` . .
ros-&$‘.L‘Z.i§r1€ES.‘if` i52spi?§.13S$"§l‘Zig’M.rabaiaa. }g§;gn$§;·;;=r=g0}g*{)gg!tgg_g¤¤·;lng;> iggkloggr { M¤*h¤m¤r·¤s and A¤*r¤··¤·¤v
1g9_C€uLllm· Physiology · Teilihcrs D em 6 or 1 Basic Mathematics
},5?iHilés'°l°gYh [tf Elglifrclsié 2l4a—Seminar: The Major Victorian Poets _ _ 2-5;,1jd Geometry
"‘ nl Ewa"' m yslo ogy 215(`I.jS€l`|1lIl2lI'Z Dramatic and Rhetorical Cr1t1- 4-Elgmcngm-y Theory of statjstjcg
Clsm 5—College Algebra
. . 2241-5 ' z : E l"h L` z f 1600- - · ‘· . .
Aaaraar Languages aaa Lrraranrraa ‘ia§3""" “g “ “°""‘” "’"‘ }§_§‘3§§g;"iilg;,,2§ *‘“·’“°'·
C1-a and C1-b—Refresher Course in Beginning   ;{;:§;?§mgggm€t¤,
Latin fm Teachers 20·1—Differential Calculus
l¤—B·¤ri¤¤i¤r Lair-1 G¤¤¤r¤v*·v ooierarggrai éaigriirrr
ih-Elrmsrtsry Lam Readme §5-iarararadir.rg Calculus
7°—G*°€l<. M>’¥h¤l¤¤>’ . . 2-l*€si¤¤¤l Gwrnrvhv ¤f the W¤rl`;1=}I{l€a(é{]\;ilgZ¤$}0riatin }g(£—gggg;'agk}y gi  Cimerica l2l;-Irll;grTirc(iloF1;(llt;aEl`(l1l;l;>ry of Numbers
· — — r o _ . ·. .»
C150—Demonstration Class in Beginning Latin 102—Regional Geography of Latin America $02_AlgLhriuL Cl"`/is
41 Number Theory
(june 15-]uly 9) _ _ 103—Regional Geography of Europe ~ _:
C150—Workshop for Latin Teachers (lune lo- Introductory Field Studies—Monterrey, Mexico
july 9) Ixnrerineclrzitlohlirelgt Sgudiei/?Monterreyi;4 Mexico Modern Foreign Languages
rrvamet n,< . ul<>i:y _;(i;,-O,,m,,L., Ul (;m,p,gy losn, li-French Literature of the XVIII Cen-
1()3a—d—Independent Work in Anthropology 5oh__Out]im_r uf Ccologv tow
203n`d_RcS€m.Ch Pr¤bl¤·¤# in Anthropology 2()a—Lal>oratory Work in Elementary Geology l(l7i\» ll—All_Vi\1\UL’ll Ffclwll C0HVB1’Si1ll0¤ and
23a, l>—El0mcntary and Field Work in Regional CUlllD0$lllO¥'l _ _ '
Geology—Crcsted Butte, Colorado l(Wa-tl-lndcpcndcnt Work in I·rench
Art ll8a. ireriaia warir in Regional Geology- 291=¤—H<»m=¤¤c·· Philnlmzy
H) P by S h I Al Crvslcrl Butte, Colorado Sith 2—El¢’lll¢*l;lilTY Gérnlilll (L_ )
a- u ic c oo r * a, —. cconr- ear cmian iterary
lOb—Public School Art 23a, b—Second-year German (Medical)
$1a, l1—Painting (non-art uiaiors) _ 24a, lm—Second-year German (Chemical) ,
61-Elementary Drawing History 25—Elementary Aural-Oral Practice in German
65a—Painting 27a, b—Elementary German Conversation and
' l55—Art in Elementary Schools _ 4a—Modcm Europe to the French Rcvolution Composition
175a-d-Independent VVork: History, Criticism 4b-Modern Europe since the French Revolution 28a—Introduction to Classical and 19th Century
177a- l51b—The American Frontier 186a-d-Independent Work in Spanish
57—Bacteriology of Water and Sewage l80¤·Hl$t0¥>’ of the Old South _
1()3..Pg(h0g€njc Bacteriology 247a-d—Seminar in United States History .
l()4-App]jgd Bacteriology 320a-d—Seminar in Modern European History Muslc
l]_1-Gen€ml Pathology Seminar in Civil War and Reconstxuction 15 16 17 18 31 32 A
120a-b—Hospita1 Lab. Practice ¤·<1,_ ¤·’ 200-Epidemiology 214—Advanced Instrumental Conducting I 
22"A“alYh€¤l_Ch0m1$l_Y)' 212a—Puhlic Health Administration 224lJ—Advanced Musical Analysis zi
30a, b—Orgamc Chemistry 242—Administration and Supervision of Public if
L1'ga,Ib—Advancii:dr:mrrganic Chemistry School Music l
·-· nstrumenta na ysis _ {
125—Advanced Quantitative Analysis SCl‘l00l cf Journalism _ E
133- ualitative Organic Analysis Pl‘||l0$0Pl\Y I 
145- olloid Chemistry 2l—Etymology `V
181—Chemical Literature r 102——Cominunity Journalism _ :Z1—lntroduction to Philosophy  
221—Sem1m1cro Quantitative Analysis l14—Newspaper Advertising and Promotion €31—Elementary Logic __
290a-l—Research in Chemistry 12()—Seminar in Public Opinion 120—Great Religions _
339a—T0pics in Organic Chemistry 125-Magazine Article Writing 220-Research in Philosophy j