The Pablishers' Weekly.                         The Library Jozurnal.

  77L, jo.urnal, an independent representative of  T The LinSARY JotaxtrL, official organ of the
tle American book and kindred interests, is is-I American Library Association, edited by
sued weekly at 3.20 per year, including postage. Charles A. Cutter, aims to elevate the profes
                                               Sion to the highest standard, and at the same
  Its bibliog-raphical departmcnt includes a weekly time to effect a saving by enabling library work
fll-title record of alt nec American putlications, to be done in the best way, at the lowest cost.
with n.,tes afifer the title de.scriptice o1 She book-  The Journal especially meets the needs of the
                                               smaller libraries, offering them the costly ex-
a nez and most important feature, of practicai i perience and practical advice of the largest.
,alue to all who use books; snonthly fanding lists, In refraining from doing imperfectly what is
by authors, titles and subjects, preceded Jy a classi- done so well by the several journals Specially
fled s-nmary; lists of the most prominent Et- devoted to ancient lore and     literature, the
                                                Library Journal is enabled to do the- more
glush and French publications; bibliographical justice to modern bibliography and current
-eso to timely topics; and numerous special list, literature, as represented in its departments of
as the Edluational Catalogue.  This department " Bibliography' (proper), "Library Economy
i.s the c.ntral flature of the paper, and makes r  and Hist y," "Anonyms and PPeudonyis,'
                                              itand the 'Lirary Purchase List."
rw soit'ci .sable aid to the trade, to libraries, and  Miss C. 31. Hewins, Librarian of Hartford
ti lteteary people.  It is bciefeed that no other Library Association and author of "Books for-
ioornal, here or al.road, smpplies as Practical and the Young," will take speciul ci,arge of a new
                                          'eaaade-partment devoted   to the "Literature sf
satief.ictory a record of tl.e pullicati.on  of ita i the Young," with the object of facilitating the
osl c ry.                                   i choice and purchase of ncw books.
  Its literary department inclsdes comprehensive I -'I c)Oqder the Journa one of the tent vrsluble
                                              Pids to librarians ever undectaken. I do not see
intelligence as to books forthconing and publish  ho., a librariabr   en,, venture to u,,dertatce hi. re-
                                             iaa  stosibilities writhout It. Eve  librery, whether
                cn: ms sat honee apd abroad, gathered publie or pri,-ate, that spends V2150 annually on it-
 ,uth tie a;d of represtativee in other citiet; atldniitratin ecan not pay ot Ing  with morea a-
                                               vantge to itselt than by tklc tg the Josrn.-W"-Jstis
e.itorail diseussi',ns on look and trade subjects, Eato. Connseioner of lcottOn.
                                c ec ,   "I regarld the library Ionrsot as one of the -ost
as c-pyriyht and postal questions, etc.; original Important and indispensable aids  itol who see
cotc;bitions and representative.ertracts on like c,,arle td -ith the managemhent of tlIbrarie-s is  Y
tmpic-; besides the mswi',ulnatterofa cla sjournal  lay be here learnc'l by the young tibrartaos. The
  The subscription of all interested in books is pra t   siEestioos no  nrmatin,, temboieI tis  
ncctceds and samsple copies wi;l be sent on appli- years s
ion.The addresses of persons interested in book  "The larger libraries. f ot ourse, all s tll
                                               the LibrryJ.s,u-t. I can not se b."y any small
osmatter are requelted.                        Iibrary cnn do witho t it. I amIlrece ving a ilec
                  are requested.          .    letters a week tram smatt librariesk,'m e-
  Theis jouriain view of the quality of its circu  lions whtch have been aosweredily In thye Li;sicl
                                                Jo-cni. My ustom Is to nse briefly . anI refer,
lation, and its constant use for daily refernce. the i.nq to the J.,or-Iut advising tlemD to SIP
furnishes, it is ettier'ed, the best medium for reach- scribe for it forthwith. '- W. F. Puof, Chimes psilc
itag the book, 8tatione-y, and like trades. Adver-  -ts value to sm.llerlibrari issiimply Iocalrula
tisesnents are received atl .1 er page'; 20 cct  hie. Limited t-,mi,,, want of trained asslstanrc. in,-
                     tse77went! t.7re rebe 7Wat   er  accessibility of the best information eother in bibli'
per line; terms fJr repeated insertions on apphi- ography or in. pra-tical  dministr-tion. Iack oif
                                               dtrec counsel fro- expertenced cpiab-orem-tSC
cation; Books for Exchange oriRare and Second. are all reaosns why the smaller libraries sli"5e
hand Books for Sale, 1i cents, per line; Books rom torenvdih plw o  the ecept eo, tof the s .pIsri
11'anted, or Sitsations Wanted, frec insertion of     smI oFt Ithe  , beAi rriv-ri. at tepr 50-
                                               msnd. 7-T1cn   vickcrc, Cincinnti .pabt Libr-lP.
feve lines. Address                              Puiblished monthly. Price of sub;crtptlOn, 1 per
                      F  LEYPOLDT,            annu..
                                                 Sample copies of the Librar Journal sent Iee'. on
           31 and 32 Park Plow, Net, Y'ork.    applcation. Address
  '. 0. Box 143.                                          F. LEYPOLDr, Pubolisher
                                                            O: & 32 PARK Row, N::W YoR.