We Would call the attention of Librarians and private buyert to our facl-
ities for the importation of Books, Maps, Prints. Music. Autographs, etc. WVe
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    The Priced Catalogues of the Foreign second-hand Booksellers afford all
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    We receive these Catalogues regulailv, and will take pleasu;-e in setldin-
copies to any oJf our customers wvho desire thlem, and import selections male
from them. As, however, our orders can not reach the bookseller till about a
month after the catalogue was issued, some of the books selectedr man be sold,
as in most cases they only single copies, but we usually obtain about
three-fourths of all we order.
                               ROBERT CLARKE & CO.,
                           PUBLISHERS, flOOKSFLLERS AND IMlORTeRS,
                                           6t, 63. 65 West foE-th Sre-t,
                                                           CINCINNATI, 0.