Minutes of the Meeting of the BZxecutive Committee for
         May 271Z.-_____

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni.-
versity of Kentucky met in regular monthly session on Tuesday,
May 22, 1923, in the Presidentts office at the University at 11:30
a. m.   The following persons were present: Judge R. C. Stoll,
Senator H. M. Froman, Judge Rainey T. Wells, and Judge Robert G.
Gordon.  Frank L. McVey, President of the University, and Welling-
ton Patrick, Secretary of the Board, were also present.

     1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.   The minutes of the
previous meeting were approved as published.

     2. Report of the Business Agent.   The report of the Buii-
ness Agent was received and filed.

     3. Plans for Chemistry Building.   A communication was read
from Coolidge and Shattuck of Boston indicating that in their
judgment the amount allowed for the Chemistry Building is not
sufficient to cover the cost.   The matter was discussed and it
was the judgment of the Executive Committee that they should be
asked to prepare plans and that these plans would be presented
to the Board at a later meeting for consideration and bids should
be received so that the University will know just where it will
stan.d in the matter.  The Committee considered that at any rate
we should go ahead with plans for the building and decide the
question of cost later.

     4. The Will of Mr. Ernest B. Ellis.   President McVey pre-
sented to the Committee a letter from Mr. C. N. Manning, Presi-
dent of the Security Trust Company, transmitting a copy of the
will of the late Mr. E'. B. Ellis of Lexington, Kentucky.   The
letter and the will were authorized incorporated in the minutes
as follows:

                                      Lexington, Kentucky
                                           May 19, 1923

   Dr. 1'. L. MoVey
        University of Kentucky
             Lexington  Kentucky

   My dear Doctor MoVey:

        Under the terms of the will of Mr. Ernest B. Ellis,