‘ Tobacco. 19
Lv _
Nitrogen ........................ 46.3 lbs.
4 Potash .......................... 35.3 lbs.
Phosphoric acid ................... S. lbs.
These fiaures are sub`ect to variation in the same ratio that
:s .l
analyses of tobacco plants vary. Phosphorie acid is seen to be
the deficient element. The available amount of phosphorus, if A.
it could all be reached by the plants, in the first six inches of
soil is suifieient to produce only two 1,000 pound crops.
The experiment consisted of 8 one-tenth acre plots that were
‘ fertilized, and of 4 one-twentieth acre checks that were unfer—
tilizcd. The ingredients used consisted of some form of nitrogen,
potash and acid phosphate. Dried blood was the source of or-
ganic nitrogen. The following table gives the amount and kind
' of fertilizers applied to each plot, the percentage of missing
hills to each plot, actual yield per acre and yield calculated to
the basis of a perfect stand:
ir Table TT. ..
1*¤..mitp.—r l‘·~r(`l.Miss- At•..;.i\’.t1.1s¤ in-.|t».¤ ter.
·` · Plot. l·`··r1ilim· Am. itu; Hills. lh-., p•·r1\tri. pm .!\¤r¤:..¤l
1, Check ., .,,.....,........... ... 2,5 9506 974 9 V
_ . 2. Sulphate of Potash . ,...... .. .. 200 3,6 1,058 S l,l20 1
4 Nit :t: {S dz .............. |(`0 . r . ·. .
— 3- inititiiiiilrno, _i_   ,,,__,___ aid A I "·"’·’ ""j-3
1, Acid Fliospltate ..._........... 020 I 5 1,138 0 1,]%.2
5. Double Carbonate of Potash and
_ l\'lagnt·sia ..........,,..... ($00 6.2 Ulf) l l,0lI 8
(S. Check ..... . .,., . . . . . 3.1 (320.0 (H0 B
[$iilg·lz;it¤· of Potash . . . ....,, aooy
7, V Nitiztic of Soda ,,_ __ __ l(i0 Z0 0 TTS} l l,0—I I ,7
iDric4i lil wd ..... . ..... , . iflvtri
gA<`id l’h~sph:it<: ....,... . ,. $$110, .V . .
8` {Sulphate mt l’<»t;i5h_ _, _, jimi L7 LUN I IJUU 5
9. Check . . ........ . . . l. 4 S0} Fu SGI} Y}
[Acid l’h~s;tl:;ite ..,..,,.. . iiitil
10, Nitzxittz nt S aiu .. . . ..., l0'l Hifi @20% Zi I,»1lH£}
Il)ri·;d lilmai ... .., . ZZ·>0i
[Sulpiizitc i~t Pwrisli .. . , . 200
Nitrate of Suda .,,..   l00i r , , ---
H"   D¤i<