V Tobacco. 21
lie tures concerning the amounts of the different grades produced.
It is noticeable that the nitrogen plot produced only 176 pounds
. of leaf out of a total of 759. In plot 7 where nitrogen occurred
in combination with potash, only 102 pounds of leaf out of 773
pounds were produced. In plots receiving phosphates along
with nitrogen better results were obtained. Plot 4 which re- ·
ceived acid phosphate alone produced 680 pounds of leaf out
of a total of 1139 pounds. The following table brings out com-
pletely the amount of each grade produced on each plot, calcu-
lated to the basis of an acre. The grades, given in the table,
begin with trash or the ground leaves; next the lugs, or second
grade; and the leaf or best grade. In a crop of good tobacco
, there are generally one or two trash leaves, one or two lug
leaves and the remainder are good leaves.
Table III.
` Plot. Fertilizer. Trash lbs. Lugs lbs. Leaf lbs. Tot. lbs.
1. Check ............ 271.6 296.3 382.7 950.6 V
'£.' . 2. Potash ........... 285.-1- 359.5 41-1-3.9 1,088.8
3. Nitrogen .... . ..... 129.1 152.9 175 6 759.2
4. Phosphoric Acid .. . 167.1 292.0 679.8 1,138.9
n 5. Potassium Magnesium
Carbonate ..  . . 138.7 515.5 296.9 91-9.1
6. Check ............ 129.5 259.6 219.5 629.6
7. Potasli and Nitrogen 226.6 1-1--1-.8 101.7 773.1
8. Potash and Phos-
- phoric Acid ..... 221.9 31-8.9 597.3 1,168.1
9. Cheek ............ 135.8 382.7 333.3 851.8
10. Nitrogen and Phos-
phoric Acid ..... 259.6 201.1 7-1-1.6 1,208.3
11. Nitrogen, Potasli and
Phosphorie Acid . . 200.8 322.4 761.1 1,28-1-.3
it 12. Check ............ 135.1 3-1-5.3 209.2 689.6