nf ~
Agronomy, work of Division of ................................... xv
Allen, Barney, analysis of mineral water from .....i.............. 423
Analyses of concentrated commercial feeding stuffs ............... 107
forage plants and hays ............................. 202
Anderson County, analyses of mineral waters from ................ 411-412 ~
Animal Husbandry, wo1·k of Division of .......................... xiv
"Approximately," use of word in labels ..,....................... 256
Arsenical dips ............................................,...... 232
Artificial Color, use of in food ................................... 252
Averitt, S. D., analyses of mineral waters by .................... 411
Beechwood Sprinizs, analysis of water from ..................... 425
Bell County, analysis of sulphur water from ..................... 412
Bleached flour ...........,...................................... 253
Board of Control of the lixperiment Station ....................... v
Board of Trustees of the University . ............................. iv
Botany, work of the Division of ...............................,.. x
Bourbon County, analysis of mineral water from .................. 413
lloyd County, analyses of suliuliur waters from .................... 113
Bulletin No. 135l~"l`obaeco ....................................... 1
No. 1—i0—l¥`ertilizers .........................,........... 37
I No. 1·il»»(Yon<:enlraled'Commercial Feeding Bluffs ...... S11
No. 142—Carnation lloot-Knot .........,.,..........,.... 205
No. 143——Slieep Seal; .................................... 217
No. 1—14—lnformati