432 Index. _ ‘
Concentrated commercial feeding stuffs, analyses of inspecto·rs' sam- `
ples of ............... 107 F
bulletin on ............... 89
_ discussion of results of ·
analyses of ........... 101
general discussion of ...... 91
Co-operation with the University ................................. xvii _
Co-operative work ..... , ......................................... xvi
_ Corn, army-worm attacking ...................................... 296 _
chinchbug attacking ...................................... 292 _
cut-worms attacking ....................................... 294
ear—worm ............................ . ..................... 297
grasshoppers attacking ........,........................... 295
green June bug attacking .................................. 295
leaf-aphis ......... — ...................   ................... 292
mice and moles attacking ............... ‘ ................... 298
pests, Bulletin 145 on ..................................... 269
root—aphis ....................... . .....................,.... 292
root—worms of Ky. .....,................................... 293
score card ................................................ 282
i sugar-cane borer attacking ................................ 296
wire·wor1ns attacking ....................,................. 294
Craig, \V. A., analysis of chalybeate water from ................... 419
Curing tobacco .................................. . ............... 29
Curtis, H. E., et al. Bulletin 146, commercial fertilizer, by ......... 301
Decision of the Bureau of Internal Revenue with respect to the pur-
chase of alcoholic and other liquors, etc. ................. 257
Denton, Judge Jas., analysis of mineral water from ............... 425 '\
Dipping, summary of bulletin on ................................ 241 \ ‘
utensils for ..................... . ....................... 240
vats for sheep .................. , ...................... 235
I)ips, arsenlcal .................................................. 232
coal-tar ................................. . .................. 233
lime and sulphur .,........................................ 226
for sheep ................................................. 226
l)irect.or‘s Report .......,........................................ viii
Division of Agronomy, work of ................................... xv
Animal Husbandry, wotrk of ......................... xiv
Chemistry, work of .........................,........ viii
Entomology and Botany, work of .................... x
Feed Control, work of   ......................,.... xiv
Fertilizer Control, work of ........................... xii
Food Control, work of ................................ xii
Drug law, general information on ................................ 258 -
iiberlein, J. ll., analysis of mineral water from .......,.......... 420 ’
Edwarmls, l\lrs. \V. S., analysis of mineral water from ............ 414
Iintomology, work of the Division of .................. , .... . ..... x `
Experiment Station, Board of Control of ........................ v
Falls, W. ll., analysis of sulphur water from ..................... 412
Fannin, E. W., analysis of sulphur water from .................... 413
Farm manures, care of .....,. . ................................. 81
Farmers lnstitutes .............................................. xvii ,
Farnsworth, J. M._ analysis of mineral water from ................ 426
Fayette County, analysis of sulphur water from ................... 417
Federal regulations to prevent spread of scabies in sheep ......... 242 y
,Feed Control, work of Division of ................................ xiv `
Fertilizer Control, work of the Division of ..................... Q.. xii