

ll, of K. Janitor


American Campus Character
Among such characters as the
Campus Cop of Yale and the Orange
Man of Harvard, Pierre Whltntng,
venerable custodian of the Administration building, takes his place as
the representative of the University
of Kentucky.
Pierre's long service with the University is soon to be told in print in
the New York Telegram. His story
will be one of a scries of feature articles concerning famous characters
on American campuses. The story
which elevates Pierre to his new positionfar different from his usual
world of brooms and mops has
been sent to the New York newspaper by Miss Helen King, of the
Publicity Bureau, in response to a
request for a story concerning the
University's most famous character.
Pierre Whltning's biography reads
like a history of the University. But
it could be no other way, for Pierre
has been with the University since
its very beginning.

College Without

Grades, Credits, Is
Now Recommended

It was Pierre, then a little barefoot boy, who carried the first
.bucket of water to laborers as they
began work on the first building for
'the University then known as the
Agricultural and Mechanical College
of Kentucky. With that Job Pierre
began his long record of service, a
record to which he is adding even
"Mr. President say I have been at
the University for 52 years, so I
guess I has," Pierre tells those who
seek to learn exactly how long he
has been at his present Job.
To Pierre all the fuss and bother
about his being the University's
most famous character means little,
and although he doesn't say so In
Just so many words he manages to
convey the general Impression to
those who question him, that the
less said, the better. You sec Pierre
has work to do, and he believes in
doing It. And besides, he has a
record to sustain.
There ought to be lesson In that.

Beauty of Homes
Of Old Kentucky
Always Appeals

Plans for a new university educa- Peaceful Rest fulness of Old
tional system which would do away
Frankfort Pike Typifies
with a compulsory attendance,
"Golden Afje"
assignments, grades and
credits, have been outlined by RobO. K. Barnes
ert Maynard Hutchlns,
As the mellow haze of a late sumpresident of the University of Chicago.
mer afternoon makes a fairyland of
"If a student in the Junior college the landscape, and the great, scarfelt that he could better pass the let sun casts its fading lances of
examination that would be given golden light through the stalwart
him at the end of his first two years limbs of ancient oaks, the quiet of
In college, by going to New York, or the broad acres Is broken only by
reading the Sunday paper, he could the twilight song of happy robins,
do that."
the distant tinkle of a bell, the low
President Hutchlns would allow a of contented cattle. The rolling exgraduate of the Junior college who panse of purple grass ripples In the
successfully passed his examinations breeze that gently caresses the counto enter an upper school which, tryside at the close of a hot day.
conducted in the same manner,
An aging mansion, stately and
would grant the candidate his bachcan be glimpsed through the
sucelor's degree whenever he could
great trees, silhouetted against an
cessfully pass the examination.
azure sky. It is a scene that blrnsg
old English es"A brilliant student
could per- visions of well-ketates.
haps obtain his degree from college
in six months. There would be many
is the view that presents itSuch
who would graduate in three years self to the casual traveler who Jourand others in five years. There is neys along the old Frankfort pike
nothing particularly sacred about from Lexington to the state capital.
the mystical four years in which to It is an ancient turnpike, one that
gain a degree."
is deeply wrought Into the history
President Rutchins, a tall, broad of a glorious state; an old road, unshouldered, dark haired young man, touched by harsh, modern lines and
smiled as he recalled his work as steeped in tradition and beauty, covdean of the Yale law school under ered with the glamour and mystery
the prevailing credit method of that belongs to the past.
granting degrees. "Why, we had to
stone fences,
Its hundred-year-ol- d
buy an adding machine to find out although crumbling in places, typify
whether or not our students could the Kentucky of the golden age, and
its very atmosphere is that of anteThe youngest president in the bellum days. It is the last vestige
world of a great university, squared of a Kentucky that used to be.
his shoulders and snapped out, in
The thoughtful traveler Is wafted
answer to the question, "Are large back into another era, and requires
diploma mills?" "The no great imagination to picture
size has nothing to do with it. A passing him the bedecked gallants
large university can be a great one." and ladies of that other day,
He smiled as he commented upon
under the careful supervision
of an Uncle Amos, who whips up the
"I have had little connection with horses prldefully and salute courstudent disclipline, as I was dean of teously as his carriage flashes past.
Along this road trudged the pioa professional school, before becomand mocca-sine- d,
ing president. In that position, we neer, leather-fringe- d
with senses alert to impendfollowed The rugle of ignoring conduct of our student, unless they ing danger; along it traveled the
broke into print. I don't know early settlers, goading their burwhether that method would apply dened oxen and lending a shoulder
or not." Ohio at the wheel; along it passed the
to undergraduates
Kentucky land owner, astride his
State Lantern.
spirited saddlehorse; along it moved
matches were made in heaven, carriages of dandles on their way to
where did the cigar lighters come the grand ball at Lexington, where
they would see the great General



along It slowly traveled
Kentucky lawyer,
way to Frankfort to attend
on his
the legislature; along it brave John
Hunt Morgan galloped at the head
of his dashing cavalrymen, fiercely
intent to do or die. No morel No
more do these fascinating figures
move along the winding roadway.
But the advent of the automobile
Is the only clement to mar the restful pcaccfulncss of the old Frankfort pike.
Kentucky may enter Into the mad
Industrial whirl; Kentucky may
make of Mammoth Cave a national
Cumberpark and of
land Falls a summer resort to cater
touring publics; Kentucky
to dusty,
male organize her progress commissions and her civic luncheon clubs
and paint ridiculous slogans on her
auto llcclsc tags; Kentucky may
turn back on her traditions of
strong-hearte- d
thoroughbreds, beautiful women, landed gentlemen and
good liquor; but when she wishes to
recall those bygone days when to be
a Kcntucklan was to be a thing
apart, when chivalry and courage
were Inbred and poison whisky had
not yet been Introduced by the bootlegger, then must Kentucky turn to
the one spot that still exemplifies
that dead era of beauty and pride;
Kentucky must crank up her
lizzie and travel down the
glorious old Frankfort pike to drink
in a beauty that Inspires.

Is Famous

Sigma Delta Chi to
Give Annual Banquet
Sigma Delta Chi, honorary Journalistic fraternity at the
will hnld its annual Founders'
Day banquet at 6 o'clock this eve
ning at the Lafayette hotel. The
banquet will be held instead of the
cridiron banauet which was to be
given on this date.
Chapter and alumni members
have been invited to attend the banquet. Prominent newspapermen of
Lexington will be special guests.
According to Jess Laughlln, president of Sigma Delta Chi, the ban-miis beine held one week early
hpcnusn Founders' Dav ADril 17
comes during the Easter vacation.
The Alpha Gamma Delta house
and the Kappa Sigma house were
both slightly damaged by fire between 12 and 1 o'clock Sunday. The
fire at the Kappa Sigma house was
the larger of the two, resulting in
a loss of about $25. It is believed to
have started when sparks from the
chimney ignited the roof. The fire
at the Alpha Gam house was caused
by a defective flue.
The Kappa
Kappa Gamma house was also be
lieved to be on fire Sunday morning
and an alarm was turned in. Members of the Lexington fire department answered calls to all three of
the houses.


To Celebrate Anniversary of



"Rhapsody in Blue"
Listen In Tuesday evening If you
jwlsh to enjoy "nimpsoily In nine"
.over the nlr for the first llmo In Its
entirety. This frnlurc on the Old
dolil hour marks the sixth nnnl- 'vcrsary of Paul Whitcmnn's association with George Gershwin's great- 'est "work, written especially for
Tho famous composer himself
,"89 piano soloist for the premiere
performance In 1024, an orchestra
recital that overnight made White-ma- n
the world's leading Interpreter
of .Jazz music. Strains of tho rhapsody are now familiar as tho slgna-'tur- e
and musical Interludes of Old
Gold broadcasts. ,
The anniversary program also
.will Include a specialty by no less
a celebrity than Mr. nay Bargy,
pianist In the "Whlteman ensemble.
In addition to a veritable parade of
popular new melodies, Tuesday's
broadcast will star a new ono from
Al Jolson's picture "Mammy,"
"Looking at You," as well as
"Fifty Mil, special selections from
lion Frenchmen" and the "King of at 9 p. m., Eastern Standard Time,)
It goes on the air from over the Columbia Broadcasting
hook-up- .
Station KVI, In Seattle, April 15, System's

King Fike Is Named
Law Journal Editor
Thomas D. Theobold Is Business Manager; Final Staff
Selection Later
The following appointments for
the Kentucky Law Journal for the
scholastic year 1930-3- 1
have been
announced recently by Dean Alvln
E. Evans, of the College
of Law.
They are as follows:
King Fike,
Thomas D. Theobald, business manager;
John C. Bagwell, Hugh Broadhurst,
Joseph Cleveland, Gordon Finley,
Mrs. A. M. J. Hollinger, Jesse K.
Lewis, Ernest Rogers, H. C. Smtih,
Charles M. Summers and Hubert T.
Willis, members of the tentative
cose comment staff. The final selection of the staff will be made
upon the basis of the sample case
comments submitted.
The selection of the above tentative list was made upon the basis
of the past semester's grades, every
student making 1.75 or itter being
selected. Several othei tudents are
just below this mark and will be
added to the list if their grades for
the present semester entitles them
to it.

Cupolas controlled
from the laboratory
White hot rivers of metal, pouring from big
cupolas in Crane foundries, arc even more
thoroughly analyzed, more carefully watched,
than the drinking water pouring from a faucet
in a


Because correct chemical ingredients in valve
metals arc as essential to absolute safety and
right functioning of a piping installation as
pure water to human health, Crane Co. has
always maintained laboratory control of its

This means that experts in the metallurgical
and physical testing of metals are responsible
for the quality of every valve and fitting turned
out. It means that tensile strength, yield point,
elongation, and reduction of area of test bars
taken every hour of the day's run are known to
laboratory and cupola chemists.


It means that constantly, as the metals pour
out, the proportion of silicon, manganese, carbon, phosphorus, calcium, pure iron, are known
and uniformly maintained.
It means immediate correction of any variation and rejection of

The nationally famous West Coast
Relays, to be held in the Fresno
State College Stadium, California,
on April 26, iri connection with the
Raisin Day Celebration, is to be a
night event this year. This will
permit automobile races to. be held
that afternoon, and will make the
track meet the first important major one ever held at night.
A battery of floodlights that will
cangive an intensity of five-fodles over the entire area is being
installed at the stadium, and in
the fall the projectors will be
so that an intensity of eight-focandles will be projected on the
football field alone for night games
in that major sport.
The lighting installation includes
sixty General Electric projectors
with 1,000-wa- tt
incandescent lamps,
mounted in batteries of ten atop
steel towers. Power Is
supplied by an underground cable
system. Each lamp will be individually fused and provided with a
disconnect devise at the top of the
tower. A master switch with fuses
will be provided to control the entire system.

faulty materials.

From specifications of raw materials to final
installation, Crane Co. knows its products and
what they will do. How Crane Co. developed
the background for this knowledge makes an
absorbing story. It is titled Pioneering in Science.
You are cordially invited to send for your copy.
Aside from its interest, you will find it a splendid reference book on the reactions of metals
to high temperatures and pressures.

iP R A M












Cop: "The dame we pulled In last
"Honey, I'm knee deep in love
night wants to confess."
Sergeant: "Who does she think I with you."
The first regimental parade of the am Bernard MacFadden?? McOill
"All right.
I'll put you on my
R. O. T. C. unit of the University Dally.
wading list."
was held on the parade grounds
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with
Colonel John C. Benson, regimental
commander in charge. The cadets
were reviewed by Major O. R. Meredith and the faculty of the Military
Science Department. Several of the
reserve officers of Lexington also
witnessed the formations, and a
large chowd was in attendance.

Branchit and Saltt Officii in Out Hundred and Kim(y



"Look a'here, you black hog you,

you better look out for them worms

in that apple."
"Shet yore mouth, niggah. When

Ah eats a' apple de worms has to
look out fo' deyselves."


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gives poise
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