amendments to the constitution providing for
additional power. Tie crantlng of the power
request Is significant. It shows that the coun
cil is held in esteem by University authorities
Newspaper of the students of the
and that full confidence Is placed in the JudgUniversity of Kentucky
ments of the councllmen.
At the next meeting the committee on Investigation will report its findings on the book
Subscription $1.50 a year. Entered at Lexington
store situation. The Kernel believes that the
Postofflcc as second class mall matter
report will Justify the confidence in the council-me- n
Here Shall The Kernel Press All
that has been shown by both University
Student Rights Maintain
authorities and the student body.
The report made by the president of the stuEditor-in-ChiWILBUR a. FRYE
FRANCES HOLLIDAY ...... Managing Editor dent council and appearing today In The Kernel
Makeup Editor was considered Wednesday afternoon by the
councllmen, but was not accepted as final, as It
covered only the sale of books.
Edna Smith
L. M. McMurray
P. H. Lnndrum
William Ardcry
Ralph Stcvdlts

The Kentucky Kernel

News Editor
Daniel Goodman
Virginia Dougherty
Kern Patterson

Society Editor
Hazel Baucom
Emily Hardin
Elizabeth Poole
Sports Editor
ELBERT MCDONALD.. Assistant Sports Editor
E. A. Turlcy
Bill Luther
Lawrence Crump
Brandon Price
Bill Barton
Clarence Barnes Pat Rankin Martin R. Glenn
Margaret Cundlff
John Watts
Eleanor Smith
William Shafer
Louise Thompson
Virginia Hatcher
Sue Dlckerson
Lawrence Herron
Mary Lou Rcnaker
Business Manager
Advertising Manager
Delroy Root
H. P. Klrkman
James Randal
Woodrow Burchett

Circulation Manager
Asst. Circulation Manager



This week sees the campus teeming with the
activity of the tenth annual high school assembly at the University. The grounds are filled
with from 200 to 300 visitors from the state
high schools, all guests of the extension departments, the music department and Phi Mu Alpha,
honorary music fraternity.
Dormitories, halls,
fraternity and sorority houses are welcoming
the talented young students of Kentucky, who
in the next few years will constitute a large
part of the student body of the University.
The value of such an undertaking can not be
computed except in large figures. To the University it is a direct way of coming into contact
with the most desirable material with which to
fill Its classrooms a method by which it can
show the many attractions that our colleges offer; to the high school students it is an opportunity to display their talents an occasion on
which they may become acquainted with their
state University. Often Just such a contact is
the deciding factor for the high school 'senior
boys and girls when they are choosing their future school. There also is no uncertain value to
the city of Lexington, another beneficial influence of the University to her homesite.
The student body, the faculty, members of the
University organizations, wish to open wide hospitable doors to our visitors this week, and will
be ready, we are confident, to render any service
within their power.


Best Copy




Charges made by students that the University book store is reaping Inordinate profits from
the sale of textbooks and school commodities
will be given full consideration and an investigation begun soon by a committee appointed for
that purpose, it was announced after a meeting
of the council Wednesday afternoon.
The Kernel believes that the council has taken
the proper action following a request from students that conditions at the store be investigated, as was noted in last week's issue of the
student paper. The council, by acting quickly
and precisely, has established itself as a true
student body with the welfare of both the school
and the students at heart. As long as it continues to function in such commendable manner
the council will be a most valuable adjunct to
this school.
The Kernel printed the first story of the investigation with some misgivings, not because
it was feared that any action would be taken
against the editors for "breaking" the story, but
because the relations of The Kernel with the
book store have been both pleasant and profitable and because on Friday no official action
had been taken by the councllmen. The Kernel
feels that it was justified in so doing. Many
students knew of the proposed action at press
hour, and would have challenged the status of
the paper as a student publication had there
been no account of the council action published.
Although there was some hesitation felt in
giving the news story its position on page one,
The Kernel also felt that students were entitled
to know whether or not the book store was earning excess profit at the expense of students,
many of whom are working their way through
Now that the council officially has appointed a committee to conduct the investigation and
report its findings to the council so that students will be enlightened as to the true conditions, lasting good should result. If the book
store is reaping inordinate profits, the student
body is entitled to have tha practice discontinued; "if the store is not overcharging the University and the management are entitled to have
It made known so that the present dissatisfaction with prices at the store will evaporate under knowledge that the book store is earning
only that profit to which It should be entitled.
In other columns of today's paper will be
found the latest story of action of the council at
Wednesday's meeting. The Kernel feels that the
councllmen are going to provide all parties concerned with lasting benefit, and that is something all parties should desire.
At the next meeting of the body, following
Easter vacation, the councllmen will prepare




In a vocational survey recently conducted by
the Dean of Women at Northwestern University, the startling discovery was made that coeds, at least those of that university, do not
want to marry I Of 400 girls interviewed only
23 admitted they were yearning for or planning
marriage. As one of the girls who was questioned during the course said, in regard to the
"institution of marriage," "Who wants to live
In an institution?"
The result of this survey may or may not indicate a great number of things. First of all it
surely does Indicate that the popular conception
at the modern university falls to
of the co-e- d
fit In with the picture presented by this survey.
As a matrimonial bureau the university, supposedly, has been, according to dally papers,
magazines and humorous publications, the rendezvous for all those with a consumate desire
to quit the life of single bliss. It may indicate
that girls of this type no longer find it necessary
or expedient to attend college or university with
this purpose In view.
If this be true, then the conclusion might be
drawn that college men no longer appeal to the
average girl, either because of his "college" attitude, or because the average college man is being pushed out of the picture by those who, being older, have more to offer In a monetary
way. On the other hand it might Indicate that
college men are no longe rsusceptible to the
wiles and winning ways of such girls. Or there
actually are
is the possibility that the co-einterested in the attainment of a career for
Only one conclusion, however, may be drawn
with certainty from this survey, or from any
surveys of a similar nature: Human nature is
so constituted as to render the value of such
investigation practically worthless. People do
not make a practice of expressing their most intimate ideas and Ideals on form blanks. The
modern girl falls to see the advantage of telling
the dean of women that their sole aim in attending college is to "get her man."
One mimeographed survey sheet cannot eradicate a nature built up from generation to

The Kernel extends felicitations to the queen-ele- ct
on the honor accorded her by the Junior
class in their selection of her as Junior Prom
Queen. A second time the Juniors have chosen
wisely and well, Miss Kathleen Fitch, last year's
queen, being the first.
As the student body of the University crowns
another beauty, chosen from the resident bevy
of girls, the reputation of the women of thVs
South and of Kentucky in particular, crops forth
in perennial freshness. Though the colleges to
the North strive to follow the lead of the Southerners, their attempts fall short of great success.
All the world thinks of a Southern lady as the
embodiment of beauty, delicacy, and grace.
Byron might well have been thinking of such a
characterization when he wrote:
"She walks in beauty like the night,
Of cloudless chimes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and light
Meet In her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which Heaven to gaudy day denies."
Such teachings have been Instilled In the
minds of Kentucklans, that they cannot con
ceive a public event without the inclusion of the
honoring of woman. The period might almost
bear the caption of "Bowing to Beauty" or some
like phrase.
There have been beauties before. There will
be other beauties. But the Prom Queen, differ
ing from the majority of those honored, is not
only a bearer of beauty, but a personification of
graclousness, dignity and friendliness.

(Oregon Emerald.)
seniors must be "smooth," but their
dress must not be too "collegiate" when inter
viewing prospective employers, is advice one
hears this time of the year when big corpora
tlons are sending field men down to look over
the "crop" of college men who will graduate in
June and be looking for jobs.
Instead of waiting for the graduate to come
and see them, these forward-lookin- g
scan the prospects before they get out of school
and if they see a man who Is a "comer" it is to
their advantage to sign him up.
Good manners, correct speech, an adult point
appearance make
of view and a
as important an impression as the student's college classroom training and scholastic record.
Most interviewers place the Importance of col
lege activities as follows: First, grades in colactivities, and
lege subjects; second,
College men might profitably consider those
points and note the importance placed by the
business world on their work in college.
only do the points apply to seniors who confer
with interviewers from corporations, but every
college man who goes out hunting a Job after
graduation will find himself facing the same
sort of scrutiny on the same angles.

(Wisconsin Cardinal.)
The Yale Dally News objects to the project
of the Harvard Crimson for a national discussion of prohibition and Its effects upon the col
The Crimson has published a program
of prohibition reform, formulated by the Harvard Debate Council, which the editors hope to
sec taken up by other college editors and dis
cussed by other college debate clubs.
The Yale editors feel that prohibition Is not
a college issue. Their Interest, an editorial in
the News states, "is in getting at the facts of
prohibition as they obtain in the university . . .
It is our conviction that facts and figures showing the present extent of drinking in college
would be a valuable contribution to the issue."
We hold no brief for the Hnrvard plan. We
find it rather vague. But the Yale paper's denial of Interest In reform seems to us completely unjustified. Wc feel that all matters of public welfare arc college issues, whether they be
local, state, or national, whether they be eco
nomic or political or ethical. In another year
most of us who conduct these discussions, either
In the college papers or In college debates, or
simply In fraternity house bull sessions, will bo
out of college. Whatever thinking we may have
done during these four years of comparative
peace, comparative freedom, will have to last
most of us a long time. Few of us In the first
five years out of school will have much time to
think, and at the end of that time most of us
will have forgotten how.
We believe that one of the primary duties of
college papers Is to comment upon all matters
of public interest, to stir up discussion in college circles. The Yale plan to collect statistics
is sensible, If not particularly practicable, but
It does not go far enough. We favor discussions
in the Harvard mood, If not after the Harvard




"It's easy to distinguish between
Dr. W. D. Funkhouscr, dean of a prof and a student."
will go to Nashthe graduate school,
"Ow's that?"
ville Saturday, April 5, to attend a
"Ask him what It is, and if he
district conclave of Kappa Sigma, says it's a pronoun well he's not
social fraternity.
The a student."
meeting will be a regular business
session, at which Dr. Funkhouscr
Tobacco is found In many of the
will preside.
Several members or Southern states and in some cigars.
the local chapter are expected to attend the meeting.
with case,
His strength no one can question;
But here's the rift, he cannot lift,
Her pic from his digestion.
Ho lifts her auto trunks




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Dr. Jesse E. Adams, head of the educational
deparment of the University College of Educa
tion, is the author is a new spelling book to be
used in graded schools, which he has called
Speller." This book in
corporates the results of years of study, expe
rience and research in the public school field.
Dr. Adams has attempted to prepare a text
book which will appeal to school children in
such a way that they will be Interested in the
subject, and in learning more of spelling. In
this attempt he has succeeded remarkably well,
according to several able critics in the field of
It Is well that the University has in its corps
of professors, those who can teach, not only
theory, but can transform their theories to practical subjects and acts, as well.


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A new field for university graduates, unlim
ited in its possibilities, has been brought to the
attention of students on the campus of the Uni
versity by the announcement issued recently
from the United States Department of Justice
to the effect that prison service has recently
been reorganized and professionalized. The first
step in this move has been the establishment of
a school for this purpose .In New York.
The scope of this work is striking because of
the unique position it holds. Rarely, if ever,
has the average student been heard to mention
the idea of utilizing the prison and The Kernel
is not attempting to be facetious as a means
of a life vocation. To those students who feel
that the humdrum existence which they antici
pate with the following of the "average" career
after college, this announcement should afford
ample room for contemplation.


Sunday, April 13, has been chosen by the
University Y. M. C'. A. as the day to be set aside
for both students and faculty members as the
occasion to be known as "Go to Church Sunday."
Each year this organization, together with the
Y. W. C. A., sponsor this day for the purpose of
attemotlnK to make the students on the Unlver
sity campus "Church Conscious." Ministers of
with these
the Lexington churches
groups in presenting sermons of special interest
to men and women in college ranks.
The Kernel considers it a distinct privilege to
with these re
urce that all students
llglous organizations in the promotion of this
day. As President Mcvey has said: "The weu
balanced life must include the religious phase.
Too much commendation cannot be tendered
the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. in this and
other work promoted at the University.

A challenge
to the imagination





(By Francis Hackett, Horace and Llverrlght,
New York, 1029.)
Here is an alive and distinguished book "A
Personal History of a Dynast and His Wives."
It is, indeed, a complete history of England and
much of the Continent during a period when
Henry "broke the bonds of Rome" and made
the clergy of England dependent on himself.
Against this background the author spreads be
tapestry, woven
fore your eyes a
of kings, courtiers and churchmen, amid scenes
of treachery, politics and love.
Adhering strictly to facts for his book, Mr.
Hackett becomes almost the novelist in his manner of recounting anew the old story of Henry
VIII and his six wives. Though they are dead
these many centuries, the author brings them
dramatically to life on his pages.
This is a magnificent biography which relies
on a vast harvesting and dynamic marshalling
of facts and testimony rather than the brilliant
supposition and dubious psychology which is
one of the serious faults of so many biographers.

To provide telephone service of national scope, to manage and develop
properties valued at more than three and
billion dollars, to maintain an
organization of more than 400,000 people
such work spurs
at highest efficiency
the creative thought of men of the highest calibre.
Within the Bell System many have
achieved outstanding success. Their work



pure science and engineering,
but in organization and management, in
is not only in

salesmanship, financial administration, economics and tlfe many other fields vital to
the growth of so great an enterprise.
Because of these men the Bell System is
able to furnish the best
service in the world. A progressive policy
puts at their disposal every aid that u great
organization can give.




jyittm of





