tAGE fetGttf

ili una jmumajjjj.em i
The polls will be open from 8 to 4 nnd ns part-tim- e
reporter on Thc
mntely thirty-thre- e
hundred, foiled to p.m., nnd thc following girls have Lexington Herald, thnt he is a capable
provide for tho influx of persons who nominated for office: for president: journnlist.
Sherle Basket, U. of K. Senior, Hawkins, Henson, Evans,
Holbrook, Home, clnmored to witness the closing of the Irene Morgan, Virginin Ilcizcr; for
Mr. Shropshire, who has been servHns Ben Ali Act
Hutcliorflon. 0. C. Johnson. Keller, tournament. The snmo interest was secretary: Jenncltc Mctcnlf, Chcnnult ing in tho capacity of advertising
McDavid, manifested by tho university students Kelley, Louise Jefferson; for treas- manager this yenr, is n freshman in
Kelly, Mercer,
.1. Slicnrlo
Baskctt, senior in the
or hometown urer: Mnrgio Leo Smith, Dorothy tho College of Arts nnd Sciences and
Chapter Will Be Known As Al- College of KriRincorinK, nppenrod the McGill, Page, Peters, Pryor, Pulliam, n backing their district found
several Smith; for undergraduate representaRnymer, Ryans, Synder, Swcnrengin, tenuis, nnd each gnme
is nlso a member of Delta Tau Delta
pha of Kentucky ; Dr Glan-vill- e
of the week nt tho Ben Ali Swinford,
first part
Antwerp, Vinson. hundreds aligned behind their favor- tive: Lyclin Roberts, Mary Kate Bled- social fraternity.
Terrell Elected
in u dramatic monologue, Totnl 40.
All of these men were elected by
Mr. Bnskett is from Cynthinna, Ky.,
First President
McVcy Makes Comment
With the curtain rung down cm the
Tho new officers will be introduced
and the Kernel wishes to
tho net which ho presents is en- nll
Pres. Frnnk L. McVey, when naked scene of the 1020 basketball tourna nt the woman's banquet on Sunday extend to them Its heartiest congratBANQUET IS BIG FEATURE tirely original. Another feature of by The Kernel to give his opinion on ment, it is u prevailing idea Hint tho evening, March 28, in the recreation
ulations nnd wish them the grontest
the style show which Is being held nil the killing of the university bond isesults of this year s games will cre- - room of Patterson hnll nt G:30 o'clock. success during the ensuing yenr.
A chapter of Phi Beta Knppa, na- - this week, are models representing the sue, submitted the following nrticle to nte grcnter interest throughout tlte
Among tho paper for publication.
A.ionnl honorary scholastic fraternity, vnrious business
state than hns heretofore been shown, ATHLETIC
was installed nt the University of them are Billie Uphnm, who is
university bond becnuse of tho wresting of the title
The failure of
last Friday, at n business ing for Kaufman Clothing Company, issue to pnss in thc legislature nnd this year from thc two previous con- TALK
Session held in the nfternoon and nt and Robert Sweetscr, who is rcprc- the indignation of students nnd alum trolling tennis, Manual and Lexington. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE SIX) (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE)
n banquet that night nt tho Lafayette scnting another of the men's clothing ni nnd
friends of tho university over With tho monopoly of thc state chamhotel. The chapter will bo known as stores.
this conclusion of a very important pionship broken, nnd thc strength of physical education departments or ices will be held in the near future.
tho Alpha of Kentucky since it is tho
The stylo show hns created n great matter, nrc thc occasion for writing all teams thorughout thc state in- thc coaching of women's
athletics, will
Active member of tho Henry Wnt-tcrsfirst chnpter of Phi Beta Kappa in tho deal of interest nnd although this is n brief comment on tho situntion.
creasing, there nr.c eager eyes already find these discussions helpful.
chapter nre: Wnrrcn Price,
state. OfTicinls of the university said the first year that such a project hns
turned townrd thc 1927 tournament.
In 1924, the legislature authorized
Monday's program is especially de- Dclos Nooc, Kenneth Gregory, Niel
that the installation of the chapter been sponsored, the future looks clear the presentation to the people of a
nt the university wns one of the great- for many more of its kind. The style $75,000,000 bond issue. In this bill DINNER FOR U, K. GIRLS signed for the purpose of starting n Plummcr, Arthur Morris, Theodore
sentiment in favor of n McDowell, Frnnk Hoover, John Walsh,
est scholastic steps this institution show does not close until tomorrow the university wns to
receive 5,000,-00- WILL BE HELD MARCH 25 safer nnd saner typo of sports for Emmet Milwnrd, Kyle Whitehead, J.
hns taken within the past few years. night, nnd the models may bo seen
with thc rest distributed, to thc
The ultimate gonl of tho L. Crawford, Merrill Dowden, John
Dr. Glanville Terrell was elected "strolling" from theatre to theatre penal nnd churitnblo
institutions and (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) Woman's Athletic Association of the Bullock, Lcroy Keffer, Jack Warren,
president of the new chnpter. Other at almost any hour of the night.
other neencies nnd n balance of
University of Kentucky, is the formn-ntio- n Roscoe Clnxon nnd Kenneth Tuggle.
officers elected nro vice president, Dr.
50,000,000 to go to road construction. Your best friend is probably the one
within thc various high schools
James B. Miner; secretary, Dr. W. U. P A UL JENKINS
CHOSEN After n rather strenuous campaign who but come nnd see for yourself! throughout the state, of little-siste- r
Allen, nnd treasurer, Dr. Lynn B.
1927 NET TEAM CAPTAIN tho proposal was defeated by 04,000 Sorry we can't tell yclu everything chapters of the W.A.A.
These officers were elected
Tho only other way to pro- now we're nil just bustin' to tell it, basketball ns plnyed by girls is the
nt tho business session nt which ap- (CONTINUED PROM PACE ONE) vide tho money, if tho vote of the biit we must control ourselves for one particular enemy ngninst which
proximately seventy new members
people wns to be taken ns the conclu more week and let it all be n big organization intends to hurl its atof Phi Betn Kappa were formally by winning 15 consecutive games dur- sion
of thc matter, was to raise it surprise.
tack. Those who are not In sympathy versity and town, and faces tho Delta.
elected; Tho Central Kentucky Phi
by taxation.
ing the season just closed,
Wo can say this much there'll b6 with this movement may'discover the Tau
Delta and the Phi Delta Theta.
Beta Kappa Association, at the busiIn the legislative session just clos- lotsa pep, lotsa fun, nnd you'll miss n how and why of tho W.A.A. stand- houses.
Jenkins Coached by Arnston
ness session, formed a permanent orpoint by attending the meetings held
captain, ed, two proposals were made, one lot if you miss it.
Jenkins, the newly-electe- d
Sigma Beta Xi is only four years
ganization and elected officers who
guard almost to raise money by an income tax and
Tl;e committee chairmen are as fol under the direction of Miss Schocdler. old, being organized In the fall of 1922
were headed by Bishop Lewis W. Bur- - was named
unanimously by the sport writers at the other by n luxury tax. Over lows; program, Vii'ginia Kelley; puband chartered the same year.
. ton.
KENTUCKY KERNEL NAMES first year the fraternity leasedThe
Marthe Southern Conference basketball night furious opposition sprang up licity, Frances Lee; music,
" At the banquet in l!6 evening the tournament at Atlanta, and was the against the bills and in order to meet tin; decorations, ElizabethPearl
Lehman; OFFICERS FOR NEXT YEAR house on South Upper, the
formal presentation of tho charter unanimous choice for tho
the needs for a second time, bond tickets, Willy King.
third years the former Alpha Sigma
was made by Dr. Oscar M. Voorhees,
He received his first issue bills were offered as substitutes.
(CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) Phi house at 218 South Limestone.
of New York City, secretary of the instructions under Neal Arnston, The tax bills were withdrawn nnd the Y. M.-W.,
The chapter is now petitioning Theta.
United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa Louisville Manual mentor, and his bond bills substituted. One of these
NEW OFFICERS SOON These will April begin their work on the Chi, national fraternity which does
The annual Phi Beta Knppa address
Ray bills provided $5,000,000 for the uni
instruction under
paper on
not have a chapter in Kentucky.
V was delivered by Dr. Edwin Minis, first collegiate was a classmate of versity nnd it was this bill which
' head of the department of English, Eklund who
John Bullock entered the university
Arnston's at the. University of Min bore the brunt of the opposition to
in the fall of 1924 nnd since that GRADUATES'
of Vanderbilt University. A musical nesota. Paul developed into the best the bond proposnls.
be selected to serve on the advisory time has attained many honors on DUE
program also was given at, the ban guard in
Reduced to $3,000,000
the south in one year on the
board, and thc following nominations the campus. He is a member of
The opposition had strength enough have been submitted:
varsity and bigger nnd better things
Delta Tau Delta, national social fra- (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE)
are expected of him in his honored to force the acceptance of amend
Frank Melton.
ternity; Alpha Delta Sigma, national
XV A 1 liixviN IT I , SUKUK- "ilNlJNJli
nnd responsible position, the captain ments reducing the amounts for the.
Forrest Mercer.
honorary journalistic fraternity; the May 17 to the 21, each one receiving-- a
TY SHIELDS ARE STOLEN of the Wildcat basketball team ot university to 3,000,000 and adding J. R. Bullock.
Suky Circle; is the new editor-in-chi- ef
copy of the dates. It is absolutely"
a list of new enterprises in the favor
G. T. Fenn.
of the "K" handbook, published each, necessary that each one appear for
The freshmen awdrded numerals of four more normal
B, F. Kells.
year lor the information of the fresh-.me- n; this oral examination at the date and
are as follows: Edwin Knadlor. of senate refused to accept the amend
J. W. May.
is a member of the university time set, so if anyone has a preferiterprising reporter of this paper. Louisville;
Lawrence McGinnia, of ments of the house and changed tho
Roy E. Proctor.
debating team and of the Patterson ence at to the date and time, please
When the aforementioned reporter
bill, omitting the proposed normal
Lexington; Ferdinand Wieman, of
M. H. Crowder.
Literary society.
see Dean Funkhouser immediately.
:alled the Kappa house right after Lexington: Tom Phipps,
of Ashland; , schools and altering tne amount to
The election of- - officers of the Y.M.
Plummer Entered U. K. in '24
The election of officers resulted in
"nner he was informed that their
and C.A. is held by ballot vote, Mr. Kav-anau4,600,000 for the university
Kerns Gatliff, of Williamsburg; Claire
Niel Plummer also entered the uni- the following:
CharlesA. Louder-mil- k,
ield was up that hey had
400,000 for schools of blind, deaf and
Dees, of Lexington; Coleman Mar
stated, and each member is versity in the fall of 1924 and is a
president; John O. Taggarts,
of the fourth
it nt the end
of Frankfort; Elmer Gilb, of the normals for colored people. Upon entitled to one vote. Ballots will be member of Alpha Gamma Epsilon,
Mrs. Vaneta Thomas.
ur nnd found it intact. Being per- shall,
Newport; and William Heizer, of the return of the bill to the house, sent to each member for the coming local fraternity, and of the University Horlacher, secretary-treasure- r.
cent he demanded that they again Lexington.
the vote was against the amended election.
R. O. T. C. band.
Mr. Plummer is
It was decided to have a banquet, at
ok his only answer came five mln-e- s
bill. Such in brief la the story.
Y. W. To Elect
also a member of Alpha Delta Sigma, which time a well known speaker
later when the maid grabbed the
The question confronting the alum
The annua"! election of officers of honorary journalistic fraternity, and would address the club. The arrangeeceiver and in a nervous tone asked ROMANY
SUCCESS ni of tho university in the legislature the Y.W.C.A. of the University of of Phi Mu. Alpha, national honorary ments were, left to the executive comdm to "summon a doctor or undertak-- r NEW COMEDY
was just this: Is it desirable to ac Kentucky will be held March 24, in musical fraternity. Mr. Plummer has
mittee with the suggestion that the
or something, as all the young la(CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) cept 3,000,000 for which it Is ne the hall of the Administration build proved, through his work as assistant banquet be held on Friday night someics had fainted."
cessary to spend 2,000,000 more for ing, and in the office of Boyd hall. news editor on the
Kerpel this year, time between April 26 and May 17.
One of this paper's special hired the wit of Henry Hubert Davies, tho schools that would have been a great
letectives thought that he had found people, who live in that part of the burden upon tho Income of the stato
i valuable clue Thursday noon when country which is theatrically referred for years to come?
It was a diffi
ill the reported thefts were from to as "the road," are rarely so fortun- cult question and I am nof willing
houses whose names included some- ate, "Mrs. Gorrlnge's Necklace" has to condemn any alumnus for voting
where the Greek letter Delta, namely been the starring vehicle for some of "No" to the proposition when all of

Student On Stage


Bryant, Bnckmnn,

Buckncr, Hunger,
Coots, Cox, Daniel,

ium, with scats numbering







Tau DELTA, Kappa DELTA, Alpha Xi DELTA, and Phi DELTA
Theta. This theory was smashed a
little later when the Chi Omegas,
Kappa Kappa Gammas, Sigma Alpha
iSpsilons, and Zeta Tau Alphas re
jorted their losses.
Detective Has Theory
But one enterprising detecitve has
orked out a theory which seems
ausible to him. According to his
esis, the unknown fraternity-shielmust be one of the
:adlier sex. He bases his conclusion
l the indisputable fact that twice as
have been
iany sorority shields
swiped" as fraternity emblems, de
spite the larger number of men's or
ganizations, and he says this is proof
that the thief liked boys better than
girls. Naturally a woman well, we
kleave it to the reader's judgment.
' When asked to explain why three fraternity shields have disappeared, this
youthful Sherlock maintained that
there were two possible solutions
either the girl was "jilted" by or
else she was so in love with these
fraternities that she borrowed a
shield to put under her pillow and
dream of her beloveds. Members of
the three indicated fraternities indignantly deny the former accusation
.jut blush with gentlemanly grace at
Modesty, they
the second charge.
say, prevents them from telling tho
whole truth as to that charge.
But cheer up, gentle reader. If the
name of your fraternity is missing in
the list of those who have had their
shields taken, don't feel slighted. If
thefts continue to be reported next
week as rapidly as they have lately,
the editor has promised to allow me
to get out a whole supplement to next
week's paper dealing with this important question. But until that time
now I bid you "au reservoir."



actors of pur 'time. its phases are taken into consldera
U. of K. Badly in Need
The university Is badly In need of
money for buildings and equipment
but 3,000,000 would not meet the
situation; 5,000,000 would make it
possible to provide for the future with
some degree of confidence. When the
similar characters.
"Mrs. Gorrlnge's Necklace" has a state realizes the needs of the uni
variety of appeals, There is a detec versity and n clear cut issue can be
tive story; character analysis, bril- made which is not clouded by a po
liant comedy with a serious undercur- litical situation that is very much
rent; a powerful love interest in a tangled and confused, the university
tangled romance. It is wildly ab will come into its own,
The lessons of this Incident in the
sorbing, yet intellectual.
legislature are many. I need not go
Cast Announced
The complete cast is, Captain Mow into them now, but one of them is
bray, retired, John Gourlay, president for the university to insist upon the
of the Superior Oil Company; Colonel consideration of its needs wholly and
Jardine, retired, Ab Kirwan; Lieut solely on their merits. The hearten
David Cairn, Addison Yeaman; Mrs ing thing in this bond issue question
Jardine, Mrs. Paul Hughes; Isabel was the help of many interested
Jardine, Miss Mary Fuqua Turner; friends and the favorable comment of
Vickey Jardine, Miss Caroline Speyer; the press. The life of a university is
Jernlgan, the detective, "Doc" Reade, a long one; that of tho University of
.S.A.E. freshman; Mrs. Gorringe, Miss Kentucky has been short, but it can
Mary Lyons; Charles, the butler, Car have a real pride in its accomplishments under difficult circumstances.
ey Tucker.
The play is under the direction of
Lyons and Mr. Sax. The
Miss Mary
setting was designed by Mr. Sax and ATTENDANCE
executed under the direction of Wil- BROKEN AT NET TOURNEY
liam Zopff, stage manager.
The Players urge nil students to (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE)
make reservations early for this play
as it promises to be one of the most lecting the winners of the sportsmanpopular ever presented at the Rom- ship cup awarded each year to one
team in each division.
Great Interest Shown
An announcement from tho office of
BOND ISSUE, VOTE 86 to 40 S. A. "Daddy" Boles, director and
chief promoter of the tournament,
(CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) stated that the financial status of the
tournament was satisfactory, and that
Slusher, Valandingham, W a o n, the attendance record was higher than
Watts. Total
that of any previous year. The semi
finals and finals in the boys' division
Bach, Baughman, D. F. Brown, drew a capacity house, Tho gymnas

best-know- n

George Arliss and Ethel Barrymore
have played it in America, and in
England two of the parts were created by Sir Charles and Lady Wynd-ha(Miss Mary Mpore) with great
In fact, Sir Charles was
knighted for his creation of this and


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So this night as the
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