Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees     April 6, 1921

    of the Buffalo Forge Company, in the shape of a complete new
    blacksmith and forge shop equipment, I am handing you a letter
    from Mr. Wendt received after the last meeting of the Board.
    I suggest that you keep this letter in your files for future

                                 Very truly yours

                        (Signed)      F. Paul Anderson

    On motion, duly seconded, President McVey was requested to acknowledge
receipt of the communication and indicate that the Board hopes to be able
to take advantage of the generous offer, but that it is not possible for
it to make a definite promise to do so until after the next session of the
General Assembly.

     (15) Resolutions Regarding Mr. E. W. Hines. There was received from
the Executive Committee of the Memorial Fund a. communication which was read
and ordered incorporated in the minutes as follows:

          On Monday last, (January 31, 1921) Edward W. Hines, Chairman
     of the Memorial Fund Committee, died after a brief illness.

          The State and the University lost a devoted friend when he
     passed on. Frail in health, dauntless in spirit; guided always
     by good sense and wisdom in his action, he was a power of strength
     to any cause.

          This Committee learned to know and love him,    When he died
     the Memorial for the soldiers killed in the War lost its leader.

          But the cause is made dearer by the devotion of Edward Hines
     and it is now permeated by his personality. This Committee in
     solemn session pledges to complete the work as he thought of it
     and as he labored for its building. To that end we renew our
     purpose, enlarge our vision and our faithi knowing that we can
     best honor him and establish a fitting memorial commemorating his
     devoted iwork in Kentucky begun under his leadership.

          Be it resolved therefore, that in respect to him and as a
     means of expressing our sympathy and grief, we place this reso-
     lution in the minutes of the meeting, and send copies to relatives
     and members of the General Committee and to the press.

     Whereupon the following resolution was unanimously passed by the