Minutes of a special meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees, University of Kentuoky, on Tuesday, Juxie 1,

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in special session in the office of Pres-
ident McVey at the University on Tuesday, June 1, 1920, at 10:00
o'clock, a. m. The meeting was called for the purpose of consid-
ering certain miscellaneous matters which the President of the Uni-
'Trzity Wished to present.   (These matters are enumerated below
with the action thereon indioated.)   The following members were
present: Richard C. Stoll, P, P. Johnston, Jr., Riohard P. Ernst,
Robert G. Gordon, and Rainey T. Wells.   Frank La McVey, President
of the University and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Committee
were also present.

     (1) Disoontinuance in Offioe of Mr. Hyatt.   On motion, duly
seconded and adopted, the action of the Executive Committee relative
to Mr. G. T. Wyatt and his continuance as district agent was brought
up for reconsideration,   After discussion, the original action of
the Committee was referred to the Board of Trustees for oonsidera-
tion as a Fort ot .the xminutes of the meeting.

      (2) Orders of the State Fire Marshal.   President McVey pre-
 sented to the Committee certain orders issued by the State Fire
 Marshhl directing the installation of fire equipment in several
 of the University buildings.   After discussion, a motion was made,
 seconded, and unanimously adopted, that a committee be appointed
 to go over the situation with the Superintendent of Buildings and
 Grounds and make further report to the Committee.   The chair
 appointed Mr. Wells and Mr. Grady.

      (3) New Cafeteria and Faculty Club Rooms.   President McVey
 presented to the Committee an estimate of the cost of preparing
 cafeteria quarters and a faculty club room in the basement of
 Science Hall.   The estimated cost of making the necessary changes
 was $9,732.61.   The President stated that the question of furnish-
 ing meals to student&was becoming serious.   He indicated that
 many boarding houses were going out of business and that students
 were finding it more and more difficult to get meals at prices which
 they could afford to pay.   He also stated that he believed that