
    In aceepting thi6 aliotment, we hereby solemnly agree and bind
ourselves and the institution named above to dieburse this allotment
in sonpliance with the ruies and regulations of the Interdepartmental
Social Hygiene Board and ". stsiot accordance with this budget as set
forth below.

     I. Director .    ...........................,.......$4,000.00

     2. Teaehers of Hygiene
           (To be taken care of by Director, physiclan
           and woman director and assistant.

     3. Teachers of Physical Training
           One woman at .............   $2,500
           One woman at ............     1,500
           Three men at total of       6,450
                                      10,450-            10,450.00

     4. Health Examiners
           One man physician at.      $3,000
           One nurse at..     ..       1,200
           Dentists and other health
             examiners at total of..       0
                                       4,700              4,700.0Q

     5e Clercal anD Stonographic Sertice
           One cJlerk at  .   ......   1,200              1,200.00

     6. coordinator
           (performed by the Director)

     7 Leaturers, etc ...........    ..                .    200.00
                     Tbta1 cost ..........    ,   ...... 20,550.00

        Amount of resource to be furnished by the
          Institution.........................            9,450.00
        Amount requested from Interdepartmental Social
          Hygiene Board ............    .................. 11,100.00

Approved:                               Frank L. MoVey,
   T. A, Storey                             President.
Exeoutive S esretary,
  For the Chairman                      D1 H. Peak,
                                             Business Agent.

     The hour for the meeting of the Board having arrived, the
Conittee adjourned.

                                         Respeotfully submitted,

Wellington Patrick,