The Kentucky Kernel


14, 1924

No. 21








A table cover has been taken from
one of the tables at Patterson Hal!. It
is thought probable
that some men
students have carelessly picked it up
without thinking that it was needed
at the hall. This is very thoughtless






Students, do you realize that the
IN R. 0. T. C.
T fourth payment, due on January 1, is UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO
now more than two months over due?
FOR 1924
25 SESSION You are one of the SO per cent, who SPEAKS HERE SATURDAY
still owe for that payment. It !.c no
All Companies Except G and business of yours why somebody else Stresses Danger of Modern Youth
has not paid, but why all the delay
L Have Chosen Co-e- d
Possessing Modern
yourself? Soon another payment will
be due. If the students right here
SENIOR GIRLS INELIGIBLE on the campus do not keep up enthus- PRESENT YOUTH INHERITS
Lieutenant Sponsors Eliminated iasm enough to meet the Greater Ken- Says Youths Did Not Fight the
tucky payments as they fall due, what
Due to Large Number of
War But Were n High
can you expect of those hundreds of
miles away who subscribed much
Dr. Shailcr Mathew, Dean of the
The election of sponsors in the miltheological school of the University
itary department of the University has heavier than you did?
of Chicago, spoke in chapel Saturday
been completed with exception of company sponsors in Companies G. and
afternoon of the danger of allowing
the modern youth to come in possessL, which will be made the latter part
ion of all the powers of scientific inof the week.
vention and wealth which were earned
Helen King, a junior the College of
by the past generation.
Arts and Sciences was elected regiPresident
McVey introduced the speaker.
mental sponsor. Miss King was form- New
Rifles Donated by Presierly sponsor of Company C and is a
In stressing the pl'ght of the young
dent Frank L.McVey and
people he said, "Youth is but the
member of Kappa Delta sorority.
grown movement without experience.
Maria McElroy a sophomore in the
College of Arts and Sciences was
The Men's Rifle Team of the Uni- I sympathize with the young people,
chosen sponsor of Battalion F. Miss versity of Kentucky has the distinction but I do not envy them, for the past
generation has achieved, the rising
McElroy has won many friends on of being an undefeated
team this year
the campus by her willingness to aid This
team represents the University generation merely inhertis. What is
in all affairs pertaining to the Univerand is making a remarkable record left for them to do? They can't dissity. She is a member of Kappa Kap- in states where it is
cover the north pole, we have discovnnf so well known,
pa Gamma sorority.
as in California, Alabama and Ohio, ered that twice, there are no more fronGrace Davis, sophomore, was elect- in producing a winning team, the Uni- tiers for them to conquer."
ed in Battalion 2. Miss Davis is a versity is placed in high regard by
The equality between the young men
Kappa Gamma these schools in the Southland and and women which has developed since
memlber of Kappa
sorority. Frances Smith, was elected elsewhere.
women have been allowed to vote and
sponsor of Battalion 3. She has taken
Both the men's and women's rifle
organization of young people unpart in the Stroller productions and teams have been firing these matches the
is a under difficulties, as there is not a suf- der 25 years of age into groups which
was May Queen last spring. She
member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sor ficient number of
rifles fix for themselves their own code of
President McVey, the sponsors and customs and morals were two distinct
Annelle Kelley, a junior in the Col the "hop" committee each presented tendencies among modern youth cit- lege of Arts and Sciences, was
one of these rifles to the Military De(Continued on par: 8.)
captain of Company A. Miss Kelley partment and money is being raised
is a member of the
Circl;, has by the classes in military science to
been an officer in both the Sophomore purchase other rifles.
and Junior classes and will play the
In the match between the University
of Illinois and the University of Ken(Continued to Page 8)
tucky ending March 8, our "mus- TO HEAR LECTURE TUES.
K- keteers" were victorious by the score
of 1872 to 1849 points. The men on
Prof. Victor Lenher, of WisconNOTICE TO SENIORS!
the team who fired were:
sin, Will Tell of the "Won193 po nts
J. B. Phillips
der Solvent"
Each student who is a mem195 points
C. C. Rice
ber of the class of 1924 is re190 points
J. C. Bobbitt
The 94th meeting of the Lexington
quested to come to the Regis190 points
Mayo Anderson
Section of the American Chemical So
trar's office and make formal ap190 points
M. A. Trusty
ciety will be held in the chemical lec- plication for the degree desired.
10 Pcnu5!ture room, Kastle
Hall, University
This includes all who
186 points ' r
O. B. revis h
. 1.1
Ul IVCllLUIS. , ill J.1J JJ. 111., Thursday.
their work during the comuuu
iou ponus
ing summer session. The cards
181 points
G. D. Rogers
liS la'eal "se"ction is fartunat- - in
furnished you, upon which the
11. is. mown
184 points: having as
the speaker on this occ.it.ion
application is to be made, call
A match will be tired this week beProfessor Victor Lenher, of the Uniwhich will be
for information
tween the University of Indiana and versity of Wisconsin, who will give
used as follows:
the University of Kentucky.
a lecture on Selleuium
(1) In preparation of the
"Wonder Solvent."
Lenher is a chemist of
(2) In publishing the comThe following
SCORE FROM METHODISTS national reputat.ou.
mencement program.
are some of the many capacities in
(3) In recommending to the
The Catholic five defeated the Park which he served: Chairman of the
University Senate the candidates
Methodist team in the Students' Bas- committee on the Uses of Selenium
for degrees.
ketball League at the University gym, and Tellurium; Member National Re(Your name will be placed on
27 to 6.
Yarbro, of the Methodist search Council; Major in Chemical
your diploma and on the comteam, made the only scores credited Warfare Service; Past President of
mencement program exactly as
Section, American
to his quintet, while both Rohs and the Wisconsin
it is written on the application.)
Vossnieyer, of ih: Ca.holic team, Chemical Society. The lecture will be
All applications will be remade more than the final score of the illustrated by numerous experiments
ferred to the respective deans for
and wilt be of niterest to the public,
other team.
approval. No one will be conwho are invited to attend, as well as
The lineup:
sidered who has not made appliMethodist 6 chemists and students of chemistry.
Catholic 27
cation. We want the names of
Yarbio 6
There will be a luncheon served in
Rohs 8
all who expect to be counted
Tnyflor the private dining room of the LaF
Loftus, D. 5
with the class of 1924.
Vossnieyer 8
Brabraut fayette Hotel at 12:30 o'clock, TuesTeachers or persons preparing
Moore day, March 18, in honor of Dr. LenBlack
to teach, should, iu addition to
Byers her. The price of the luncheon will be
Kir wan 2..
applithe above, ask for special
Mulhall 85 cents per plate. All members and
cation blang for teachers,
(4) for D. Loftus. J. Loftus for Black. friends of the local section wishing to
Very truly yours,
Methodists Ard for Moore, Cooper attend will kindly notify A. L. Mead-oL. Gillis,
secretary, at the Experiment Stafor Ard.
tion not later than Monday, March 17..
Referee Anderson, of Kentucky.


and inconsiderate of guests who parFirst Member of University Fac- take of the hospitality of the girls'
ulty to Receive Such
This is not the first piece of proper
ty to disappear from Patterson Hall
HEADS EXTENSION WORK and we wish to request that the men
who visit the halls and fraternities conPlans to Enter New York City duct themselves as gentlemen and be
careful not to deface or take any of
Institution Next Septem
the property from these places.
Will any men who know where these
The General Education Board of lost articles are pleased to see that
New York City has awarded a schol- they are returned without delay.
arship to Wellington Patrick, Director of University Extension at the
University of Kentucky. Several such
scholarships have been awarded to
Kentuckians, but Mr. Patrick is the
first member of the University of
Kentucky faculty to receive such a
Prominent Officers of Fraternity
to Attend the
For the past two years the General
Education Board has had a policy of
scholarships to men enThe ninth district of Kappa Siggaged in education in the south, for the
encouragement of further study, the ma fraternity will hold its
idea being to send into the southern conclave with Beta Nu chapter, in
states as quickly as possible men well Lexington, Ky.. March
trained in educational administration' ninth district consists of five Active
so the educational leadership in those
Unistates will be ibetter equipped. The chapters: Kappa, at Vanderbilt
Board has in mind especially training versity; Lambda, University of Tennmen qualified for positions a city essee; Phi, Southwestern Presbytersuperintendents of schools, Deans of ian University;
Omega, University
Normal Schools, and Deans and Pro- of the South (Sewanee); and Betn Nu,
fessors in teachers colleges and teachThe policy University of Kentucky, also 'hree
er training institutions.
provides for the payment of a regular alumni chapters, at Memphis, Nashsalary while such persons are engaged ville and Louisville. The conclave will
in- study, the usual amount stipulated
be held for the purpose of discussing
being about $2,000 annually for mar- - problems which are n'ow confronting
(Continued on page 5)
fraternities, and also to discuss the secret work of the fraternity.
Each of the chapters in the district
is requested to send two official dele
gates to the convention, and as many
as W19U iu ai.vuu.
uwicr juciuucis
Several off the high officials of the
Booth Tarkington's Famous Play national fraternity will attend and
will speak on various subjects of inTo Be Week of March
terest to the conclave delegates.
Beverly W.
Among these are:
The Romany Theatre will present as Howe, Worthy Grand Master of the
its third offering of the season, Booth fraternity; Finis K. Farr, fraternity
Tarkington's famous play, "The Inti historian, and Jesse T.
Stranger," beginning march 24. prominent memlbers of the fraternity
It is a delightful and charming comedy who will attend the conclave are:
written in the inimitable style that John Howe, of Carrolton, Ky., and
characterizes Tarkingtons work. The John Ware, of Cleveland, O.
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, of the Unistory of the play concerns two roversity of Kentucky, who is district
mances and gives a vivid contrast be- Grand Master of District Nim has
tween the old fashioned gin" and the been in charge of the major part of
modern day flapper, a theme that is the arrangements for the conclave, and
being much discussed.
has some very entertaining things
This play was originally written by planned for the visitors. Among these
Mr. Tarkington for thiat most charm- is a dance to be given on the evening
ing of American actresset, Miss Maud of the 28th and a banquet to be given
Adams, and was played by her with on the evening of the 29th. It is exgreat success.
pected that Kappa Sigmas from all
The cast has not yet been definitely surrounding territory will attend the
decided upon 'but will be announced
conclave as it will afford them an opthe near future. The members of the portunity of hearing the high officials
cbst will be from the Romany Players, of the fraternity speak on very ina large number of whom have
teresting subjects.
endeared themselves to the Lexington
theatre-goer- s
by their remarkable work
in the other two Romany productions,
"Liliom" and "Mr. Pin. Passes By,"
The scenery for the play will b deThere will be a meeting of the
signed and built by the Romany stage
Kernel staff next Thursday at
crew who also proved their aptness in
the fifth hour for the election of
the other plays. The scenes arc laid
officers for next year. All btaff
iu a small town in New York state,
members are requested to be
one set being a railway station while
the rest of the action bakes place :n a
delightful old Eastern home.





undefeatedjhis year












