Best Copy Available

T he Kentucky Kernel






All Southern Guard Elected
At Meeting of Seven
Letter Men






' Owning to tho unfortunato selection of tho word strike" when
tho words "stortage of labor"
should have been UBed, tho Friday
Kernel may havo subected tho publishers to somo inconvenience and
ombarassment, which tho management of the Kernel regrets. Ae a
matter of fact the Irregularity of
service In tho printing house was
caused by tho "resignation" of the
one linotype operator, and not by
a "strike" as erroneously stated.

Veteran Strollers and Newer
Talent To Produce Best

Kentucky Play










Lady Mary ..Mary Elizabeth Downing
Lady Agatha
iCarllsile Chennult
Lady (Catherine .... Margaret Smith
Kitty Conroy
Lady Brocklehurst
Clarlbel Kay
Margaret Brooks
Mrs. Perkins
Miss Fisher
Eleanor Morse
Miss Simmons
,..Bernice Young
Mile. Jeanne
Mary Peterson
Milton Rovlll
Lord Loam
Preston Cherry
Horndon Evans
Lord Brocklehurst ....Fred Augsburg
John Albright
M. Fleury
George Rouse
Ed. Gans
John Burks
Naval Officer
William Fiinn
. . .Bob Mitchell
Stable Boy
John Land
After more than a month of rehearsals and tryouts, Innumerable shifts
and changes, the cast of "The Admirable Crlchton" has been chosen
and is now for the first time formally
announced. It can be enthusiastically
received as a cast of stars. Strollers
from past productions who lead the
cast havo close rivals in the new members who havo won place In the race
for parts. The play, considered Barrio's masterpiece, will be the most
difficult offering made by the organization, but already the cast has. exhibited the skill and tallent necessary.
Herndon Evans, upon whom tho
burden of selecting the cast has fallen
in his position ofv stage manager, has
begun a month of Intensive rehearsals and announces early April as the
date of the play. Evans is experienced in this work, having exhibited
his tact and executive ability In "Rob-iHood" and "The Climbers" 1920
Stroller play.
Milton Revill and Mary Elizabeth
Downing, who have been chosen to
lead tho cast, are expected to repeat
the success they achieved as Ned
Warden and Blanche Sterling in "Tho
Climbers." Revill also appeared In
"Mice and Men," and is identified with
the leading dramatic talent of the iTJnl- ,


Continued on Page 2.









Chattanooga Quintet Falls
Before Praiseworthy
SCORE 20 TO .16

The competition in tho Sophomore class for nn Advertising manager and several assistant business managers for The Kernel for
next year will start Wednesday,
and will last three weeks. Every
man Interested should report to
The Kernel ofllco at 3:30 p. m.
Men In tho Engineering Collego
are especially urged to enter this


The Kittens went wild and defeated
tho quintet from tho University of
Chattanooga, In the local gymnasium
Friday night, by tho score of 20 to
1G. This was tho first victory for tho
Kentucky girls this year.
with that spirit which won tho chanh
plonship of tho South for the Wildcats,
tho Kittens determined not to bo outdone by tho boys, and in ono of the
fastest girl's games over stagod on
tho University court, they came oft
Nono of tho Kentucky! girls starred,
or nil of thorn did. Thoro wns no in
dividual playing but moro
was indulged in than tho girls have
shown at any other time this soason.
Thoy gained an early load which tho
visitors wero novor able to ovorcomo
and when the game ended, tho Kentucky girls wero ahead by four points.


White Hall Transformed Into Charming and Alluring Bohemia
By Kathrine Conroy.
Unique to the minutest detail, yet,
on the whole one of the most charm
ing and picturesque affairs ever given
at the University, was the Greenwich
Village Festival, presented Saturday
evening by the Art Department, under
the supervision of Mr. Carol Sax and
Miss Belle Bates. White Hall was
transformed into a veritable colony
wherein only the artestic were permitted to dwell.
The shaded lights, the single candle stick in the necK of a black bottle on each table, the orange and
green costumes of the servers, the
green draperies at the windows, the
peacock tapestries with orange background, tie airy, fairy tarltons of the
candy venders, all lent charm and
to the Bohemian scene.
In the uncertain light of the flickering candles, Professor Lampert took
up his violin, played a few bars of
enchanting music of his own composition, and the Apache Dance, presented by Louise McKee and Herndon Evans was on. Altho in burlesque, it was
probably the cleverest and most original act of the evening, and called
forth rounds of applause.
Miriam Seeger, in a dainty gown of
blue taffeta, quite captivated her
with a, sweet contralto voice,
when she sang "Alice Blue Gown."
Miss AMartha McClure, gowned in
lovely green to represent a peacock,
displayed remarkable grace and poise
in her interpretation of "The Death
of the Peacocks"
Other dances which brought prolonged applause were "The Flame"
by Miss Fannie Bruce Lawridgo, tho
"Egyptian Dance," by Russel Van
Sant, and the "Spanish Dance," by
Miss Mary Louise Cover. Tho dancers were ably accompanied at the
piano by Mai'y Elizabeth Lyons. Tho
University Quartette, Neal Sullivan,
Jack Dahringer, Crawford Anderson
and Raymond Crnig, Mrs. L. L. Dant-zle- r
in vocal solos, and Leland Snoddy

Continued on Page


No. 23

Tuesday-Frida- y

Sophomores toj Compete
for Staff Positions


At a meeting of the basketball
squad held yesterday noon In the
athletic office, .Robert E. Lavln,
of Paris, was elected captain of the
team of 1922, to take the place of
Basil Hayden, captain of this year's
team, who will be graduated In
"Bobby" Lavln Is a Junior In the
Collego of Arts and Sciences and
is one of Kentucky's best all'round Kentucky First In Aggregate
athletes. He has been a member
and Individual Point
of the basketball squad for the past
year was
three seasons and this
picked by several southern newsALL SQUTHERN HINTS
papers and coaches to hold down a
berth on the All Southern Team.
He Is a member of S. A- - E. fraterWhen it comes to scoring in a basket-ball
tournament, you will have to
nity and Mystic 13.
At this meeting letters were Hand it to the Wildcats. As a team
awarded to the following men who Lthey led In the S. I. A. A. by scoring
so justly deserved them: Hayden,
147 points, which was 23 more than
""King, Adklns, Iaivln, Rldgeway,
Georgia, their closest rival. Almost
Smith and Wilhelm. Watch charm
a point a minute is not a bad record
gold basketballs surmounted with
for a team away from home.
a .pearl inlaid K will be given to
As to individuals, Kentucky had
.these men.
three men among the ten leaders in
scoring. Among the leaders were:
Bill 'King, who led. the tournament
with 55 points, one point ahead of
Anderson, the Georgia wonder. Close
on tho heels of Anderson came Paul
"IN ROBIN HOOP GRST Adkins, who scored more field goals
than any "one in the tourney, gathering
50 points or 25 field goals, more than
a game. Captain Basil Hay
Campus Organization six coalstheWildcats, came sixth with
den, 6f
33 points, and the only reason lie nau
no more was because of the close
Musical Interests
guarding of him from the beginning of
tournament until the end.
..... the Southern Hints From Atlanta
A choral club, with a view to
nntY rnjiintairiinc musical Interest
It is almost a certainty that Ken!Lsi among students, was planned at the tucky will have at least two men and
'ppHnfr of the "Robin Hood" cast perhaps three men on the All SouthWednesday, March 2, in the Cafeteria ern. The Atlanta newspapers have
of several
rooms. The following otneers lor me given glowing write-up- s
o. Wildcats, and the Coach of Alabama
were elected:
Li new organization
V ' Anilprsnn. nresident: Tommy Brooks, said that if ho were to select this
Mary Lyons, secretary; mythical team, he would give berths
?' W.o.nresident:
to Hayden, Adkins, and Lavln. This
imu uiu muuiutu; "
:' The new club Is a direct outcome was before the final game was played,
ot and he did not see that last play by
the successful presentation
rl "Jtobln Hood," ana us cmirim- wem-r- King, nor the wonderful work of
students in the Ridgeway or ho might have selected
bers are the sixty-fivi'.'"'L0 nff tha nnfirn. Choruses from dlf- - the entire Kentucky team.
Anderson of Georgia" is the only
M.ferent operas, especially from "Pinaat tlio weoiuy other man who is really worthy of a
- lore," will be studied
meetings. The club plans, with Pro- place on this mythical quintet. His
cessor Lamport's aid, to present this work was nothing short of wonderful.
Where would he be placed? He is no
composition next winter.
a nrmstttiition will bo drawn up, a better than any of the Wildcats.
Two Atlanta papers, picking tho
name chosen, and more mature plans
perfected at the next meeting of tho best player of the tournament, decided
'.ninii in White Hall. March 9, at 3:30. upon two different Kentucky men.
and The Journal
that Lavln
A standing committee for
selection of prospective momDors wm Is thogreatost player that has ever
probably bo appointed.
Continued on Page 3;
' At tho initial meeting of tho club,
delightful menu was
served. Between tho courses talks Funkhouser is Fellpw
mmin liv Professor Lamport and
National Society
members of "Robin Hood" cast, and
opera wero sung uy au.
songs from. the
Dr. W., D. Funkhouser, head of the
Department of Zoology at tho University of Kentucky, has received a letMISS GREATHOUSE
ter from tho Secretary of tho Ento! ENTERTAINS AT HALL mological Society of America, notifying him of his election at tho December meeting of tho Executive Commit-teto tho rank of Follow in tho
Miss Tillle Greathouso entertained
...m. U IVtk UJWtvw lnnt RntnnlnV- aftOIV
.lniinn "" "
fc''xoon from 4 until C o'clock In tho Tho eminent Kentucky scientist has
a memrecreation hall at Patterson Hall for for a number of years-booSociety
a fow members of itho faculty group ber of tho Entomological
which Is composed of COO
outside friends. An orches- pieces furnished tho 'men who havo contributed original
'tra ot three
discovery to tho world of
' 'II1UH1C UIIUi uuiiiib hiu oftm'iinnil Hlllld. reasoning or
seventy-flehes and tea wero served. Miss outomologlcal sclonco. Only
of thoso members, hove been
assisted by Miss ive
$ Greathouso Jwas
n..o.,n Mfaa
nr k bv. noiiu i rauuii. 'given the added distinction of classification as Fellows.
Dorothy Watson and Elizabeth Ellis.


MARCH 8, J921



University To Be Host To
Many Basketball Quintets This Week

The Kentucky High School Athletic Association will hold Its annual
basketball .tournament In the University gymnasium Friday and Saturday,
March 11 and 12. Student tickets "wjll
be taken as half the admlttanceprlco
which will bo fifty cents.
The first game will commence nt
three o'clock Friday afternoon.
present tho drajwiings have not been
mado so It is not known which 'teams
meet each other 'In the preliminaries.
Among the teams which will compete,
in tho tournament will bo Monticello,
Clark County, Manual, LaGrange and
There will be other
teams, but all have not yet signified
their ilntentlons of competing.
This will be the third of these an
nual high school tournaments which
have all proven successful. This one
is expected to be no exception to tho
rule, and large crowds will see the
games which mean so much to the
high schools of the state. A silver
loving cup will go with the winner
of the tourney on their homeward




'Wildcat Squad Victorious
By Overwhelming Score

Kentucky wrestling
a decisive
Miami Saturday night by the one.
sided score of 4G to 8. This ds the.)
second last match to bo held by the
University this season.
All of the bouts but two were won
by falls by the Wildcat grapplers.
The only bout lost by the local wrestlers was won by Wright, of Miami,
over Winters, whose shoulder, injur-- ;
ed in tho Cincinnati match last week,
could not stand tho strain.
All of the matches were deoisive, as
only two out of the seven went to.
three bouts. lEnlow and Stith each
won a fall over their opponents in 45
seconds. McGregor, who reduced 15
pounds In the past week, won his
match by straight falls. Tho complete result are as follows:
Doatry (115), Kentucky, defeated
Nichols (10S), Miami, by a decision,
and a fall. Time. 3:40.
Quinn (123), defeated Nye (122), '1
Miami, in two straight falls after the
first bout was called a draw. Time,
3:40, 1:G0.

Detla Chi Wins from
Alpha Tau Omega, 14 to 12
Fraternity, company, and class basket-ball
teams Joined tho romainder of
tho University in tho holiday epidemic
this week and but ono game was
played during tho whole week.
Dark horses are becoming so common that ono couldn't bo surprised
when Delta Chi heat A. T, O. 14 to 12
Friday night. Weakened by tho loss
of Morris and handicapped by a
lead, A. T. O. lost a
game. Delta Chi had boon organized
for somo time and displayed a fast
aud furious game of bull. Fun was
provided by tho Freshman guard, Delta
Chi, who got excited and throw a Hold
goal for his opponents.


Stith (132), Kentucky, won from
Smurr (132), by two falls. Time, 2:00,'

Wright (142),
Miami, won from
Winters (142), Kentucky, in two falls.
Time, 2:30. 3:10.
Akin (151),
Batenian (149) by decisions.
McGregor (157), Kentucky, defeated
Vanco (155) by two fallg. Time, 2:25,

Enlow (171) won from Work (1G1),
Miami, in two fulls. Tlmo, :45, 1:40.
Tom Devoreaux rofereed all of the
contosts. Tho judges wore Funkhouser, Kentucky, and Ross, Miami. Buch-holKentucky, and Greer, Miami,
were tho timers. Each bout went to
flvo minutes unless a fall was secured.
A fall counts olght points aud a do-- ,
cision, six points.


