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  Vol. 3 October, 1948 NO_ 5 ·
ion ""4_r_"u"" "`*Ai”h‘F__`“`_'_‘; ' ' ‘"
ere W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor
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A REPORT ()N FRUIT PROGRESS lent recovery during the summer of
V IN KENTUCKY 1947 but all died out rapidly early
NS C. S. Wultmlm   during a period of prolonged
University of Kentucky L 5 idm‘_
Lcxmgmn Kentucky 'Thte irppogtalnce caf reg stele root
ro 0 CD LIC T8 V -
yl? Editor‘|‘No§.e; Tlle foll;1wlln1:inateiéiallis ing is l)QC0mjn§é Sof \Wj§;1-yjyggggt
s t`· t - 97. i: :i·»it ·
  1iiii·Itllci¤ll‘iii·:il I`n·i$i·t1iiii—iit iiiruiei Kent duc W the fact that $€V€Y3l COm’
Lvl,) tricky Aurlcultural 1ixp•·rim¤·nt Station, lIl01`C1Zll fields {leaf CO\’ll'lgtOl'I.
im   iwiitiieteii. Hit `1l¤lis`lit·:_tt§_ th; Louisville and Paducah have recent-
Cali }¤l'UUI`f:5S (UNI I`C]¤AOI't5 SONIC ttf (l\l· !`t·FlIltZ< ly Sufimicd heavy 1OSS€S' Experl-
that are summarized annually. \\'. 1). A. lTl€DlS_ {W9 also UUd€?l` WHY Wh€I`€
Stm“_b€n_ics varieties restistant to the disease are
being teste . Two such varieties
During the past few seasons a dis- recently introduced by the U. S.
ease known as red stele root rot has Department of Agriculture are
and caused serious trouble in the pro- Temple and Fairland.
you duction of strawberries on the Ex- _ _
‘om perinient Station Farm at Lexing- Stm“'b°"*€$*‘l947 Yields
ant ton. This disease is favored by cool The summer of 1947 at Lexington
ber. weather. wet seasons. and poorly was unusual in that there was no
100 drained soil. During hot summer time during the season when mois-
.hc;· preather diseased plants often re- ture was a seriously limiting factor.
llifll cover and grow normally until lt was especially favorable for
OUY winter. Symptoms of the disease strawberries and good yields, in
€`°5· usually appear in early spring and general. were obtained. The season
‘lllll` remain through harvest. These was considerably later than the
lil}? symptoms are dwarfed, low foliage. average and some damage to blos-
hm? often scorched. and many plants soms occurred from frosts on the
often die. ln diseased fields. plants nights of May 8. 9, and 10.
on low. infected spots will often be Thg ygctds {mm the various
Y seriously stunted while, _a few feet varieties are siinvvn in the table be-
iyhr Ll\\`[l}' OI'} l1lgl1Cl`. \\`Cll-Cll`€tll`lCCl 50ll .1Tl lgvy and are in 24-qu3y’[ (jygtgg per
figd the Same field plants will be dis- tier-ez Blakemore, 145; Tennessee
  it i?5${£§`§°   “""““ "` g“"`“` "“" ?§.i“"i·..Eé?iaT%“i§i§i§§f El*?Yi$?§‘
L ‘ · ... V { C bb. “ _ . . ~ ·
m Experimental plots that fruited in mier. 172; Fairfax. 22o and Catskill.
19-17 had considerable red stele in- 234. _ _
Jury which was responsible for re- Of outstanding interest is the fact
ducing yields somewhat. After har- that Tennessee Beauty produced the
O“__ vest. experimental work was started greatest and Blakemore the lowest.
dm, to studylthe effect of summer ferti-   ripening time `for the ·va_'ri0us
Of llzation and cultural methods on the varieties ianged fiom l\Ia5 ..9 to
.1 )_ red stcle disease. These plots were June 23. while in 1946 these same
D}; thoroughly renovated by using n varieties were harvested between _
roto—type tiller that pulverized the May 7 and June 10. _
soil to a depth of six inches between ln trials covering a period of four 7
the rows. This tiller was used five years. Tennessee Beauty has proven
tunes for cultivation until the end to be an outstanding producer and
_ t of the season. With this cultivation the fruits are attractive and of high
[ lg Gnd various fertilizer treatments, quality. The berries are moderately
iilgl the diseased plants made an excel- dark red. well formed and handle
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