The r   — . . .
H in ot the varieties boi·e a small quan- an average ot 19.7 pounds per vine .
_,rm__ {ity of frurt in 1946 and, with but and Niagara produced satisfactorily
two exceptions, all varieties yielded with an average of 14.2 pounds.
U in very well this season. _
Th? Portland was outstanding among Pea;-S
rom the_ newer varieties under test. The The poor project was Started in
mm fruits are light green in color, very me Spring of 1945 in an Effort to
L. oo g00d ln Quality. With well formcd find varieties of good quality that
mc clusters, and the vine possesses good would grow won in Kentucky and
1* ?Qltii`° TM md "'“S °"°°"“°“““’ tim; w<>¤i¢ my be seriousiy dam-
{iis Beth F·‘~¤¤¤i¤ ues Sh¤¤id¤¤ ¤r>- ifitie ii/ieiliei2ii?ihEa‘i`i;eih€bt$i1€Si$,rt$
hot pear_ to be prom1s1ng_under our quality fruits oro ahold the only
_ by conditions, and Fredonia now_ap- Doors growo’ Successfully in the
limb pears to possess the greatest vigor. Moro Sookol a pear of good quality
S or The clusters of both krnds were well ooo oo gro{,m fairly won but thé
evi. l"l`m°d tmd me ¤¤¤*itv g°Od· FIC' fruits are so small that they do not
lm; donia ripens early in the season horo rr road\.So1o_
[hoo ahead of Concord and Shcrrdun hw, T} I rr   r _ th V 1 t_
after Concord. and for this reason ___l° ralm   m €.n°“ P an mg
they are exceptionally desirable for TNC? glgscn dog? VNIOUS nurseries
planting along with that variety.   Mgmt blie mg t<;jt¤bhShm€¤tS
rmi Both varieties produced excellent éirisrmicocfouglgycogyh €g§f°Om?%;n‘
mor yields rthis season with Fredonia vkfilh lgcrcmncg io thc; uigt ar?
ours producing an average of slightly rmcdom from bh ht q Y
W 2l“`·§°"°“}°°“ ‘°°““d“ ‘°°" `“““ ““d Some additionsghaye been made to
. .. Qitri an L8.
  The vines of _Golden Muscat pos- ln'? Dlilnnng in €¤_€n of thé two
Loy sess only fair vigor but the yield of YUUYF Since ln? D1`0J€Ct WHS _$t6Ft€d
omg 19 pounds- per vine was very g0Od_ Zlnfl the \'HI11Ctl€S T10}\’ gi‘O\v11'ig are
)rorir The individual fruits are large but i*> lnll0W$· Mannlng EllZ3b€tn»
or their color, quality and flavor are Ceres $€€dl€5$i Sheldon. C8TnD¤$»
turr not all that could be desired and P?n`l~i€l‘· Patten- B3nl¤ln» W01`d€n
pom the variety often suffers severely S0€li€l· Rlnnafd P€t€1`5. Cayuga-
mm from block mr A A · L Standard & Dwarf. Gorham-—StYand-
St to Urbana was disappointing in sev- ind   Dwalli C0\'§l`t· Ei" QTL ll alt?
opoi eral respects. The vines are weak E_€n`l§r) $€€l<€l· l’l€n1`l5 l\0- li HBYFIS
rsorr and they set only a small quantity NO- ·-- Mnbilnet T§'50n» Oflént and
roorr of fruit that ripened late. The _fru1t n1n€ selections from tht? T€nn§$$€€
YOOI lg plnk In Cgloy   gnly fgly H] EXDCl`lITlODt Sl3tlOYl b1`€€dll”Ig \\OI`k.
thor quality. The fruits possess the Progress reports on this project
mk`. roughcst skins of any variety we will be made from time to time.
‘ dare ever grown.
and Concord Scedlcss was the most Plums
ring disappointing of any variety under Stanley. This prune-type plum
test. All of the vines of this variety is proving to be one of the finest
__' formed a large number of clusters, quality and heaviest yielding varie-
gi] but they ripened so poorly and un- ties which we have under test. It
N. ` venly that no measurable quantity was developed and introduced by
—~— of fruit could be harvested from the New York State Experiment
Y4-T? them. ln the case of the few fruits station and is of fairly recent origin.
Ml which ripcned. the quality was fair- The fruits are fairly large. and Clark
Yi ly good but not equal to Concord blue with a heavy grey bloom. The
if and they were so small as to be flesh has a solid texture, is green-
1* definitely objectionable. In contrast ish—yellow. juicy, fine-grained, free-
____g_ with the report of last year, the stone. and of excellent quality. It is
11 vines grew well but the fruits were highly desirable as either a fresh or .
1- so disappointing that the vines will canned product. The trees produce
hird he destroyed unless thy show bet- at an early age and bear regular
and ter performance during the coming annual crops. Because of its Solid
ckly Season. The performance of this texture, it handles exceptionally
duo Variety. to date, would place it in well and should make a Valuable
ned lhfi Very doubtful class even for commercial variety. The rlpéhlflg
rqosr the home garden. time is August 10-15. Reports from
Concord yielded very well with all the states surrounding Kentucky