_ U Table 1.-Strawberry weevil control tests,
wsa: Barefield patch, Sharpe, Kentucky, 1948 ’
Yhtlig xllgfrsglilsof Greeli lgcrrles Ripe Cllr buds
0xllll,lll,l(_ll tint uds berries Total PGTCBUI
*e ·l F? chlordan dust ..-... .--....-. 100 583 121 145 17
`   ri. DDT dust -.     i-..-..c.,..-- 100 286 104 rm 49,4
vllng vane --..---a .1.., - ..... - ....r. . .... - .... - .r.1 ..- 100 59 as 327 la.;
glgilgg ·;t·rtC1ly, Louisville, and Lexington and species of tarnish plant bugs
ls by yi which almost every berry was (causing cat face or "button" her-
,_lll_ ffcctcd and the crop was almost a ries) caused great losses to Kentucky
tg or tal loss. gzowers in 1948. A simple dust and
, die jtinny growers have been blamrng :l`·rz·y schedule for this control will
lv ll his condition on frost injury. ln- be in great demand at the blossom
The tead it is the work of a small season of berries in 1949. (See
leg. ·:iottled-brown plant bug which article on Insects Injuring Straw-
lts Ol ucks the sap from the small green berries).
and terrics soon after they are formed. _
gcvlt Yo experiments with insecticides V Peach Bl05$0m Blight
unl'? fm- the C()nf_l—O] Of   bug On Styagv- I¤lm·€ SUlfLlIj SpI`8yS \Vh€H peaches
holly. erries have been made, but on "'°r° In the Pink bud Hfld full bloorn
llwl. Crops it can be Controlled stages were very_ effective this
mlm -=.·ith either DDT or chlordan. Since illrlng ml. prevcntmg .br9Wn For
Ami he bug O\·Ol.“-lnlcllg lll lllc adult >Iossom bight andf_tw1g infection.
wml lllgc and ls lllcsclll lll berry (lt sat ed three to ive bushels per
lllplll zatches at blooming time, 1t would USO m Some erchardsl-
; ml. leem possible to make one applica- Good Early Apple
laix- ·°“ Of chlmdrm OI 3 °°mb‘“*‘t‘°“ The Lodi Variety of earl a les
,? DDT-chlordan dust or spray that , . l»   · y- pp
cgin __ _.l l d were 2 2 to 234 1n. in diameter
small _;‘Z_uL°ll_§‘s\lbCl;$:_h$2;/H mit bug an when Transparent were 2-21/; in.-
xam- M ‘ “ · ‘ size in two Kentucky orchards this
ly 14, -NA-?..—»——» past June.
l°§Q€. nrxrrs AND onsnnvwrrows —··—···—‘*‘
iend- A Blue Ribbon Patch PREMIUMS
belly An amateur berry grower of As a result of outstanding fruit
l-Sqn. Trimble county sold 452 crates ol exhibits at recent fairs and the gen-
glthgr Tennessee Beauty strawberries eral constructive program being fol-
eason. from a first-year patch of one acre lowed by the present Kentucky
Mr. ~he planted 4000 plants.) Who can State Fair Board, the amount of the
. scr- ~.·ffer a better 1948 record from one horticultural premiums has belin in-
ilakc- acre? creased from $575 to an a -time
ausecl wmter Feeding high of $ll.000.1Thls05$'pres§nts anflln-
Airi crease o near y 0 an is a r-
with Superphosphate. applied on top ther recognition of the importance
i 5% Iii the strawberry mulch in late of Kentucky fruit industry and of
e left ‘·*Sintcr. paid good dividends (Sec the part that the fruit exhibit plays
ast l thc Jefferson county story in this in making the State Fair attractive
n cut, zssuc). l suggest you give it a trial to visitors.
indi- ~~¤1your berry acreage in February The increased premium allowance
ellent ·~1` 949. enabled some expansion in the num-
se no . ber of classes offered for competi-
~rdin Costly Pr¤¤t¤¤<= tion, as well as an increase in the
wai Strawberry fields carried through premiums that are offered in the
the third and fourth production various classes. The 1948 Kentucky ‘
lug is YGHPS have paved the way for State Fair was held September}?-18
llt0n»· §1`0WI1 borer troublet I hope you at the Fair Grounds at_LO\11SV1ll€·
lly up Have not been a victim of cireum- The Large Apple_ P18. _Th€ IQQ8
_ Slztl Fléiuces. Some growers have been. Kentucky State Fair fruit éxhlblt
lessee Nc Y T bl was reported by many to be the
_€;lllll· T “ mu °$ _ most attractive in many years. All
,Cal_ . l1° FlraWheri‘y wcevil lCll[)D(-‘l°) fruits were of high quality, color