xt77d7959w3k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77d7959w3k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1965 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1965 Vol.31 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, August 1965 Vol.31 No.11 1965 2019 true xt77d7959w3k section xt77d7959w3k , ,, * ..,,. . 31.7.. ' .. ' ~ 7
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the fundamental importance of the implied 1‘" («V/ , i
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of public information. It stands for truth, fair- 1 ’
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of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- .1 '
ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its 1 ii
that advertising column. It opposes the publication ‘ 1
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firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, ‘ 5‘
2' honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- ..
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,SSISt- 2 spects equality of opinion and the right of every 11
strial ‘ individual to participation in the Constitutional 3‘
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, V r . . . o
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1 1 11 11 1 1 I1 111 1 0mm] Publication 1 '0" 1‘ L 5“ggested that sacks 1 1
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11 11 1 1 _ 1 111 1 entucky Press Associut' . rnold Olsen (1) \11 1‘ 43‘ t0 carry mail t1 1 0 be the
1 1 1 11 1 11 1 Kentucky Press sew. 10,1, lnc. member of the Home P» 1 (out), a key (101m this wav since 660113rotig111tlizlsbec11 .
11‘ 1 31 1“ 1 “:9! “C- Inittn OSt )ff' - ‘ " v C H
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1 1 ‘1 1‘ 1 11. 1 1 mm R' P°""‘°""r Editor 1 Ochct the 1)ost(lll1tlmPress Association: tlc trays to fit 33:13)]t mall Containers p110; 1
1131 11111 1 New Member 10 ask for about '1 561055“ ficneral is going machines 'n1t01n iti: and Columns, SCahniilg-
1 3 13 ,3 3 s 1 , 1 1 c 1 ' ' . 1’ ‘ '( C; A i 3
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111 1 111 1 1 1 11 gentucky Chamber :1 nggerce would ”try to shadé it do 1 19 pronnsed he Production, and m )- 115 ducc electronic re: e.
1 1‘1 1 131 11 I1 1 11 after gusitness Bureau, Lexinglg: IVIOWCVCI, in lllS ‘1Ctuernl' 1’ WOIkS. ‘1 K transportation net 1 t1
1 11 11 111 11 1 , us aming Memb 301.1. ‘3 ‘ ‘ '= (Owen- 1 , ' ‘ ‘
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1 11111 11 131 eYspuper A5505“. 1 “ULHt on the 1‘ 1 _ 1
1 1 1 111 1 11 33 111‘ National NecSSocmte Member I Ion 1116 Added that newspapers '1 rlltc OUHOOk JuVenlle Feldnies ”D t} i h
1 111 11111 13111 1   Spuper Promotion Association SIS Who PrcchlIC their 111' ‘1 ft 11( bulk mail— When Public't egreaSe 1 n
1 11: 1 1113 1 1111111 1 ‘ 1 1 Publication Office l1\~(;‘1‘§~ “Should ll'l\'C f‘1\0:1bloI Ultlm'fltc (10 F I y ls Gwen 1 h
t 11311 “3111 ‘1 - - [ Cr "1 41‘) n l l ‘ "
1 111 1 1111 111111 1 1 1 1 111 1 School of Journalism The AdmllliStratiOH 11 .C rites. th 01 .what it IS worth, a Tenn 1 C
I 1 1 1‘ l1 1‘ 1111 1 ‘ ”1: 11 U“'VerSilY 0f Kentucky Lexin t abollt its 1965 rate 1- us Send llOtln'ng e Cl1nt0n Couriet_NeWS - essee Weekly) 1
11 j 1111 1111111113 ‘ 11111__—____g_‘:_ “Ouneing its intent‘ pans, CXCCPt for 31]. number 0f felonies h1v01‘:118po1‘ts thall‘the 1‘ n
1 1 1‘1 “'1 11 11 1‘ 1 1 11111” Kentucky Press Ass . _ In'qil” rate combininlo? to Seek a ”priority decreased by 40 pel‘Cent l.ng Juveniles has 1 A
1111 ‘13 1 1‘ 11 1 1 1111 Maurice K. Hem- p - OCIahonl lnc. into a Single servie'tg ”St Class and 'dl'rlnai'] Oak Ridge Since the couft1 C011nty Outside 1 ti
‘ 1 l 111 1.1 ‘1 11111 1 111 ‘1 1 y, made” f'clstest a 1. ' . 1 L 0 be transPOIted by ,. news media.” 1 Was Opened to 3
1 1 131 ‘1 1: 13111 111311 D011 N unable means It ~, . 111C pmct' The Weekly has n-d ' Cl
1 "111111 11111 11111 Larry Stone Vice—P 'd y ews, Middlesboro T310 W0uld be somewhc 1 ‘15 assumed the -1 d me for a year to Publish tlm 6 It a S(
1 1 11 1 111111 11 1 13111;? ’ "m 9’" Present nickel eh-lrge f K 11? betwch the in addresses 0f juvenile offend 16 names ‘1
1 1 11111 111111111 1 1 11511 Victor B Port Messenger: Cefltral City and the 8—CCHt Cost of (1)1: 3' flrStldass letter 11); ll]: or guardians. This P0116015 11nd 1t)heir ' Cl
1 111~ 11 1:1 1 1 : 11 t’ ' mann, sec'emry-Man ACCOrdin ‘ I‘llrmal Stmn) ‘ p 16 to all juVe ' . 'y ms 8611 ’1 t1
1 11 1‘ 111 11111 ‘ 1 1 l"l;:illl.RAglex’ ASSiStant SecretarytllgllZnaggf “’ill fall apfuttgwlfifs’c. QStimatCS the 1P () Once for minor tll-ltlfitisewn'vlaéd more than n
1 1 : 1311 1111111 1 1:1; 1 ' agilisizngtssistant Treasurer ing its budget 351118 hilhon short of balanc- those convicted on am cltlgeatlofis, and to
1 3 ,1 1 13 11 131 ‘1 1 Si 1 \W,‘ 1. 1 ( '7 1. L
1 1 11 11111111 11111 D. . y of Kentucky, Lexington COVc‘red by the publl'c' :31}ch most of it The C(mrler'News reports Cthrlrtge. Cl
1 1 11111111111 ‘   11 1 1 Istrlct Executive Committee present law HOWCVQ‘ ruee setasrde under lIfetcent dec1‘ezise “Came in the a the 40 E
1‘ 1 l 11 1? 3111111 1 1 11 1 Chairman, Edwards M T . Crease would swell th ‘Y, [J PCndmg pay in- Stgely. by the Clinton Conri 1111321 served 4 C
1 1 11 1111111111111 1 1 111 1 Leader, LeXington (811m?) Fe'mfhn’ Herald— 21nd CXDCnseg if €111th 1gal) between rCCCipts dl< Rldge where the lOC‘ll p16» elws. ln 1 h
11111111131111.1133 131‘ c- - ; us, -- 'ccc. 3" 1 ‘ ‘ce'
1 1 11 111 1 11111113111 1 1 gavis, Lyon County Herald, Eddywfivllhm T. A Vast 111—depth stndv f 1 illnt the names of all juvenile; ($351101 1 n
1 1 11 111 1 111111131 111 11 1 1 Tic-”g8 M‘ Wilson, Herald—News H 83-Second’ ”Stem; and estqmn] ‘ O the cm“ Postal lease 1“ felonies Was 12 per. ’ e de' 1 t]
1 1 11 11311-311111111 1 1 1 1rd, A1 J. Schansberg Voi ’ ar 1nSburg; Search an A .: lsnncnt ()f 3 lat 6 r\. was a marked inc- cent and there 1 e.
1 1 13, 11‘ 1 111111 1111 1 1 Fourth Howard 0 1, so of St. Matthews- Off' (l development fllnd f 1 g c tmffic oft lease (16 percent) in z
i : E1133‘111s1 3 1‘13 1 - ’ £88, F - .’ Ice D3 4- Or he P ‘ 611565, wh'l ' 3 1"
1 1 3111 111 13111 1 1 Fifth, Fr 1 "Dante, Frankl , CPflltmcnt L OSt . 1e 111 the -
1 1 11 11 1111111111111 11 111 ford; 3.20:2; (22112511, Tumble Democrat, Belg: Rel). Arnold Olsen 113 been Proposed b." 1313111138.l Of ’th‘IC Ollenses (1101):)??? tlle
5. 1 3:3" 1131 ‘ 1111111 3 11 1111331 “516; Eighth: Louiseng' FIShe“ MWW Car- RCP- Olscn tOld the 1x11 001 patent“. It‘dge W. Buford 146111611” “
1 11 1 11 11111 News C _ 1 1 eRosett, Adair CD“ that the her 3 _ ontana publishc 1 nmented In a Cow-t -_ 1 1 “1a en 11
‘ 1 ‘1 1 13 ‘11 1‘11 1 11‘ ’ Olumbla, Ninth, "tl/ - 5 t0 Improvl ' rs I e' ’ er NEWS StOI' W1 '1 1
1 1 11 1 1111111111111 :11 1 11111 1 J,” Independent Aslilatldjmqlles 11F Norris, Jr. 111 developing 70th CCntng men] service 1‘11.“ re ant 1;: sure that publication of}; 11.6 4 1V
1 ‘ 11 ‘1 1 ‘ 1 1 ‘ 1 Hoskj ’. 1 mt , R. s - ’ tl .~ ,1 ‘ ' urr wavs of11 ~ ‘ Sponsi lef . 1. . ‘ amesm \
11 13 11.11 111311 3 3 ,1 1 1 111 ”S, Enterpnse H Prlnger 10 mm], He - Llndlm . 01 tns ielmL k b 1
1 11 11 1 11111 13 11 , 1 . , arlan; S _ Sug este 4 ‘1 g be] 1 - (r a 18 deCI'ease I
1E 13 11 ‘ 11.111 1111 1 111 :tatC' Van Cul'on, State JournatlateFat-Large’ Blames, Owned and 0)::th fltet Of Cargo 1110::Ve. that It has served to make pn‘ents I ll
1111 11 1 11 1111111 1 111111 ”mam-gage, James Lee Crawfor’d $3£forh _C0uld praCticallv guilm ‘ltted by the PO. (loin Eognizant of what their Children 1116 1 14
1111 11 11 1 1111111111 1 11 11 001mg, 12211131 Stalfe-at—Large, Warren Abrgge- liver},- of 9 percent of ‘tlfell C: Overnlght de— Wgtie k 1 3 A
1 3 ‘1 ‘ ‘i111111‘1‘ 1 3' . ' 1 Ouis '11. . s, “T d 1 11a1011’s] 1'1" 1 n as ec jfh A
1 i 3‘1 1 311311 1‘ 11 1 11 PTe-S‘ldent C V1 e, Immediate P 0 2137s POOI 30~ . - , “(‘1‘ of . . e thought the ublic t'
1111 ‘11 111111 ‘11 11“ SOmerset,’ eorge kph“ HI: COmmonwgalttzlit k1mWICdng, “is nlotSttgl1 servth» Olsen 'dc- inollémles Oflof’renders might eneldumg: 11)]: l
1111 111 11 1111 1 , of Our Postal Officiqls 11:3 sole respOHSlln'h'ty mit C‘s-Ensatlon-seeking yOungstel-s to com. 1 b
11 5 1: 3331111 311 11;1 _______ Share of the mam 1511111.C°11gr€ss bears a 115116511225 as their names would be pub 11
13 .‘ 113 j . 311 z 31 u , 3 . “ '
131‘ 1‘ 1 1‘1 11 1‘11 Kentud‘)’ PI'ESS Service I needed modernization 11g 161d Up badly char (1 be Judge Said, That has been n
h 1 1 11 11 11 1‘ 1 ‘1 CeOIge M, w- ’ "C- Dressed C01 ' , PIOgrams,” I‘Ic , ‘ ge Y SeVeral e0 1 1 . 3 51
1 31 3 11 1311‘ 1 1 ‘ B k' dim“: President lfldcncc that nnd‘ ex been ““1011 'd p p e and them hasnt
1 1‘. 31111 11 ‘31 L'lnd reo "mdge Herald-News H di ‘lmnagement “the tre 1 U the Present had 4 . 6V1 enee to SUPPOFt it. Ihave ;
1111 1 j E 111: 1 l on Wms’ TI“ WNW-deg, at “Sb“ “Hg postal service w'llll: toward deteriom- childpdlfnt after Parent 31nd "child me,- ‘ “'
1 = '11‘ “ ‘ 1111:: 1 . . CLean I‘ 1 Q fever ” L l as met - ‘ ~ 51
l 1 1 1 ‘ 1 111 1 1 Wllham T. Davis Se gnarl”, News, Calhoun 1 (tuner heads 0f the SCd' . paper '1 d I 0 keep their names out Of the .1
11 “ ‘ 3 1 ‘11 ‘1 Lizmcgnoun‘clwfiprfidem dcscrlbed bv Olsen prom” ”We Were similq‘n knowflle COUl‘ieDNewshashqd 1 t‘
1 3 "3 13:11.31 Victor R. P y m ,Edd v11] Vision” 1 ' as ‘men of r - , ‘l‘l‘equests. Of . . 1 ‘ ‘ ‘\
11 l 1 1‘ 1 ' ‘ 1 1 1 Perry I. 1851323132}: atrium-Tamra y 6 money 13.110 tlltade "3i“ effortS tolmslffd Out eVen one name ” C0u1se, we cant leave ll'
1131 113113 F1 - ’. 0" ecreta 1 3 . Cutm se ' u “’C '
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 onda R. Gan-15cm, Assistant T'rgasurer busmessman,” hegsqidfv‘l‘ie. The mOdCTII “L t a :2 (1
11 V 1‘ 11 11 1 1 save 1' - . z ’ ’nOWS thc 011g Li ” ' 3 I
, ' 1 1 “ 11 1 1 Cl . Board Of Directors 0111 ls); modernlzmg and expandingt tlle telln the Americqllefl‘, lclnhemploye publication Of 1
11 1‘ V 3 ' 1 1 "WW", Martin Dyche Sen' ‘ We ”10“? peo>1 .’ m 10 r 1 . ‘ .6613 one and Telegra hCo. 14
. 1:1 331 . . 1 t1 t1 lCand d ePOItsa . P d
1: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :31: erxla'llmce K' Henry, Daily gifcgidfilm- ”RCugh Cheaper Unit COStS ” 0 It better th fol]owlilnznlgi“leermg neWSIetter containing 6‘
:~ ‘ 1‘ 1 1 ‘1 1 1 ; 195 0~ Dillin h ’ 1 95- CP- Olse ' ' . ep Wanted ad c t ‘t t 1
= ‘ 11‘ ‘ 3 1 11 1 1 Springs. Th g am, PTOgress D 11 . n 5 Research & D teIltlon l‘ece tl _ u ame 015 3' p
1 1 1 1 11: 1 1 th‘ : Omas L. Preston D : awson )ueprmt C'lllsf . eVelOpment n Y- Wanted- Mq ~k -
1 131 1 (1 , em ‘ Orest‘ nu . . . . (ntowor on
1 1 11 3 1‘ szm’ Robert Fay) Shelby Ne ocrat’ Cyn‘ Pr0gram with '1 1bllsllment0fa lO-vC'lr c.1621] flSSIOHable isotope molecular re- a]
3 1 ‘1 3 1 1 ‘3 ; 1 Cm ex-Officio ws’ Shelbyville- f ’ ‘“ aPPTOprlaton k» ' ‘ “We Counte-
11 1 , 11 - 1 1mm the regular pasta] bud Cpt separate “l‘anium h 15 and three—phase cylotrom'c ‘ 11
_1 1 . 11 1 1 tiat at present “more gover get. He noted 11606852111119, Oto'synfhesizei-S. No experience J 1)
1 __ , 1 mnent money is News 1‘ — Mlddlesboro (Ky.) Daily 1

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