frongly enforced-it is contrary to order even to fpit oi
the floor. A dirty, flovenly, carelefs or indolent perfon,
they fay, cannot travail in the way of God, or be reli-
gious. It is contrary to order to talk loud, to fhut doors
hard, to rap hard at a door for admittance, or to make
a noife in any refpet; even when walking the floor they
muft be careful not to make a noife with their feet.-
They go to bed at nine or ten o'clock, and rife at four
or five; all that are in health go to work about fun-rife;
in-door mechanics, in the winter work by candle-light;
each one follows fuch an employment as the Deacon ap-
points for him. Every man and woman mull be em-
ployed, and work fteadily and moderately. When any
are fick, they have the utmoft care and attention paid to
them. When a man is fick, if there is a woman among
the fillers that was his wife before he believed, Ihe if in
health, nurfes and waits upon him.
  If any of them tranfgrefs the rules and orders of the
church, they are not held in union until they confefs their
tratifgrefflon, and that often on their knees, before the
brethren and fiblers.
  Each church in the different Settlements has a houfe
called the office, where all bufinefs is tranfaaed, either
among themselves or with other people; each family de-
pofit in the office all that is to be fpared for charitable
purpofes, which is diftributed by the Deacon to thofe
whom he j edges to be proper objeas of charity; he nev-
er fends the poor and needy empty away.


  I have refrained from exprefling my belief of this peo-
ple, their doatrines or pralices, in thib work, or making
digrefflions on what I have written, but have left the
reader to fornm his own judgment. But I may obferve
thus far, that I am not of the opinion of manry, that they
will foon become extin6t. Their general chara6Eer of
Ihonefty in their temporal concerns, and their outward
deportment and order being fuch, that many may be in-
