Though oft fhe was arraign'd,
Her life was uncondemned,
  Her charaaer unftain'd;
And by her painful travail,
  Her fuffering and her toil,
A little church was formed
  On the European foil.
This little band of union,
  In apoftolick life,
Remain'd a while in England
  Among the fons of ftrife,
Till the Columbian Eagle,
  Borne by an eaftern breeze,
Convey'd this little kingdom
  Acrofs the rolling feas.
To mark the fl-ining paffage,
  Good angels flew before
Towards the land of promife,
  Colymbia's happy fhore.
Hail! thou viaorious gofpel!
  And that aufpicious day,
Whcn Mother fafely landed
  In Hudfon's lovely bay
Near Albany they fettled,
  And waited for a while,
Until a mighty flaking
  Made all the defert fmile:
At length a gentle whifper,
  The tidings did convey,
And many flock'd to Mother,
  To learn the living way.
Through forms of perfecution,
  The truth fhe did maintain,
And fhow'd how fin was conquer'd,
  And how we are born again:
The old corrupted nature,
  From place to place fhe trod,
And fhow'd a new creation,
  The only way to God.
About four years fhe labour'd
  With the attentive throng,
Confirm'd the young believers,
  And help'd their fouls along:
At length fhe clos'd her Labour,
  And vanifh'd out of fight,
And left the church increafing
  In the pure gofpel light.
How much are they deceiv'd
  Who think that Mothcr's dead!