   Henderson Reporter, upon the
          outrage ................    309
   Lexington Transcript, on Judge
          Reid's death ......................-406
   Louisville Post, on Judge Reid's
          death .................   4 16
   Mountain Scorcher, Judge Reid
          as candicate ................   140
   Mt. Sterling Sentinel-Democrat,
       Judge Reid as a candidate.139-40
       Indignation meeting ......... 216-220
       Exclusion of assassin from the
          church .................. .. 344-47
       Halting Course ................... 347-49
       Meeting Mt. Sterling Bar ... 397-99
       Odd Fellows' resolutions ........ 417
   Owen County Democratoutrage.304-5
   Owingsville Outlook, Judge Reid
          as a canditate ................. 141
   Paris True Kentuckian, Judge
          Reid's speech .    ................... 316
       Judge Reid's death .............. 402-3
   Stanford Interior Journal, upon
          the outrage .................   309
   Vanceburg Courier, upon the as-
          sault .............. 1 75-76, 307-8
      Judge Reid's death ........... 403-406
Prichard, K. F., on committee .. ......... 138
Prichard, G. W., letter from ............... 238
Prichard, L., letter from .................... 238
Priest, W. C., letter from ..................... 291
Rainey, teacher .........................   12
Ray, Henry, classmate ........................ 18
Read, Joseph B., letter from ............... 287
Redfield, H. A., letter from ............ 292-93
Reid, Andrew, ancestor ...................... 1
Reid, Coleman, ancestor ..................... 2
Reid, J. Davis, brother of Judge Reid,
Reid, Elizabeth Davis, mother of
       Judge Reid ..................   5, 6
Reid, Mrs. Elizabeth Jameson, con-
       cerning ..................   37,57,58
   Letters to from Judge Reid, 62, 63,64,
       161,162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 170, 314,
                    317, 318, 321, 322, 323
   Letter from to Pres't Loos..........324
   Mmrs Reid to Judge Reid.325, 326, 327,
                               328, 329
   Statement of .....................   181
   Diary     .       . 338, 339, 352-361
   Letter to Col. Jno. Reid ............ 363-64
   Letter to W. T. Tibb .................. 365


Reid, Flora, death    .      ............. 52
Reid, Henry, father Judge Reid .... 1, 4, 5
Reid, Henry, death....              52
Reid, Col. Jno., mention of....       2
   Letters from....           291, 300
   Letter to....                  363
Reid, Joseph....                     2
Reid, Mrs. Kate G., letter from.....291-300
Reid, Mrs. Mary, letters from ....   10,98
Reid, Judge Newton P., sketches of,
                              1, 74, 111
Reid, Paul, mention of.................... .... I
Reid, Richard Coleman ....            2
Reid, Judge Richard, birth, ancestry..1-6
   Early affliction, childhood ....   7-11
   orphanage ....                     5
   School life....              12, 16
   Baptism........................................ 13
   College life, profession ....  1 7-31
   Versailles, law, love, politics.... 32-44
   Personal appearance....         32
   Bereavement ....              39-41
   ML Sterling, Reid & Reid ....      4-5
   Bachelorhood ....             45-52
   Family afflictions....        52-455
   Married life, home, family, hospi-
          tality       .        . 56-71
   His boy....                   72-78
   Tenderness to children, letter to
          an infant....          78-81
    eligious life....           82-99
    Belief in prayer, copies of family
          prayers....           86-99
   Ministrations to sick, sorrowing,
          and dying....         90, 91
   Prayers for Garfield ... .     91, 92
   Humorous and religious ....      93, 94
   Influence over young men ....      94
   Missionary, charity, church work,
   Death of Ella K. Reid....     96-98
   Consoling letter to Mrs. Harris...98, 99
   Books, literary culture ....   100-105
   Humorous readings ....     106, 107
   As a writer....             107-109
   As a speaker....            110-112
   As a lawyer, business habits ... 113-117
   Reid -& Stone....              115
   Temperance views ....      117, 118
   Temperance address ....     119-124
   Friendships .............................125-128
   Chivalry to women ....     128, 129
   Help to the C. W. B. M ....    129-130
   Address to young ladies ....  130-134