The Kentucky Kernel






W. S.

Mrs. Stephenson Speaks on

Social Hygiene.

New Members To Edit Remaining Issues of Uni-

versity Paper


Martha Buckman, managing editor
flor the session of 1920-2- 1
has chosen ithe staff for the forthcoming year In part. These selections
have been made with the probability
that there may be changes, but the
announcement Is made now so that
staff members may become acquainted with their duties, and that the
work may prove off smoothly next

ot the Kernel

will edit the
The staff for 1920-2remaining issues of the current season. Each member Is asked to come
to the managing editor's desk, room
for assign3, journalism department
ments, Monday morning, May 10.
The tentative selections for 1920-21


Robert Ralble,
Martha Buckman, Managing Editor.
Donald Dinning, Assistant Managing Editor.
Mary Elizabeth James, Feature Edlr

Arthur Cameron, Squirrel Food

7, 1920


Arthur Hodge, Departmental Clubs.

Reporters Lucille Moore, Thomp
son Van Deren, Gllner Segenfelter,
Adeline Mann, Amanda Forkner, Fred
Augsburg, Robert Mitchell, Mary Ar-

cher Bell.
The following have been recommended to places on the staff, and in
case of vacancies will be appointed;
Anna Louise Connor, Louise Connell,
Katherine Renick, Kitty Conroy, Lor-ett-a
Hogan, Ruth Hughson, Gerald
Griffin, Francis Bethel, Edmons Richardson, Raymond Kirk and Paul Peck.
The Kernel wishes it understood
that the organization reserves the
right to make such changes in the
personnel of its staff as presence of
new students in September may suggest and it hopes further to be able
to handle the work of its staff on the
basis of merit; that is to say that no
staff member will be permitted to hold
a position in the editorial organization
unless such student continues to do
his work promptly and well.
Although the foregoing selection
places iMlss James in the field of feature editor, the student body is assured
that the promotion from "Squirrel
Food," which she has written with so
marked success for two years, to that
of Feature Editor will not keep her
from being an interesting contributor
to the former whenever she may find
time from her other duties to do so.
Professor Forster, Department of
Farm Management, is in Washington
conferring with Doctor H. C. Taylor,
Chief of the Bureau of Farm

"We are a soul that has a body.
Science corroborates with the Bible In
the development of man; the Bible
only tells the story of the creation of
man In a poetic way," said Mrs. Cora
Stuart Stephenson, Instructor In Biology In the Louisville Girls' High
School, in a talk on Social Hygiene,
at the meeting of the Womans'
League, Little Theater, Wednesday,
fifth hour. Plans (or the coming year
were discussed by Dean Simrall. The
o cers elected
Christian, president;
Clarlbel Kay,
Mary Lyons, secretary; Martha Van Meter, treasurer.
Mrs. Stephenson also said: "Just as
our souls develop, our bodies must
creep toward perfection. In order to
progress we must have both the conservative and the liberal element."




Council Members Elected at
Meeting of Organization
Monday Night

Margaret Ford, a Junior in the College of Arts and Sciences and a class
representative on the Council of the
Women's Self Government Association was elected president of that organization by acclamation at a meot-lnheld Monday evening at Patterson Hall. Miss Ford recently returned
fiom a convention of the
Self Government Association held in
Ann Arbor, Michigan. The other of
ficers are as follows: Elizabeth Kraft,
Fannie Heller, secretary; and Ireno Evans, treasurer.
The class representatives
nominated from the floor In the presence of the entire Association, and
were voted on by members of their
respective classes only. The representatives from the senior class of
next year are Gertrude Walllngford,
WITH CHATAUQUAS Isabel Dickoy, and Roberta Thornton.
Laurene Wells, Sue Boardman and
Two Professors and "Y" Secretary To Lula Blakey were elected as repreGo On Lecture Platform.
sentatives from the Junior class, and
Mary Royster and Ruth Kelly were
Dr. J. T. iCotton Noe, one of Ken- elected by the sophomore class of
tucky's leading men of letters, author next year. The
of the
of "The Blood of Rachel," "The Loom other dormitories and the representaof Life," "A Barnyard Festival," and tives of the freshmen class will be
other collections of poetry; Dr. John elected next October.
J. Tigert, phychologlst, A. E. F. enA petition presented by a representertainer; and Ralphy W. Owens, sec- tative of the senior class asking that
retary of the University Y. M. C. A., the seniors be given the privilege of
have been engaged as chatauqua having dates on week nights for the
speakers for this summer. Dr. Tigert rest of this year, that they be allowed
and Mr. Owens have signed with the to stay out until 10:45 without late
Radcliffe Circuit, of Washington, Dr. permission, to have as many light
C, and Professor Noe with the Red- - cuts as they desire, and to use the
path Circuit.
telephone during quiet hours without
Mr. Noe wdll speak on "The Great .permission, was granted by a unani
American Home, a Poetic Interpreta-- ' mous Vote of the association
tion," for the Red path bureau in Mln- nesota, South Dakota, Idaho and Mis"LEE" IS SUBJECT
souri He will be gone all summer.
Dr. Noe's latest works of poetry, "The
"General Robert E. Lee, the ChristBlood of Rachel," and "The Loom of ian Soldier", was the subject of the
Life," have been enthusiastically ap- talk made by Doctor Sampey, head of
proved by literary critics and have the Baptist
prominence. Louisville, Tuesday, May 4, in chapel.
won him considerable
One of his latest poems, contained in
Doctor Sampey told of the early life
the "Loom of Life," was declared by of Lee, saying that he was always loyone noted critic to be "greater than al and true and sincere, and that in
Recessional.' "
his whole four year's record at West
Dr. Tigert, who was an officer In the Point there was not a single demerit.
educational service of the Army In "Lee preferred to offer his services
France, is an experienced chatauqua to Virginia, his mother state, knowspeaker. He spoke on the Farmers' ing that secession meant revolution,
Circuit, in Kentucky, last year. He rather than take up arms with the
will begin his tour In June on one of Union, although he believed in the
the nine circuits operated by the Rad- cause of the 'Union," continued the
cliffe bureau. His subjects will be speaker. "He carried the fortunes of
"The Tower of Babel, or a United the Confederacy for two years longer
America," and "Community Leader- than they could have otehrwise been
ship." Dr. Tigert is an Oxford, Eng- carried. The soldiers, blind with adland, graduate.
miration for Lee, followed him on,
Mr. Owens will speak on "The Bene- some not knowing why they were
fits of a College Education." He will fighting, but confident that where Lee
act aa manager for one of the Rad- lead was right, thus men died for him
cliffe companies, lecturing as well as and his unselfish ambition, for Lee
managing the business end of the en-- had a great unselfish Christian heart
tire company.
from the beginning."



No. 29

"The Wolves and the Lamb" Will
Not ie Presented.
After a series of unavoidable interruptions, disastrous to the progress
of rehearsals, and when, as the proverbial last straw, one of the principal Philosophlan actors was called
tu the city to be absent for an entire week, the members of the cast
which has been working diligently and
faithfully for weeks to produce, "The
Wolves and the Lamb" in the name
the Philosophlan Literary Society,
have decided to resign themselves to
the Inevitable and give up the attempt
to present the play this year.

Young Athletes To Battle For Honors
On Stoll Field.
High School Track teams from all
over the state will meet and battle
for the survival of the fittest on our
field Saturday, May 8. This will be
the 'first Kentucky Interscholastic
track meet since the war. It is understood that state high school records will be both raised and lowered.
The meet will consist of the usual
track and field events. Three places
will be counted, namely first place for
five points, second for three, and third
for one. The contestants will be limited to twelve from each school, only
one or two schools will have even this
many because of the small number
of sudents or because of the absence
of a coach and sufficient track maThe number of contestants
from one institution to start in one
event is limited to .two.
A gold medal will be given to each
contestant who wins a first place, a
silver for second place and bronze
for third place. A silver loving cup
will be awarded to the winning team
and one to the individual scoring the
most points.
The following schools are sending
men to participate in the meet; Lexington, Model 'High, Paris, Anderson
county, Lawrenceburg, Dry Ridge,
Ludlow, Highlands, Louisville Boys'
High School, Ashland, Lagrange,
Frankfort, Millersburg Military Institute, and the Kencucky MiliShel-byvlll-

tary Institute.


High Distinction and Honorable Mention Conferred
Upon Students

The honor roll of the University
for the first semester of the 1919-2term, made public Saturday by E. L.
Glllls, shows that 174 of the approximately 1,400 students of the institution come within what is known as
the "honor list." Sixty-threof the
174 were graded "with high distinc
tion," 56 were graded "with distinction", and, 55 were given "honorable
Five students of the University had
a perfect standing for the first semester, the highest scholastic honors that
can be attained.
The five students
were Elizabeth Davidson, Hartford;
Margaret Woll, Hawesville; W. D.
Salmon, Cork; William M. Phipps,
SalyersvJUe; H. G. Bryan, Paducah.
The students who won this honor
College of Arts and Sciences.
Freshmen W. A. Anderson, Jr.,
Wickliffe; Elizabeth Cook, Marlon;
Lois Fisher, Cynthiana; Frances Jennings, Cynthiana; Ridgely McDaniel,
Cynthiana; James O. Nail, Clay; Ernest Swisshelm, Louisville.
Sophomores Frances Marsh, Mays-villLucille Moore, Marion; Henrietta Rogers, Danville; D. E. Shannon,
Juniors Lillle Cromwell, Cynthiana; Mildred Porter, Lexington; Raymond Rodgers, Milton; Neal Thur-maSomerset; William R. Wilson,
Evansville, Ind.; Bernlce M. Young,
Shelby-villSeniors Lucy
Elizabeth Davidson, Hartford;
John H. Davis, Lexington; Lucille M.
Dean, Marcellus; J. A. Dixon, Bowling
Green; Elizabeth Marshall, Princeton,
N. J.; R. F. Peters, Winchester; Mar-0



(Contlnued on Page Two)


Noted Speaker To Deliver Afternoon
Our friend "Daddy" Boles is in
charge ot the meet and a number of
instructors, in lieu of their past good
The Kentucky Academy of Science
behavior, have already been appointed will have its seventh annual meeting in
to act as judges of the meet. The the Physics Lecture 'Room in the Civil
meet wdll start promptly at 1:30.
Engineering Building, May 8. The
morning sessions will begin at nine
Dean Boyd has returned from Ann o'clock and will be given over to the
Arbor, where he attended the con- transaction of business and to the
ference of deans of Arts and Science reading of papers by various memColleges of State Universities last bers. In the afternoon Doctor Milli-ga- n
of the University of Chicago will
week. Thursday night he attended
the banquet of the conference at address the meeting on "The Twenwhich President Hutchlns of the Uni- tieth Century's Contributions To Our
versity of Michigan spoke on " Vari- Knowledge of the Atoms."
Both sessions are open to the
ous Administration affairs of the University of Michigan."
