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  Lg?  ., ;; Increase 0f Courses.-Before 1880 the Un1vers1ty offered a single  .
    ` g course of study leading to 21 degree; it 11ow offers seven.
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  ‘ Increase 0f Teac/zyers.—Bef0re 1880 the University had six Pro-  .
  ·   fessorsg it now has twenty—seve11 professors and f0rty—three ’
`RQ  ?li°ii » ` tants. —
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  Increase 0f Sz‘udc1»zts.—The number in 1898-99 was 480, the  
    $2; largest till then in the history of the University; in 1903-1904 it 9
  1; · was 732; in 1907-1908 it was 1,064. ;
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    1 _ Increase of Graduates.—No fact more distinctly marks the  ‘
¤§1z${.§”j  ` . growth of the University than the increase in the number of its °—
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·ge;*é;*%¢j=,;  graduates. More students have been raduated durin the last
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 ;i~ . ¢` . three years than were raduated durinv the nrst thirt . `
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