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    '·· -   Page. Page.
  -4   _ In   County Appointments ........ 43 Mechanical and Electrical s {
  fg Courses of Study, Committee Officers . ....... . .......... 22
      f = on ............... . ....... 21 Faculty, University ......... 14 3
_j;éln"    { s ` Credit, Entrance Cards ...... 33 Committees of ........... 21  
 gill  i. W Advanced ................ 34 Faculty, College of Agricul- _l
  _   , Units of, Defined, ture .......... . .......... 113 `·*-
  ‘;` 26‘33· 52· H9 Arts and Science ...... 54 i
~i   i I Dairying .................... 125 Civil Engineering. . .... 136 Qi
  l _ Degrees Conferred .......... 47 Law ................... 177 _l.
  ·' Conditions for securing,.. 48 Mechanical and Electri-  
 `_il§§ Committee on ............ 21 cal Engineering ...... 153 l
  , Development of University., 9 Mining Engineering .... 165 ll
  l · Diplomas and Degrees, Com- Academy .............. 194 “ V
  ` ` mittee on ...... . .......... 21 Farm ............... . ....... 11
    ` ` l Diploma Fee ............ ,. . . 43 Buildings ................. 8 U
    G ·· Discipline and Morals, Free Tuition ................ 43 .
{il.]? { l   Committe on ............. 21 Scholarship ............... 34 `
  " li i     Domestic Science ......... 73-76 Geology, Courses in ........ 92-95
l     _ l Dormitories for Men ......... 8 Government ................. 104 \
A »,   · Dormitory for Women (Pat- Graduation, Conditions of... 48
all   [,2 terson Hall) ............ 8, 38 Grange Organization ........ 41
  [   ~ Dormltony nnd Board ________ 37 Greek, Courses in ........... 100 no
»,     Drawing for AdmiSsl0n____·_ 33 Grounds, University ......... 5 l
T A   Economics ........... . ...... 103 Gymnasium ‘ ················· 6 l
il ,_; Eduootlon (l>o(lo_gog.yl_ _ ____ ·l7_82 History of the University .... 1 :
{ — in Building .................. 6 for Admlsslm ·····- · -···· 28
l * · ,· l Elootrlool Englnoorlngycollogo Courses in ............... 103
l` ‘ of Moolmnlool and ____ 153464 Horticulture, Courses in ..... 127
~, Englnoorlng Sooloty _________ 41 Instruction, Officers of ....... 14
English isi Admission ....... is Kentucky Agrlcullurel EX- ‘·‘
l I English and Logic, Courses pcrimént StZLtlOIl . , . . . . 3 ‘
in ............ . ........ 83-86 Otiicers of ................ 22 4 T
.'° English Literature, Lectures 184 Lullgllagei for AdllllSSl°ll··· 30
, · Entertainments Non-Athletic, Aucieuti Courses in ···- 96402
i i Committee on ............ 21 lll¤