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  fri ;}  .   ,. After being admitted to the University, a student may Secure  —
 -;,_g §  `   L advanced standing:  .
    . (a) By examination on each subject for which he desires
  ,i    _ ` Cl‘€(l1lZ. .
  · (b) By transfer, from a college or university, of credits sat- ‘
  · T isfactory to the Professors concerned. ‘  `
  ‘ No student will under any circumstances be accredited beyond =i 
x i i i;   T the ]unior year.  `
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  "» ` #_ Schools, whether public or private, may be accredited in whole ,
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    . or in part. To be fully accredited, a school must resent to the
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    , Committee on Accredited Schools satisfactory evidence that it is .
  ` able to meet the entrance requirements of the University as stated  
  , on pages twenty-six to thirty—three inclusive. This will require  V
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_;_.gg*{:t~. V ‘ . that four years of competent high school 1nstruct1on shall be ,
  A T gm . . . .  ‘
   _—   ` A school giving thorough but less extensive preparation may .
fl   ,1 3 be accredited in special subjects. ·. 
iii  M Printed forms will, on application, be sent to the heads of  ,
    V schools who may desire to have their schools placed in the accred- ._
~·, ji}; , ` _ ited list. These forms must be filled out and, with an announce- ,
  ii ment of the course or courses of study given in the school, be  
i *'. . . . .
it ·' ·_ · sent to the Committee on Accredited Schools at the University. _
lf?   The list of accredited schools (in process of revision as this
Ti,   " catalogue goes to press) will be mailed on application.
The Board of Trustees of the University has authorized the
li g President to make an annual award of a free scholarship to the
ilr pupil in each fully accredited school, who has completed, with the
  ` highest grade, the full course in that school. This scholarship .
j· t entitles the recipient to free tuition. If, in addition, the holder _
i- , .j of the scholarship obtains a county appointment, he is entitled to a
~ g ‘ room in one of the dormitories and to his traveling expenses. vi
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