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· ‘ As morals and religion should form a part of every young per-
t I son’s education, the students of the University are encouraged to ._
J C attend divine service at least once each Sunday. Clergymen from
 I several of the religious denominations of the city conduct some of ‘
i the chapel services each week, and other religious exercises are “
`4  conducted by the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. VV. C. A. of the Univer-
. sity. Nearly all of the religious denominations are represented in ;
' Y the Faculty. ‘ lh
' I  Every church in the city is glad to welcome University students A
* to all of its social and religious meetings. If parents will write to
 ° the ministers of their respective denominations in the city, or to _ » i'
_ any member of the University Faculty, they may be certain of
enlisting their interest in the moral and religious life of their sons A
2 and daughters.
d  · The sanitary arrangements of the University are excellent. Its
g 1 buildings occupy one of the highest positions in or around Lex-
, ington. A large reservoir, a few miles from the city, furnishes an .
‘ abundant supply of pure water at all seasons of the year. The
A natural drainage of the University grounds and its system of
 g sewerage are all that can be desired. Serious illness among the ,
is ‘_ students is extremely rare. The University physician gives all l '
if _· needed attention to the health of the students and excellent service ' ·. ._
can be had when needed in either of two large, well-equipped hos- · ‘ , t
*1- pitals in the city. The University has a furnished room in the · ?~
· Good Samaritan Hospital, which is within five minntes’ walk of the i
University grounds. ,
1., DoRM1·r0R1Es Fon MEN. Young men may reside in the dormitories · ·
.€ on the University Campus or in private houses approved by the
.c . Faculty. The dormitories afford lodgings for about two hundred .
_d it students who wish to lessen their expenses in this way. County
M   appointees are supplied with rooms first (the assignments being
:_ made by lot), then other students in order of application. The ‘
occupants of the rooms are required to keep them in order. The
‘ janitors attend to the halls and the removal of refuse and are re- ' · ‘
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