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        _? ture 1n January, 1907. It includes in its membership many 0f the
      `f   prominent farmers of Fayette and adjoining counties and a large
  , 6%  I · . . .
    _     number of the members of the faculty of the University and Ex-
        » periment Station, as well as many students of the College of
    Q. `[ Agriculture. Since the erection of the new Agricultural Building
    .· it has held its meetings monthly or semi-monthly in an attractive
  all . assembly room upon the third floor of that building. `While the
  Q T grange is a fraternal organization, holding its special meetings
  behind closed doors, many of its sessions are open to the public,
·i ¤ *.1*. · ` . . . . . . .
; ~ , _g —_g;¤;_ 1 . and during its existence here its meetings have been provided with
  —, many highly interesting programs through the c0—operation of prom-
  ·_ Fi' inent men in agriculture from our own locality and elsewhere.
    V .
  ·;,f * ATHLETICS.
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,   yi ‘ _ Opportunity for physical exercise and legitimate outdoor sport A
  Z` is afforded by the spacious Athletic Field and Parade Ground. The
  . management of athletics by the students is vested in an Athletic
.r_·l€§i§"§§[;, ‘ Association formed by the union of the Foot-ball, the Base—ball,
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_;   _ t   and Track—athlet1c Societies. The officers of these three sub—organ1-
  .¤ I zations constitute the managing board of the Athletic Association.
.-l . . . · ‘ . . .
 1* The control of athletics by the Faculty is secured through the1r
{{5}} ? 2 Committee on Athletics, acting under a set of regulations adopted
  _‘ ’ by the Faculty and approved by the Trustees.
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lil?  Q ` The necessary expenses of a student while at the University
  A,`. ·   need not exceed the following estimates. As a rule the less pocket
,   money allowed by parents or guardians the better it is for the
ll pupil. When supplies of pocket money are kept short, tl1e oppor-
jl· ` ` tunity for contracting vicious habits is correspondingly diminished.
lvl G Students should not be allowed by their parents to create any
it , debts. All money intended for the use of the student should "
._, . be deposited with the Business Agent.
,4 f_ . For a county appointee, occupying a room in the dormitory, the
  ~ necessary expenses are as follows:
` Tuition free ....................................... $00.00 i
l .\.{{,i , Matriculation free ................................. oo.oo
4* ‘   Gymnasium free ................................... oo.oo
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