CLASS OF ’12.  
The Secretary has to report that_the "1912" news is somewhat "slim" this V 
time, since he has heard from only hve of the "n1nety-six" smce writing the  ,,
last set of notes. _ A 
Virginia McClure proved that she still remembered her promise and wrote ·,j
a nice letter on St. Valentine’s Day. She_is teaching German and Latin in _the , 
Cynthiana High School and adds that she is teaching in one of the most efhcient j 
. high schools in Kentucky and that her pupils have few equals and no superiors.  
Besides, three of the six high school teachers are “State" graduates. Her ad-  c
dress is 115 Clifton Roads. _ _ _ i
Herbert Nagel writes from 308 Odd Fellows’ Temple, Cincinnati, O. He  {
works for the city of Cincinnati, and although we don’t know just what he .1S ` 
doing we know it is important. He is back from a three months’ sojourn in *
California. j
"Cap" Hardesty writes a busy man’s letter from 21 Eagle Street, Schenec-
tady. He is, Oh, so busy. He thinks that the General Electric Company has  __
more orders now than it has had for the last five years. `We would bet the hat ‘
off our head that Cap’s dreams are highly potential, that his watch looks like
a syncroscope, and that he thinks he is a polyphase motor w(h)att eats only , 
“currents" for lunch. _ _ _ _ _ _  
Raymer Tinsley writes from the University of_M1ss1ssipp1, where he is `Q
an instructor in Modern Languages, his chief work being in German. He went g 
to Germany in the summer of 1914, expecting to spend the year at German uni-  
versities, but when war broke out he "broke out" too and returned to the good ~ 
old U. S. A. and took his M. A. at the University of Illinois. Last summer he ` i `.
- was at the National German-American T_eachers’ Seminary at Milwaukee and }
he expects to attend the University of Chicago next summer.  
Tinsley is considering paying u as a life member of the Alumni Asso-  _,
. t. ¤ P .
cia ion.
Jim Cary wrote on February 1 that he had been working in his shirt 5-
sleeves and perspiring freely. He is at Visalia, California, R. F. D. No. 1,  
Box 93-{\.  
This will be the last number of the ALUMNUS for this school year in which  r'
the Secretary can write any notes, since the next number will be a directory. Y
Asa last word or two he wishes to thank those from whom he has heard for j 
their eo-operation and hopes that the others will do better next year. lf you ; 
have turned in_ news and it has not been reported be assured that it is not due  
to any inclination to slight any one, and the Secretary apologizes for the omis-  lj
sion. l 
Only a small part of our class has paid dues to date. ls not the ALUMNUS  gi
alone_worth two dollars a year and more to you? This pays your Alumni As- il 
sociation dues algo, A _· 
. Tie sure to send in any new addresses that you know for the directory. i 
Does anyone know where jack W'adsworth is or where Hugh Kelly is? _ 
CLASS or #14.  'F
llv E. H. Norman AND R. C. Di\BNE\'. i 
_ Since the publication of the last ALUxtNt;s we have letters from several  
ot the class., \Ve would like _to_ hear_ from all of you. The ALUMNUS wants i 
the Llass of 14 to feel that tlns is their page and solely for their use. \\~’rite us ’