‘ I Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
H. S. Fry, ,04, President, Box 247, Rochester, Pa.
I D. C. Estill, ,07, Secretary-Treasurer, 1312 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa.
A Schenectady, New York.
C. M. Roswell, ’08, President, 724 Brandywine Ave., Schenectady, N. Y.
L. C. Hardesty, ,12, Secretary, 21 Royle St., Schenectady, N. Y.
South Africa. 4
H. W. Taylor, ’06, President, Rustenburg, Transvaal, South Africa. j
j. du P. Oosthuizen, ’12, Secretary-Treasurer, Vredefort, O. F. S., South Africa.  
.’ St. Louis, Missouri.  
L A. C. Ball, ’II, President, 721 Chemical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.
Washington, District of Columbia.
P. M. Riefkin, ’06, President, Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines, Wash-
ington, D. C.
W. G. Campbell, ’02, Vice-President, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of
Chemistry, Washington, D. C.
F. H. Tucker, ’09, Secretary, Chemist, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.
The addresses of the following are unknown to the Secretary’s office
and any information concerning them will be appreciated.
Caleb S. Perry, ’79. R. H. Guerrant, ’O8.
Henry M. \Vright, ’79. F. M. \/Vheat, ’O8.
Margaret \Vilson, ’9(). Cott C. Kelly, 08.
john G. Maxey, ’92. Henry L. Herring, ’08.
e U. A. Garred, ’94. L. D. \xVallace, ’O9.
B. C. Keiser, ’94. E. B. Perrine, ’O9.
VV. C. Trigg, ’94. S. VV. Salyers, ’lO.
T. \\’. Scholtz, ’99. Hal H. Smith, ’10.
T. A. jones, ’OO. jas. H. Hall, ’lO. g
jos. B. VVilson, ’OO. David VV. Smith, ’ll.
\\’. H. Perkins, ’Ol. \Valter A. Harn, ’ll.
U. A. Hatfield, ’O2. L. E.; Smith, ’ll.
T. F. Finneran, ’O3. lll. B. Paynter, ’ll.
Edward Rand, ’03. j. D. McMurtry, ’12,
R. H. Arnett. ’O4. Tas. L. Edelen, ’l2.
\V. D. Gray, ’O4. j. H. l/Vadsworth, ’12,
C. C. Stackhouse, ’O4. L. D. Covitz, ’l3.
B. P. House, ’04. S. Knrogzawa, ’l3.  
C, F, Pea;-ee, ’()5_ Morris, Roth, ’l3. ;
Herman F. Scholtz, ’O5. YV- S. Pémly. ’13. T
elm. R. wngm, os. Fred Ferris. ’13. ·
S. M. Morris, ’05. Lvda S. l\’lcCarty, ’l3.
Coleman C. Cartwright, ()6_ G. T. VanArsclell,‘¥’14.
G. P. Edmonds, ’()6_ R. E. Steffy, ’l4.
Max \\~’. Smith, ’O6. C. H. Schwartz, ’l4.
R. E. Dragoo, ’l)6. Basil D. Sartin. ’l4.
R. E. Rankin, ’06. L. j. Emmert, ’l5.
G. B. Howard, ’O7. Kenneth P. Howe. ’lS.
Wm. O. Alden, ’O7. A. j. Kraemer, ’l5.
Thos. H. Howerton, ’O8.