uf Vol. 1 February, 1940 N0. 14
:;,2 W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor
.nd WATCH FOR RABBIT AND coating on the injured area at
ery MOUSE INJURY once. Several materials can be
s a W D. ARMSTRONG used satisfactorily. Ordinary
iw ' shellac is one of the best cover-
ICC, Siiicc practically all parts of l|1{;S HS it_does 1TOt illjure the cx-
011 Kentucky have been covered witl1 l105€’<1_ <10110i1t€ #1831105. Otdlnary
md snow of various depths for sev- l11'11S11111i; {§1`¥1fi3111g “'_3·X 15 _W€l1
ety eral weeks since Uhristmas, it is i11111l1t€<1 to USB 21S_ 1S 01‘d11l¤11‘Y
`hiS to be expected that many fruit 111011t*d DH1'111°f111· 501116 S01"¤ of
sfy trees, large and small, have been DQ1‘t€1bl0 WHX l1€P1t€1‘ is 11€€d€d ;
to injured by mice and rabbits dur- 1*1111 these 1_?1$t two, but t11€S€ 31`G
ing this time when their other €11$}' U1 d€Y1$€- A$I111?11t11111 P1`l111·
§]i€ foods were scarce and hard to 1118 P§1111t 1$ €11$0 115611 f01‘ $11€11 P1
for reach. The alert fruit ma11 in €01'€1‘111S W1'f11 good 1`€S111'fS· Y
big many cases pruned off a number Treatment as described above
of small limbs on the snow so they should keep the wounds in good
_in would be eaten instead of the condition until spring. In the
gted tree trunks. He also went to look meantime preparation for addi-
link lns trees over for injury as soon tional repzurs should be made.
as the snow went away. If this During February and early March
tl _ has not been done it would be well lopg water sprouts should be ·
11S to do so. ta {en and buried in the soil in
the Often rabbits and mice take off l11`€`l1*11`?1t1011 f01` b1`1€1H€ €§1`_aft_1¤{,’-
wks only the outer bark. On other AS 1S {%'€11€1`?111}’ 1{110“i11 t111$_1$ 8
Qin occasions they take 0E the bark 111‘?i11°d of $1'&ft111§ 111 11111011 6
5 r" in splotches clear into the wood. YO1~111S $1100Y 1§ ?1'¤'f21€11€d b€10_“' €111d g
ten- In other cases, large Sections of above the injured area, bridging Q
mt the trunks are entirely denuded the ]1°a1t11Y bark 111 these two V
Err}. of their bark. The first two con- 1`€S1011S·   ,
M0 ditions are often not serious and Even very seriously injured   ‘
10m` with some extra encouragement, trees can be repaired by a good i
mty if not alone, the tree will regen- job of bridge grafting. The work i_
1`OUS crate bark and cambium enough should be done as soon in the ·
I11l1 to effectively heal the scars and spring as the bark on the tree   it
1110* the tree will soon be normal again. trunks starts to "slip?’. This will ,   [
it-aio However, in the third case, where be about the time the leaves start   3 f
the bark is completely removed ont. Experience has shown that 3   -
ei-by in areas, these rarely heal over bridge grafting rarely pays on —_
tied, and the tree is set back, stnnted or trees under two or three inches Q
1 by eventually dies in acco1·dancc to in diameter at the base. It is with §   ‘
glp- the severity of thc injury. the large trees that success is to     i
uber In any case drying out of the be had with bridge grafting;    
injured tissues can be prevented When seriously injured, the small    
sm and recovery aided by brushing a trees referred to above had best