er on early egg-laying is to follow egg can crawl 300 yards without a
is development by dissection of a source of food. .
g. sufficient number of females and 2. Plants for new patches
y- correlate this with air tempera- should be dug between December 1
is tures. Egg laying continues from and March 1. Plants dug after
it March until September. Eleven December 1 rarely contain crown-
le females laid an average of 62.7 borer larvaz, pupaz, or adults, and
ld eggs each during 1937. Some fe- when dug before March 1, will con-
id male crown borers laid eggs a sec- tain no eggs. Plants dug too early
ond year. Total maxiinum egg for setting should be heeled in at a
_n_ production for a female which laid distance of 350 yards from a source
in during the seasons of 1937 and of infestation.
as 1938 was 1-12. Crown-borer eggs 3. Certified plants are preferred
fly are always laid in the strawberry for setting new p3};ch€g_ Plants
E; plant. They are usually deposited from infested patches can be used
m__ 111 €XC8VZ1tl0llS 1118tlC 111 1llO CI`O\Vll for Starting b01•g]_•-fI·g€ patchgs pro-
ng or old leaf bases slightly above the vided they arg dug before Mm~Ch 1
ky origin of the lateral 1·oots and gud pygpgrly cleaned and washed .
¤° close to the soil Surface. to rid of adhering adults. Plants `
rg Plants attacked by crown-borer from patches found to be free of
larvae are killed, stunted, or may crown-borer are preferred. Even
show no other eifccts except a certified plants should be dug early
ll reduction in number of runners and and cleaned. i
N runner plants. In di·y years, entire 4. Set strawberry patches only
fields are often wiped out by crown- on land in cultivation for one or
borer. Pupation of boi·cr larva: more years.
began between June 10 and June 16 5. Destroy all berry patches
me in 1937 and 1938 in western Ken- after the second year of picking.
las tueky. First generation adults 6. Destroy the common wild V
{ii began emerging late in J niie. One host of the crown-borer, common
d. parasite. I\l1C1'Ol)1'21COl1 analeidis, (Zl11q11€fOll. (five Hnger),
    and tyq §1`°'%ut°rSd$}_(luOi Editor’s N0te.—Strawberry growers i
mn P1_1U5 &UI`i4U> €i st 611 MW! who stay in the business year after _
rig americanus Payk. were found at- year are the backbone of the industry. ,
fas mms the     ">Vl0~ §.¥;°ai’§?§‘tt.";‘;$.;“€l;i §.‘;i.f;€t2it  
; of . dellma fovcolam (S3‘y)’ a close rc` rounded production program regarding
pbv lem Of. the “`°“`“ b°1`°l`» was acreage, soil fertility, rnuleinng, variety- E _
· common in strawberry patches. It selection and insect control. In order {
  breeds in Oenothera laeiniata Hill lg b¤`i¤g0S0i§tl6 0fd¢h€S<*il;t€l§1}f¤ is minbd E
*` ° . . .. .. 1 VVHS C HSI €l`€ \VOI' \\` 1 · ·
In am? ‘S 1*9*; .“ S“""b“L’ Pfistg _ _ nsn are summary of urs roiioiarigliiirr- -
was _ Usectludes and mums “ me letin, which is based on an intensive ‘
1-I‘1€d 8S 111GB.llS of Cl‘O\\'l1-l)O1`0l‘ 0011- study of commercial strawberry grow- j V -
trol. Results of the tests do not ins in Kentucky, by Mr. W. W. Masill 5 _V I
uml warrant their reeonnnendation. who has Spam 17 Years in $m“"b€*"`Y if T ’
the . . work in Kentucky. g
thc Certain recommendations for · ; r. V
mss cr0wn—borer control are niadc as Summary of Kentucky Clxcular { _
mts a result ot tl11s investigation. N0. 295 ,
and 1. New strawberry p a t che s COMMERCIAL STRAWBERRY E Q _
,,0 should be set at least 350 yards GROWING IN KENTUCKY    F
mi] from a source of infestation. Field _ W- W- MAGILL   _jj ji
Ldcd tests with 1,038 marked erowii- kentucky g1`O\VS·6,000 to 10,000 g   i
iam borer adults showed that the beetles acres of commercial strawberries Q ··j;£  
5 .    