' annually. The berries are shipped crate for picking, grading, packing bm
by refrigerator express and trucks contginer and marketing expense mf
to many northern and eastern are air estimates.
V 1naI‘k€tS, including Canada- The crown-borer is the most de-  
T Ma1‘k€tlng 'dn`n €O0P€i'atlV€ a$$0· structive strawberry insect in Ken- we
K eiations has beell found to be the tucky. After a field becomes in- ml
' ‘ most satisfactory plan. festcd there is no control measure. `vi
’ ` ` The dread of ickinv is the out- infestation can he prevented by set- at
.. standing obstacllg confronting the ting clean plants some distance .,.0,
V prospective grower. This can be from old plantings. hs,
· 0V€1`00n1€ by d€P€ndlng on lined Grub worms can be prevented by Sht
. , , help to do the picking. using lzuid that has been cultivated Ca
Any good tobacco land will pro- two years before strawberries are lt,
` duce strawberries. Soil building set. tr:
Z _ with green manure and superphos- by
t phate is advisable. THE VEGETABLE GARDEN cii
. Preparation of the land in late JOHN S- GARDNER fo
· fall is desirable. Although admitting that this will de
. The Aroma variety leads ill Kell- fall under the eyes of men engaged Of
' · tueky. Blaliem01‘€ and P1'€111l€1` in the business of fruit-growing, it ou
` ‘ also are important. E\‘e1‘bea1‘l11{; is nevertheless fitting that it should th
` varieties have not proved success- appear here, for a good garden is at
ful good business. In fact, a good dc
Strawberry plants should be set garden may easily be the most im- L:
in March or ea1‘l}' April. Early portant piece of business on any ar
1‘l1Illl€I` plants are IHZIDY UIHBS HS farm, if 11ot for the money it may e!
productive as those formed in late earn, certainly for the real money re
` f August and September. it will save. Because the savings sa
' V` p Avllen plants are 1'eC€i\'ed they are day·by-day savings they are
t V if should be unpacked and heeled in not always appreciated, but taken pc
] . as soon as they arrive. in the gross, over the year, they are Og
‘ . The roots should be pruned be- found to be not inconsidcrable. Il
` g ` fore the plants are set, and the soil Now, gardens, like orchards, are as
V Q Sl1011ld be lifllled 211‘011l1d Tllem, ill "good" onl * to the extent they are S
I i setting. Blooms should be picked planned, aifd tended by program. ci
g y from the newly set plant as soon as A good garden can not more " just ll
t i they appeal'. happen" than can a successful W
· ·   , Frequent cultivation and hoeing fruit venture. But, gardens are so tl
l _' gj “` the first year are essential. often judged by what takes. plare 0
Y Q Mulching is necessary to keep the in one that was planted poll mell. l
l _   fruit clean and conserve soil mois- and tended as time permitted, or as S
Q ‘ Q , ture. mood dictated. Such a garden must t
> Q? ,,,. Grading berries by the pickers is behave spottily; there must be J
·   the most economical pla11 a.nd is periods of glut and waste, also l·
Q   used by a majority of Kentucky times of scarcity and famine, and e
  _   growers. then one wonders whether a garden ‘
,   4 _ A definite contract should be pays for all that has gone into it.
    _ made between tenant and owner. Wliilc a person who had such a gar- S
  ! · l, Yields of 100 24-quart crates per den might not really find himself 5
l   _ acre can bfe ggpected. A produc- "in the red", his pronts would be l
, Q -_ tion cost o per acre up to the meagre. j
V — beginning of harvest, and $1.25 per It would have been so much t
` . 6