ng better to plan, starting with the ous vegetables from the several
we making of a list of the vegetables "truck patches" scattered over the
the family likes or will use, pro- farm. Making plans also gives the
1** ceeding with a schedule of times a gardener opportunity to consider
§¤· week they are to be used in season, what his fertilizing scheme shall be.
1** and through the winter, together Otfhand, this may be to turn under
re. with amounts used, finally to arrive manure, but fresh manure is not
i€l· at total amounts needed for the balanced for all the vegetables, for
[ict! year. A short cut to all this is to it contains an excess of nitrogen
use the list of winter vegetables which causes some of them to
by shown in the back of Kentucky "grow to top". As it happens,
ted Canning Circular 314 and doubling phosphorus is a most important
are it, for all-year totals. Next comes plant food for all the vegetables, C
translating these totals into bushels but particularly for those that are
by aid of another late page in this raised for their fruits and seed.
N circular. Then from a table in the Te baltmcti m8Hl1F€, Sl1P€i'Ph°$Ph3t€
forepart of Kentucky Home Gar- should be broadcast over the gar-
wm don Circular 309, the foot of row den after it is broken, at the rate of -
ged of all the vegetables can be worked 30 pounds to each ton of stable
g, it out. This total may seem greater 1¤&11111‘€ t111`¤€d 1111