DUDLzy on Epidemic Chowra.

other morbid appearances to vanish, and thereby the patient
will be restored to health.
  I have declined saying any thing on the effects of ex-
ternal remedies, except heat; or of any of the internal reme-
dies of an anodyne or stimulating character, from all which
I have occasionally witnessed benefit-my more especial ob-
ject being to offer testimony in favor of a remedy, better
calculated than any other with which I am acquainted to
equallize the circulation, restore the secretions, arouse the
digestive organs to vigorous and healthy action, check
spasms, and relieve the system from the effects of undigest-
ed materials in the stomach. I do not wish to touch upon
the pathology of a disease, wherein there is so much variety
of sentiment; but prefer a faithful record of a few facts, as
constituting my more immediate duty for the present. I
cannot, however, feel other than a sentiment of regret,
that so much time has been occupied in post mortem exami-
nations of the bloodvessels in cholera, when authors of the
highest distinction disagree in their reports of the condition
of this sub-system, in a much more common disease-inter-
mittent fever; especially, since the morbid physiology of the
general nervous system, to which, it is apprehended, most at-
tention wil be ultimately directed, should have been so much