YANDELL on Spasmodic Cholera.

  It is common to speak of the epidemic as having, in this
city, disregarded character and condition, and invaded all
classes of the community indiscriminately. I have examin-
ed the list of those who died during the first three weeks
with special reference to this subject, and have come to a
different conclusion. The number reported by the gentle-
men who were at the trouble of visiting all the houses, is 381.
Of these, 25 were lunatics, at the Asylum, 168 blacks, and
188 whites. It is unnecessary to speak of the liability of
the first class to attacks of cholera. It is not too much to
say, that there is every thing in their situation to predispose
to it. The habits and condition of the black population in
every country are much alike, and well known. Bond and free,
they are generally filthy and careless, poor, and ignorant, and in
want of many of the comforts of life, and nearly always
live in low, damp, or ill ventilated houses. There are few
exceptions to this rule. Thus more than half the victims
were of the class who have been the great sufferers from
cholera in all countries. From their own neglect in the first
instance, and the difficulty of affording them the necessary
aid afterwards, a large proportion of them when overtaken by
the disease inevitably perish. Of the remaining number it
may be affirmed, that few were free from some of the causes
which strongly predispose to the disease. A great majority
were either infirm from other affections, or old age, intemperate
in the use of ardent spirits, or guilty of some excess, in eating,
exercise, S/c. immediately before their attack. The three
physicians who fell its victims had labored by night and by
day, as well as neglected the early symptoms of their dis-
ease. The few robust young persons who died were general-
ly able to trace their attack to some indiscretion. And with
all the general abundance of the land, it must be admitted
that many of the whites themselves were badly fed, and
miserably lodged-in low, crowded houses, surrounded by
filth, and supplied with few of the comforts which the sick
require. I saw an amount of squalid wretchedness during
the prevalence of the epidemic, which I could hardly have