to be laid adjacent to the University property ard that ,the
University would be required to connect its sever system with
that of the City.  A map of the grounds prepared by Professor
Terrill was exhibited by Mr. Stoll and the best Methods of mak-
ing connection between the University and the City System of
sewerage.  This matter was referred to a Committee composed of
-resident Barker, Mr. Stoll and Ptsofessor Terrfll.

     Judge Lafferty called the attention of the Committee to
tha "act that as Business Agent he is not under Bond as he
should be for the faithfal performance of his duties. -On mo-
tion of Mr. Stoll seconded by Mr. Clay it Was ordered that
Judge Lafferty give Bond in the sum of $10,000 for the proper
discharge of his duties and that his clerk, a4r. Calvin Lenag-
han, give Bond also in the sum of $2,000.00; the premiums on
these Bonds to be paid by the University;   the Pond to be
subject to the a    proval of the Bxecutive 0ommittee.-

     On roll call tho vote i toodl

     Ayes: Messrs. Clay, Stoll, Terrill, Davis, Nichols.
     Roes - None.
     Motion carried.

     Professor White then made a st.ntement that Jite  Lafferty
needed some grass seed to sew on the camrpus.  Motion was made
and seconded that he buy lJ bushels of grass seed for the
above named purpose.

     'otion was made by Mtr. INTichols and seconded to adjourn.

Secretary of the Bxecutive Committee