any Committee at any time.


     An aD-licant for admission to any of the Colleges of the
University must offer credit for 15 units of High School or
other Secondary School work, so caosen as to include those
prescribed by the particular college he desires to enter.
This credit can be secured

     1. By examination.
     2. By certificate from an Accredited School,
     3.  By transfer from some other University or College.

     Of the 15 units required for admission, 8a units in
List A are Prescribed for admission to the Freshman Class in
all the Colleges and Schools of the University as follows:-

                      List A.

                 BEngli sih .......
                 Algebra .........2
                 Plane " eometry . . . 1
                 nistory......      1 I
                 Foreign Lang .......2

     Of the 6i additional units required for admission, the
following are prescribed by the individual collegeat

                   Prescribed by Individual Colleges.

College of Arts and Science.

     For Degree of B. A. A.
                                     Science.,....., ,1
                                     Poreign Lang..h2
(Foreign Languages in lists A and B must include 3 years of Latin)

     For Degree of B3. S    .     . ,,List A.
                                     Science. .... .1

     College of Agriculture .........List A.
                                     Sciensa.      a,,1

Colleges of Engineering ........ .. o.List A.
                                     Sojid Geometry-.i
                                     Sciencee .......

Oollege of Law.....*........    .  ..Liat A.
                                     Hi1 st ory . . ,.,, * .1

     Xhe remainder of the 1 units must be made up from the
subjects in List B. No subject will be accepted eor an amount