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  Y F M I j
I I E U i ·,   y   , OR the last two months, through the columns  _
E i a v E   lj °f the Al“m““E “h’°“g" “*“€"S Ed pit I
E   THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY sonal contact, the officers of your Alumni I
; g , — Association have been appealing to you to attend
I   · Published monthly, except July and August, on the campus the reunions of all classes ending in 0 and 5, and 3 'si 
j   - of the Un1vers1ty, at Lexmgton this is a last appca]_
_   SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1-·50 A YEAR In   S3.II'1€ COIUHIII is 3. welcome to the g`I`3.d·  
`   I   uating class of this year, on behalf of our as- 5
1   Eotoroo is S"I‘;°“‘z C;oSSMMal’;r igzgho };osto;§1o°‘i&o£”LoX' sociation, but would the welcome not be more _
°   l w I mg °n’ ee uc !f’M;ih3§ 18,,5 un er 6 C impressive if all the members of our organized  `
·     g,   ·   alumni were here in person on commencement I .
  i t I   James S. Shropshire, ’29 ...... Editor and Manager day? I  »
    t ,» ~ _ ;I‘Erg“‘;§t° 1`gf5LaughH”· ’°3 ‘ ‘ > · · ejseeieie Egoéor Last year some three hundred returned; is it   3 
3 j I     expecting too much to say that double that A
? ·   ' , A ormcnns on THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION number should be here this year?  ,
t . · I I Q DI`. G3I`l'€tt D3.IIiS Bl1CkI1€I‘, ’O8 ..... ·. President •   how you would have   had theye been  .
I   . E Sarah G. Blandmg, 23 ........ V1ce—Pres1dent Several hundred Alumni to enjoy with you the `  ’
· I , I James S. Shropshire, ’29 ..... Secretary—Treasurer . . . , _,_ 
~ 1. _ commencement luncheon, given by the University E  .
t EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE for the new and the returning graduates. The    
j W- o- Wilsom oo DT- C-   Elliott, ’o2 Liilie I-·°§a¤» ’13 kind of interest that is mentioned here will make T  `
. s DL Gauge Hw/,;¥;;°I;i1?;nme;g31o;d Rh°adS’ 15 this old University, of which we are so justly  
 ·   proud, grow by laeps and bounds and our associa-  
;   61. Op, It ‘ tion will be added to by several hundred each year  
    , Q?  ,,_€', at this time. Then, think of the possibilities of Q-; 
    1 §'   our organization entering upon even a more eon- ; _
I w I I E   structive program for the glorification of Ken-  
E Q W"m§"  · tucky University. er 
, (1,0  jép fMay those who are making the arrangements Q
I CCL for the commencement time expect you?  
 - . V l. II MAY, 1930 N . 5 — 
I E “’EL"°ME E0 CEEEE OF   RE,iE§$t?.;f“;§r$,§“t,,$;§,i,L‘;i,id §“;’§",§§f    
l _ o u -  E
A l I Y_ THE time tho June Humbor ef the Atumnus ism at the University, a controlling board  e
to ; · Q is cit the Press the class ef 1930 will here which is called the Student Board of putneations. , tj
` I w . possod from cut tho portals cf our Alma This step, which was sponsored by members of l 2 
I i i = Motor- Somo ovo huooroo Young nien *mo_Womoo both the faculty and student body, answers a cry- I  E
I I 3 Willblfave sgerited cn thgu wer E; lit? iacinskthe ing need that nas long been apparent on the Ken-   i
· ; _ pro ems a every ay as o o er, ma mg tucky campus. I _
    i their own decisions on important questions and According to ·by_laWS adopted by the new board, é Q
A g filling tho Shoos cf these that ho·Yo gooo before, its personnel will be composed of the president, l  
»   a (but who have finished their task 1n an honorable Vicc_pI.cSidcnt’ and Secretary Of the Mews Sub 1  E
{   ‘ Way)- dent Council; the president and vice-president of I s
e ‘ Q Tc wish these new graduates much success is the Women’s Self Government Association; the l  
 s_ 5 tc say little, but tc_ assure them success and three elective officers or the Junior Class; and 5 
 · · I happiness, if they give to whatever field they two members of the Journalism Department    
  ` €Ill'»€I' t}l;€ SZIHQ €I1thllSl3.SI’I1 Zuid work they have Staff; in addition to the graduate Inanagey Of I  
r givent eir University will mean much- student publications. Its duties are many and I ? 
  ’ So, the Alumnus speaking for the Alumni As- far-reaching.    ji
  U sociation takes this opportunity to welcome you The necessity of such an organization has  L
E _ to its ranks, and express the hope that the in- steadily been becoming more obvious, especially  *
  _ ·. terest that you have manifested throughout your in recent years with the rapidly growing enrcll-  Y
t , undergraduate days will glow even brighter as ment of the University. The publications on the Q 
f you take your place along with others that have campus increased in number and the extent of Y 
 j l traveled the road that you are just completing. (Continued on Page Twenty-four)