.   UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ENJOYS Club Service as well as a Bureau of Visual Edu- I
  - NOTABLE GROWTH cation.  ; L
  ..-.— The department of Hygiene and Dispensary of-  · t
i Q r (Continued from page Ten) fers students an opportunity to receive the best Q I
  property on the University of Kentucky campus medical attention available at a free clinic con-  ‘ 2
  has inoroosod in Value from $1,750,000 to $4,- ducted on the campus. Resident nurses are main-  » V
i A A 9 000,000; three new dormitories for men and one tttiheti ih the l`eSidenee halls and physicians are i ;
V   i for Womon novo boon oonotrnotod; or Hue now always available at the Dispensary. Courses in  W t
  nooitntion bonding nnmod in honor or the pres,- Hygiene and Public Health are also included in - _
.   dent, was completed and put to use in February the University curriculum of study.  S 1
l   . 1929; this building was made possible by the Through its institutes,·meetings and tourna- f .
° i l Q , _ economic ability or the president through saving ments, the University of Kentucky brings to- ·
V; ;_   A . ; gf University funds, gether on its campus each year educators, stu-  r
Yi i   ——i The Greater Kghtllcky Campaign, launched (l€YltS and f2l.l`IYl€1`S Zllld l`lOl"fl€I`I121K€I`S of Kentucky,  .
r I V ‘ _ th1·Ough tho ogorro of president McVey, and een- to exchange ideas, and to establish educational E V
    i i ! ducted by alumni and friends of the University, tlhd seeial Cehttlet Whieh ate ihVaitlali>le to the ,5  
V i i » made possible the construction of the concrete ll€ll`tieiPantS- » '
. ` , l stadium, the basketball building and Memorial Each year, for the past seven, the University “
?   l Hall, the auditorium which was completed last has sponsored an Institute for Registrars under A
i   May and dedicated to Kentucky’s World War the direction of President McVey and Ezra L.
    dead. A new Dairy Products Building on the Ex- Gillis, University Registrar, for the purpose of ex-  ¤
` periment Station farm, which was begun last changing ideas and to study college administra- i_~ 
· l - spring, is also nearing completion. tion. An annual Educational Conference, also jo 
‘ i Sinoo tho beginning of prosidont Mcveyis od- sponsored by the University, met this fall with .
Q , ministration, two Agricultural Experiment sui,- the Hen- William J- Ceelier, United States Gem- I
  l r stations have been established, those at Prince- hliSSi0hel" ef Eiillctttieh 2lS it sneaker at the €0h· 4
l A ton and Quicksand; the number of county agents f€i`€hC€· i 
  _ sent out by the College of Agriculture has been Early in 1929 the Southern Association of _
  increased and the size of the Experiment Station Psychologists niet in annual ccnclave on the Uni- V.
_ farm has been dOublgd_ versity of Kentucky campus; each year the Lex- ‘
V - TWO fine additions to the Cgllggg gf Engineer- ington branch of the American Chemical Society i- 
. ing have been completed in the past three years l10l€lS ite 1neetin2.’S at the UniVe1‘Sity, and early T 
l through the generosity of friends of the Uni- last Slln'llhel` 600 young bers and gil‘iS, lhen"lhel`S  {
V Vg]·Sity_ The Wgh(]t Fgygg Shop, dghatgd *00 the of `lZl1€ JLIHIOF Ag'1`lCUltU1`3.l ClLll)S of iCl`l€ state VV€1`€ `
U College of Engineering by Henry Wendt, and the 8'lleStS ef the UhiVeYSitY f0l" Ohe Week- T
” - Johnston Solar Laboratory, donated to the same High School Week is an event in the spring of  V
? Q i ‘ , college by Percy Johnston, president of the Chemi- each year at the University of Kentueky, and ?
· V cal Bank and Trust Company of New York, and brings hundreds of Kentucky’s boys and girls to  Q
ii a former Kentuckian, are both valuable additions the campus for six days of competitive entertain-  
{ to the engineering equipment. The Solar Lab- ment; this week is outrivaled in the eyes of Ken-  i
V _ oratory is being used to study the eHect of sun tucky’s youth only by the annual Basketball i , 
  and light on plants, animals and flowers. tournament conducted by the University, in which  ,
— i The building gf a rnilliOn-vOlurne library, the the best teams of each section of the state com-  -
i g   first unit of which is now under construction, was pete fer state h0n0l`S- The Farm and Home C0h‘  
 » r begun last spring, and when completed will afford vention eitere the UniVe1‘SitY an 0DP0l‘tllhitY ilh‘  V
i ` l the people of Kentucky an opportunity to avail nually to entertain the farmers and homemakers ; 
`   themselves of the best reference literature obtain- of the state, While the Plhhtletl lheetihg ef tlie r
= l able. The building now occupied by the library Garden Club convenes each spring on the cann>llS· .
i staff will be turned into a museum as soon as the To enumerate the rapid developments at the  i
S i new building is completed. The Teacher Training University of Kentucky in the past decade would `·
  · i building will be ready for occupancy in the fall. be to tabulate chronologically the improvements _}
i The department of University Extension, which which have been accomplished each year since · 4
  was organized in 1919 by Doctor McVey, consists the beginning of President McVey’s administra-  V
  A, i of a well organized Bureau of Correspondence tion. It is impossible to tell of the University’S  it
i ~ study, a Bureau of Extension Class Instruction, a_ progress without relating a story of the clear-  V
i Bureau of High School Relations and a Woman’s thinking man who has directed its destinies for