it _ T,     W l I lg“ .
  MEETING "‘  
  V Wolf Von DeWall, editor of the Frankfurter if 
V   ; _ (Continued from page Seventeen) Zeitung, addressed approximately 100 members  
  Strueted to Write Mr_ Kirk, expressing the an of the International Relations class at a dinner  
  M preciation of the asosciation for his valuable work meeluug held m the Uu1VeI`SltY of Kentucky eem”  
.   r during his three years as Alumni Secretary mons recently. Dr. Frank L. McVey presided  
·   t Collection of funds promised to the association end mtmdueed the Speekem whe Wee the heuer  
= { for the greater Kentucky fund was discussed and guest and mtY0d'~l€t01`Y SP€3~k_€1“ et the model a$·  
·   it was decided to try again to collect these pledges eembly Of_ the League of Nutleue Whleh WSS held  
Q = l especially those owed by members of the Associa- m Mememal Heu- _  
A » l , ~ I . tion_ Herr Dewall, one of the great journalists of ig 
  3 1 S   Other routine matters were brought up and dis- G€1`m3¤Y» took f01‘ the ,?ubJ€€t of h1S talk his ; 
* · g ` posed of in the proper manner. own country, Germany.  
{ I I Doctor Buckner appointed the following nom- ——-————1‘_’;  
  . {   inating committees to arrange the tickets for the 300 SCHOOLS REPRESENTED IN EVENT  
; _ I [ annual election of Association officers: _ _ ~_  
_   V Mies Marguerite MeLeughnnV eheirmen More than 350 contestants from sixteen districts  
F I r r _ Dr_ George H_ Wil§On r representing over 300 highrschools from every  
r r Dr_ E_ Crenley Eurot section of the state, have ali eady pai ticipated in  E
.   I _ the oratory, declamation, debate, and achieve-  
r WeYumu RheueS# eheumeu ment contests held recently at the tenth annual  
 { l S . Deen Seuieh Ble¤d1¤e high school week held at the University under the  
f MISS Lube Legeu auspices of the department of University Exten-  
 Y   · M€€l$iI1g Was &dj0u1`¤€d- sion. Before the conclusion of the program of ac-  
 r     Major W. C. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson were hosts tivities, which includes the Kentucky High  
  to the members of the executive committee at a School Festival there were over 1,500 Kentucky  
 · delightful dinner preceding the meeting. high school students in attendance.  
  Th Ph · H tz  
l M Contemporaneous with the history of Kentucky from the beginning  
THE PHOENIX HOTEL witnessed the birth and has observed the growth  
 V V I of the UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY from its cradle to the mag- ·g$ 
r   niiicent institution of today. E 
_   F THE PHOENIX HOTEL was the meeting place of Students and Faculty  ·
,V E ° r who comprised the initial Class of 1865 and has been the meeting place  i·
, of Students and Faculty and Alumni continuously since that time.  
 S _ { TRADITION means much. It is altogether probable that every living  
,   I Alumnus of the thousands of University of Kentucky students of each  
 .   ‘ class since 1865 possess many happy memories of the Phoenix Hotel.  
V  THE PHOENIX HOTEL congratulates the Class of 1930 and will strive  Y.
  : to merit their confidence through the years to come.  
i P1‘€S1d€¥1t General Manager  ai
   ‘ .»»r » I I   _. _,.._ _, __ c ....    
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