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  D A D    
irter , u€S Y€ u€ Ag; Y g {
lbers j Unless you have sent in your dues for the year 1929-30, your Alumni     U
mgllir ' dues will be due on ]une 1, 1929. A prompt payment will assure you a   'N g `
c_d é j copy of the new Alumni Directory. Use the following blank so that the   `_  N
S1 8 1 Alumni Oilice will have a complete record for its files.   ’     i
’ — ~ - . ?`:,£r, "  . *
Thiid ~ Enclosed {ind $3.00 IH payment of my Alumm dues for one year, $1.50      »_i ` · 2
· l of which is for the KENTUCKY ALUMNUS.   G   ; g Q
tg of  I [€——-—----—---»———  $~ ·— *— --?—n     _   
. e Name ’ it 0*‘N ‘ `  Z
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Q  } Business Address git   i  2
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Lnnual Residence Address p N   {L  V
gy the * j (Please indicate by a cross which you want used   lnv  N ·
Exten-  e y__ ____ _____w _   _   N
of 3.0-  ‘ Occupation and further information     . 
High 1 ,· Air  
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V   W hen making Plans fer Y°“Y Class   K »·  ‘ N. 
i   `*‘· Z   Reunions at yeur Alma Mme be Sure   *  ‘;~
 A N  ii   and plan to make your headquarters   ¤.  
· N   at the      zh
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--where you will meet old friends and _ i f  
° 300 Reems 300 Baths receive a hearty welcome.  
.;  FifQpfOOf Garage       JRW Managelj   `
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