. THC,   `__ . _, ‘.
A large amount of experimental work has been ized in most counties. A total of 593 communities i   A  
done 1n an effort to find the C9.l1S€ of Ted clover in the State were thus organized last year A ·i     i A
·  ` fa1ll,11‘€. S€€d f1`OlT1 ITIBHY fOI`€ig1”1 COl1HlZl`i€S Zllld committee of farmers in each comm 't I     { i i
 . states has been tested. The state has b t ‘ · iml y -mapS i il?-it r-ii i
p l I l 9911 011 311 Improvement program, wh1ch 1S engineer-    ls; . J
searched for seed that is adapted to Climatic and ed With the assistance of the county or home i    
__ soil conditions here, and an effort made to en- agent and field program, .which is engineered   if  
E courage increased productfon of native strains with the assistance of the county or home agent ‘   iii 1
 " ef clover- and field workers from the College of Agriculture, -i     .   
. Nearly 1,000 plots are developed to testing The College and Station, through their various     , {
W  V Zggistslezfclhjllcg crops, legumes, tobaccos, cotton igenciies, hg`; bee? instrumental in the introdug     .  {
gl - . ion 0 a e er cass of li · *.i;;~ 9    E
  A highly valuable service is rendered the state Many campaigns have beenvggiifdiilztigi itldergltiise fill   i i
_ , ;;h;ougEh thethExper(;n;entt· Stzxtipn public segvilce State of scrub sires, while thousands of head of   Cie - T   
-5*  _ a ora ory, e see es 1ng a ora ory, an t e improved breedin · ·   i»i ·‘ is  i
· .·.- ‘ departments of feed and fertilizer control. the last year or tgroétock have been Introduced m A A   ·   .   
[ , The Public Service Laboratories last year The roduction of m ‘ it tr i t   
_ ’ ' handled a total of 77,009 samples of foods, drugs increasilhg farm incomesoiiii nigiybsigiionsshifptdi ; i    i
   . and public health specimens, and served 1,365 state. Much work has been done to promote the   ti    1
"    ‘ £h";f‘a§s* l°;‘b“"thsslf1_lL ssssssl; hsslsii-sis slid marketing, of e high grade standardized lamb , i   -— ,
_ s ea epar men s. e num er of samples Kentucky lambs now en'o an e ` ‘ ‘   i~  ' i
" Ej . submitted to this department is increasing at the on the early market, coiininand  Iiiiiclecsliiiiild     _ 
  A rate of 10 percent annually. add millions of dollars to the incomes of farmers.     ?
’  tr; . The feeds department tested 1,2.00 samples of The raising of more and better hogs is being . Q   { ·
- M i commercial feeds in 1929. Expenditure for feeds promoted in many counties, through the ton-   11  -
A gg 1S one of the largest items of cost 1n Kentucky litter contests and other means. Better breed-     L.
  \· farming and stock raising. A total of 322,400 ing, better feeding, sanitation and other good      “·
», ` tons of commercial feeds were sold in the state practices are encouraging farmers to raise more    i ’1 
V  , last year. The department has been of great ser- hogs.     .
 ‘ vice in reducing the amount of fillers and waste in Poultry raising has been lifted in the last few A   if  `
g  c feeds and in banishing low quality. years from a comparatively minor place to one of     . 
   g A similar service is performed by the fertilizer importance on hundreds of Kentucky farms. Im-     i
.  . department which analyzes and tags all fertilizer proved breeding has been int1·oduced, with _ /'   i 
p  _ sold in the state. A total of 1,500 samples were emphasis on winter eggs, when prices are high. 1,;   A 
’  A handled in 1929. The department has constantly Turkey raising is encouraged. Kentucky occupies 1  ¥;  
raised standards and has succeeded in eliminating an advantageous position in poultry production, ‘    LE
 g low grade fertilizers from the market. Farmers due to the climate and the proximity to good 1  Ti s,.. `  
`Z f have been educated to the value of high grade markets. .    
ez;. — products, and sales of the better quality fertilizer Junior Club Work which has organized 20,000 _  
, have increased materially this year. farm boys and girls between the ages of,10 and 18 “ 1   s  
  .,.._»  Z, Through its force of 92 county agents, 28 home years, to learn and practice better farm and home      =*
  1 agents and extension field agents, the College’s methods, constitutes an important branch of el i*
` "  "i""` t extension service is doing a vast amount of work agricultural extension work, as carried forth by    Zi
   p directly with farm men and women over the the College of Agriculture. » ,i  E;
  1  Staten Scores of demonstrations in all kinds of Not only do these juniors acquire the best 3 E
     Q improved practices are staged where farmers can known methods of farm life, but through their   _
  1 see the reesults obtained. intelligent practices thousands of dollars are   V
  L Farmers themselves are used as demonstrators, added to the farm income. For instance, baby ,  ,,53.  “Q
Y2 '=i` if  i, and are putting into practice methods advised by beeves finished by club members and sold at the   l
;Yii'g,`Y*`~.  _ County agents and field agents of the College. annual show and sale at the Bourbon Stock Yards   i
gZ,j’  s Such demonstrations serve to interest the com- in Louisville brought a total of $62,000 last No-   `
   . munity in the adoption of improved methods of vember. Thousands of dollars worth of lambs,  
 j  · handling the soil, the growing of better crops or pigs, dairy calves, fruit and vegetables are pro-    
T .~». Y    ‘ higher yields per acre, and the raising of better duced by these boys and girls every year, while y ’-   
s livestock. More than 20,000 such demonstrations they are learning by actually doing the Work g   il
, Were held last year. themselves, supervised by county and home agents _   j i;. 
-- Instead of working with individual farmers, and extension field men and women from the ,i ‘  [   2
 Y community programs for improvement are organ- College of Ag1`i€ilii¤1`€- i -i