“ `__ y_`· · 8 KENTUCKY ALUMNUS  _
j § ‘ . THORNTON LEWIS honored him with special entertainments. In I
 . 1 1. _- ,  —— January 1930 Mr. Lewis donated an endowment  
L { v_   _ Thornton Lewis was born in Versailles, Ky., for the F. Paul Anderson medal award to be pre- L
-     and was educated in the Frankfort Public schools, sented by the A. S. H. & V. E. annually for  
.   entering the State College of Kentucky from conspicuous achievement in the field of heating  _
Y g L , Frankfort High chool in 1902 and receiveing his and air conditioning. This is the first medal in _
·   . B-. M. E. from that the heating and Ventilating field, and is named in  
-   ‘ _ ____   itzt  I _:__ _ institution in 1906. honor of Dean F. Paul Anderson of the University < I
. i` L   In 1909 Mr- Lewis of Kentucky College of Engineering. —
_ I l       received his M. E. Mr. Lewis is ainember of Tau Beta Pi, A. S. H.  
l-     . Q; -·:·:·--“   from the State Uni- & V. E., A. S. M. E.,Manufactui·ers, Engineers,  l
e     I ; i     versity- University end Si- Derid’s Golf Clubs end is the
31   ` . Wi     F o l lo win e his Philedelnhie member of the Engineers Club of i
K   r   "   g r a d u a t io n Mr. New York-  1
2 .   - * r I   Lewis snent on e in iiiii he Wes inerried to Miss Elsie Ven Order
i i E   year in the engin- Ceerr or Menieleiit N- ·i· Mr- end Mrs- Lewis
~ · i I [ Y —   eering department here ienr ehildren- I
t 1   l l 1   of the Buffalo Forge ————·-·
L l V I   .   C o in ii e n y under C- H- CULLICN i
i 4 A   and from 1907 until C. H. Gullion came to the State College or l
‘ ?   1911 was sales en- Kentucky in 1900 from Carrollton, Ky., grariuat- _ 
. '   ¤“ gineer in New York ing from there in 1904 with e degree in Mecheni-
i   i   r..   City for the But- cal Engineering- He wes one of the most prom- .
» 1, l  i    =§2€e¥2¥2i2ii=ie ‘’‘‘‘° " 12,10 Steam Pump the varsity baseball team, was captain of the ·
    --091- Company, team in 1902, a member of Lamp and Cross .
l ’ From 1911 until 1921 Mp Lewis Wag g Senior honorary senior fraternity, Sigma Chi social fra-  1
member in the firm of Lewis, Robinson and telfnity, and WaS class giftorien. ; 
ji Grant, consulting and commercial engineers and Upon being gnadllamd fl`0ln the State College. A
’   also acted as manager of the Philadelphia ·dis- l\/ir. Gullion accept- 1    
‘ - trict of the Buialo Forge Company, the Buffalo ed a position with   ‘*-‘‘ t· ‘·‘·     .
Y r Steam Pump Company and the Carrier Air Con- the Western Elec-   __4;:;V1_ 1, lii    
I E ditioning Company. During the period from 1914 tric Company which   .__4 i   "
»     to 1919 he was also consulting engineer for the position he held for  _
  E . " in 1921 Mr Lewis organized end loeeenie active- nine reers with this   i.
 » i L lr interested in the York Heeting end Ventileting eemnenr eere him    i.
- ji 1 conipeny, His present position is president and practical experience  i
  , general manager of that company, a national or- and brought h i in    `
·‘  y` ganization with offices or branches in the into contact with   _’‘‘ ‘ ·
._   g principal cities. numerous engineer-   S
` i ., A In 1913 Mr. Lewis designed, invented and in g problems    =
A i l _ patented the Lewis Control system for operating American factories,  j
[ . { 21 l3,1‘g€ I1l.lITlb€1‘ of €l€Ct1`iC3.iiy dI'iV€1'1 DUHIDS 3116. Ill 1912 l‘1€ W3.S S€I'1`t     
» l especially suitable for sewage disposal plants. In to Europe as Direct-   r   Q
 · e l Mer l929 he Presented e ieener before the semi- ing Engineer for      ·
1 . 1 annual meeting of the A. s. H. & V. E. entitled western Eleetrieis     ‘
Q - “ObS€l`Viiig Werm Air in Cimllidtlolln which W-ds factories in London,    r
g   the lirst generel loener presented to the society Antwerp, B er l i n    ’
4 covering the Dl`lUCiDl€S of operation of unit heaters a n d P a 1. i S and ‘·== 5     =*· ‘  
  r 1 tor indusnel nlents- e stayed there ror four years.  
1 z_ » V i In 1929 Mr. Lewis was president of the Ameri- In 1917 Mr_ Gullion entered the {-ield of profes-  ·
i » i cen Society of Héilting and Ventilating Engin€€1‘S. sional industrial engineering where he gained  
lv , While abl·oad in -1929 the French and British In- invaluable contact with numerous well known i
  . Stltllte of Heating and Ventilating Engineers concerns. During the war however his actiVitiCS  R
i l.- '
1 if I .  `